What's the backbone of your diet? Why eat that and should you change it?
I fill up on fruit because I get it cheap and I'm too lazy to cook. Will probably go diabeetus soon.
What's the backbone of your diet? Why eat that and should you change it?
I fill up on fruit because I get it cheap and I'm too lazy to cook. Will probably go diabeetus soon.
Whole grain bread and cereal. Whenever I don't know what to eat, I make a sandwich or toast with cream cheese or butter. Bread and olive oil dip with tomato slices and cheese on the side, sometimes sausage. And then corn flakes as a backup.
> Should I change it
No. They're nutritious and tasty.
Pita bread pizzas (just tomato sauce + mozzarella and whatever veg/meat I have)
Pulled pork in crock pot
Rice+sardines kimchi and seaweed
Occasionally it changes with sales but I'm pretty limited with no stovetop/eye and the guy I'm renting from doesn't allow it. I get good use out of my toaster oven though.
>What's the backbone of your diet?
>Why eat that?
Because I don't enjoy being alive
>Should you change it?
Currently, Eggs, shit tons of eggs. For some reason the local super market I go to has a Dozen cage free Extra large brown eggs for 1$ each dozen.
I've been coming up with ways to preserve them. I try to limit myself to 2 a day.
Pic is a simple soy,vinegar & wine "pickle" I am experimenting with.
Oats for breakfast and rice for dinner. I add whatever to them and that's the majority of my diet. No reason to change it as they're a cheap filler for my simple healthy meals.
Tonight I will have rice with stir fried cabbage and carrot.
butter, onion, rice.
>What's the backbone of your diet?
>Why eat that
Because I like it and it's a good meal stretcher, I can get a nice chunk of butt portion for $1.29 a pound and let that sucker simmer in a crockpot for several hours, then tear it down after dinner and be set for a week or two for sandwiches and casseroles and omelettes and all sorts of other dishes.
>should you change it?
Sodium's a bit of a problem, but I rarely salt anything else and drink plenty of water and it's still a great bang for my buck so nah.
bread and cheese i eat it because the tastiness to cheapness ratio is off the chart
chicken thighs. They're cheap, I work out so I need protein, and it's incredibly versatile in terms of the sheer quantity of different dishes I can make.
A bare bones shop for me would be:
chicken thigh
some form of cheese
a nice tomato
brussels sprouts
garlic ciabatta
a small bag of doritos
I have a pretty varied diet, but I think I rely pretty heavily on potatoes, peppers, chicken and fish.
It's not like they're every meal, but I don't think I've gone a week without them somewhere in my diet.
Fruit is perfectly healthy.
It shouldn't be bad unless you're gorging on it with an already high blood sugar or just drinking the juices
rice cakes
tv dinners
frozen vegetables
I need more protein in my diet. Thinking about buying a bucket of powder and just having a scoop in the mornings.
Because it's tasty as hell, filling, easy to make and versatile.
>should you change it?
Never. My grandpa lived on that shit and I'm gonna carry on his legacy.
Vegetables and fruit. Cheap, low calorie, filling and nutritious. Some frozen, most fresh. A banana everyday helps. I feel weird when I haven't had one now. Changes? Probably less sugary fruit, I have an orange everyday instead of juice, and I love tinned prunes but they're oversweet and sickly sometimes, even the unsweetened ones.
anyone who tries to take my rice from me will lose an eye ^ω^
Fat, I guess.
Pasta since I've been a broke student. Since we're 4 at my place and I'm the only one paying for food/preparing it, I can just boil a big pot of spaghetti and sauce.
Cheese and bread come right after.
legumes of various types and bread, followed by non-fat dairy.
kys weeb
Chicken, brown rice and potatoes make up most of my diet.
Smoothies and cereal for breakfasts.
I'm cheap as fuck but I think my diet isn't too nasty. Just bland.
How does platypus taste?
I eat like half a kilo of bread every day, mostly through open-faced sandwiches
a bit like beaver
Carbs, I've started intermittently fasting to try and balance it out and hopefully unfuck my insulin resistance.
I can't really find affordable and bulk nutritious foods in my area it seems.
Or at least things that wouldn't be a chore to cook.
That actually sounds decent maybe.
My go-to snack is chocolate.
I definitely need to change that, I've been trying to slowly cut down on it. I used to have intense cravings when I first started and didn't eat it for a day, but I'm doing fine now.
Eggs probably. Whenever I am home during the day I make an egg-related dish for lunch or breakfast.
Cause it's quick, easy, and adaptable.
I probably should.
Cheddar Goldfish crackers
I'm fat
Stop making excuses. Ground beef, pork and veal as well as almost all kinds of chicken are extremely cheap and easy to prepare
So are veggies like Carrots and Asparagus.
oatmeal and peanut butter
also a shitton of coffee and sometimes dark chocolate (usually the 85% dark lindt bars or the 72% trader joe's 3-packs)
>Since we're 4 at my place and I'm the only one paying for food/preparing it
What the fuck? Why are you such a cuck?
milk desu
How does beaver taste ?
Potato, i guess.
I was gonna say i don't have a staple, i get tons of different stuff all year 'round, but i probably get most of my calories from potato.
How can you diabetes from furit, you cant get it that way
If she has bad hygiene, like fish
If she has good hygiene, slightly sour but not bad
Pretty much eggs and some protein rich icelandic yoghurt called "skyr".
>Fruit causes diabetes
Please tell me this is a troll.
PLEASE for heaven's sake, this cannot possibly be real.
Oats, Apples, Trout, Coffee and Pizza.
Why eat that? Because I enjoy them, they're plentiful and (mostly) healthy.
Should I change it? Nah.
Some kind of legume like lentils, beans, chickpeas, with a leafy green and spices. I should add more variety, even just mixed frozen veg but it's very cheap and easy to make a big batch for the week.
I eat a lot of Tilapia. 3-4d days of the week I'm eating it.
Because they come frozen in large bags, are cheaper than red meat, and defrost rather quickly.
>Should I change this?
It's probably healthier than eating chicken all the time. I could learn some better- yet still easy- ways to make it tasty.
>what is type II diabetes
if you abuse your pancreas enough it will get you sooner or later
watermelon has an obscenely high GI on par with jellybeans and frenchfries
Mostly vegetables, by volume. My dinners are a protein dish with usually two vegetable side dishes, and my lunches are the leftovers of those.
a bit like platypus
Backbone of my diet currently is rice and lentils, because I'm poor and that's what I have in bulk.
Milk. If I don't feel like cooking I'll just drink a litre of milk.