send your gf my way, i'll cook her a nice meal for once
Send your gf my way, i'll cook her a nice meal for once
>whole grain pasta
ok, dad
Not enough calories
pic not related?
>unironically being a lesbian
Do any guys just malicipusly pretend to be feeders and then when the girl is a gross whale they leave them?
fawk brahj
Fag OP posted this two days ago and didnt get enough responses.
assuming you actually made that food, it looks really bland
not terrible for a beginner i guess
most something you made
oh yeah! you're poor as fuck and only make garbage
You're a faggot, she'd eat 3 bites of that and half my steak and baked potato like usual. Think you could out cook me. I've literally fed my girl vomit, baby bird style during plastic sheet sunday. She ate more of that than she would your over cooked whole grain faggotry.
> cook her a nice meal
> it's just chicken, shell pasta, and sliced cherry tomatoes
I don't know how to tell you this, but that is in no way, shape, or form """impressive"""
Gets the cocks out of your mouth for two seconds so we can understand you.
>single chicken breast obviously required twine
>it did not, however, require seasoning beyond pepper
>vegetables clearly not blanched
>storebought pasta
>frozen peas
you okay man?
>only quality food thread on entire board
this place fucking sucks
10/10 op, most of these cucks have probably never even cooked such a meal before in their lives and have no baseline to compare it too.
You're reaching levels of sarcasm here that shouldn't even be possible
why is it so easy to trigger poorfags? go make your top ramen and fantasize about a better life while you eat shit lmao, stay pressed
Dude you need to get off the internet for awhile, you've been shitposting at unsafe levels for a few days now.
you're a terrible cook, why do trashy families produce trash? don't you envision a better life for yourself? don't stay in the same place faggot
aw yea!
lmao you're
you are beyond saving at this point, before you reply to me, get up and look into the mirror; think about your life -- do you really want to live anymore? there's ways out, you know... explore them my man :^)
send your gf to me and i'll give her a good fuck for once
nice projection, how about you get a gun and kill your family? you're never going to amount to anything, and we both know this... consider my advice!
Presentation and colors are better than my usual, but she has a gutter palate thats weird and infantile and basically only I know how to make good food for it.
op here, I didn't make any of these rude posts... someone impersonated me
i just want to cuck you
Get a better camera dweeb. No girl will love you with those out of focus pictures.
Our third date, I made her a 1.5" Porterhouse, just shy of a proper rare (what she asked me to make... "somewhere between rare and sashimi"), dill, chive and tarragon fries with a caper-almond aioli, heavy on the garlic. Poblano and thinly sliced pickled shallots over lightly sauteed green beans to round it out.
Get some brown on that chicken next time, and make sure if you're photographing wet food to focus well - it looks slimy if you're off.