>Let the knife do the work
Let the knife do the work
I'm willing to bet you have a drawer full of dull, misshapen knives that you just pound through whatever you are cutting without a moment's thought.
I'm willing to bet you're the op bumping a piece of shit thread
you know you can see the amount of IPs that have posted in the thread right retard
Stupid frog
let the cock do the work
You know people can post from their phone and from their computer and have it register as two different IPs right?
Why would someone go through the effort to do that?
>decide to shitpost on Veeky Forums
>american food vs euro food threads are too cliche
>I know
>I'll post about my failure to understand a kitchen technique with a pepe picture
>then, thirty five minutes later I'll go to a different part of the house and use another PC on an entirely seperate network and criticize the original post!
>it's almost TOO easy....Veeky Forums will never know what hit 'em!
i do this sometimes.
Do you feel good about yourself?
I've done much worse bait thread constructions tbqh f.am (not on Veeky Forums though, not enough (You) potential)
The (You)s feel good. But it's shit bait if you need to bump it, I only do it for quality threads.
you HAVENT done this?
sometimes I'll do it from a different house for added potential
>he doesn't argue with himself on Veeky Forums to start a shitflinger fuckfest
do you even like to have fun?
Op here
Good thread op
Thanks, OP.
This has been OP with Veeky Forums On The Daily.
Back to you, OP.
>cooks food
>taste food
>um um um 10/10
Me too.
Sometimes when i shitpost on /sp/ i get a ferry to France, Holland or Ireland to change my flag.
I'm willing to bet you've never had a gf.
>Set knife on counter next to food to be prepared.
>Leave house.
>Come back, knife is gone.
>TV is gone, all of my valuables are gone.
>Gun safe broken into.
>Door kicked in.
Never trust knives.
not him but I don't own a smart phone
>mfw this thread is just one person's posts
lul vpn extensions are easier
God I wish I could do that
>live on the Mexican border
>stick my phone through the border fence to get a Mexican IP to shitpost on /int/
>let the waterbed do the work