An ancient Korean wine recipe requires baby mice as one of its essential ingredients. Baby mice are taken from their mothers and thrown in ajar filled with rice wine while they are alive. These tiny beings eventually drown and are left to ferment.
Enjoyed in China and Korea
Thanks for the recipe.
>oh no muh cute fuzzy little bebbies ;~;
we toss lobsters in to boiling water alive but none of you philistines ever give a shit about that
what cheese do you pair it with?
>muhth thtrawman isth thoh thtupid
Pretty sure the same people who get upset about the baby mice get upset about the lobsters, genius.
i'd try it at least once.
WTF! I'm vegan now!
the same kind you use to bait mouse traps
Wrong. People only ever complain about cute animals being mistreated.
There is something infinitely more barbaric about taking freshly born mammals and letting them slowly drown in alcohol and boiling lobsters. Although I don't like the idea of not stunning the lobster first.
I'm sorry this argument only holds so much weight. Tortured food is not good for you either because the body releases cortisol until it dies. It's just gross, and furthermore who the fuck defends this shit?
Are there any more solid arguments than "crab, mouse, dog, chicken, human, arr rook same in soup"?
I give a shit because it probably tastes like shit.
this is literally something you could find in the back of your cellar and someone thought it tasted good or lied and said it was good for some ailment.
you just complained about fucking lobsters,
Nah, people get hung up on lobsters because they apparently hold hands with their kids or something
lobsters are cute
No one ever complains about rats in their scrumpy
Do not let those large eyes and clicky clackers fool you.
It could be worse.
>and are left to ferment.
How is that possible given the strong alcohol content?
I think meant "steep", not "ferment".
and here we were making fun of pajeet when korea was the real culprit all along
it's only a problem if the animal in question is rare, like poor fucked by chinese Rhinos.
>An ancient Korean wine recipe requires baby mice as one of its essential ingredients. Baby mice are taken from their mothers and thrown in ajar filled with rice wine while they are alive. These tiny beings eventually drown and are left to ferment.
>Enjoyed in China and Korea
Well, I don't really give a shit about the babies but that is downright disgusting.
What does it even taste like? Is it safe to drink or could you get food poisoning from it?
>Is it safe to drink or could you get food poisoning from it?
There are countless different variations on what OP is mentioning. Snake wine, deer penis wine, baby mouse name it. There is no end to the number of things that Asians will put into "rice wine" and steep for it supposed medical benefits.
That said, what they are calling "rice wine" would probably better be called "moonshine". It's distilled liquor; very strongly alcoholic, there will be no live bacteria in there.
>It's distilled liquor; very strongly alcoholic, there will be no live bacteria in there.
I suppose that would be true if the alcohol content is at least close to 50%.
Still, that is downright nasty, I would drink snake wine but I would be quite worried about the origins of the rats used here, don't want to drink anything sewer rats been swimming in, you know?
It looks like they are just plucked straight from the womb. So the animals they were born from would be in captivity.
>It looks like they are just plucked straight from the womb. So the animals they were born from would be in captivity.
What worries me is the origin of the rat mothers that they picked the fetuses from.
Well they aren't going to use Chinese food grade rats for their booze.
Why would the origin of the rats matter at all? The alcohol is going to kill whatever bacteria might have been there anyway.
>I suppose that would be true if the alcohol content is at least close to 50%.
Generally speaking, around 20% is strong enough to kill most microrganisms. That's why you never see a naturally "brewed" beverage that's stronger than the teens. The alcohol will kill the yeast that produces it so no more fermentation will occur. To get alcohol any higher in concentration requires additional procedures, like distillation by heat or by freezing.
....and that stuff is probably closer to 80% alcohol anyway. Even a crude homemade still can easily hit that mark.
In case you weren't aware, common alcoholic beverages like rum or whiskey are barreled at very high % ABV and are diluted prior to bottling. This shit is straight out of the still firewater.
Fuck you chinks!
>finding a use for noxious pests is barbaric
They want to eat our grain? Let's see how the little bastards like grain in its pure distilled form.
I see whut u did there.
In Alberta there are no rats. So there are no convenient excuses to make alcoholic drinks out of their young.
>Why would the origin of the rats matter at all? The alcohol is going to kill whatever bacteria might have been there anyway.
Still, it is disgusting, and im pretty sure it only kills the bacteria, not the contaminants the rats would have deposited in their bodies from a life in the sewers, you just can't take those heavy metals out!
Gross. Not just because "muh live baby mice", but because there's nothing in mice that's good for you after they've fermented in wine for months.
And as for you, Only heathens throw live lobsters into boiling water. You use a knife to pierce it's brain directly, before adding them to the pot, it's much more humane. And, you don't throw them into boiling water unless you like tough lobster. You throw them into a pot of warm heated water, and bring it to a simmer, because boiling fresh meat makes all the muscles fibers and tendons seize up and creates toughness.
Just like the weirdo mice wine would be more humane if they pierced their brains before adding them to the wine.
However, the Chinese are (by lineage) a cruel race, and have never had a problem torturing the shit out of any living thing (look up lingchi, or "death by a thousand cuts" as illustrative - it wasn't banned UNTIL 1905!). Same for the Japanese, although they are actually less cruel now than they were just several generations ago, they're learning.
is it good though?
>dead baby rice
Choose one.
Fromunda cheese, obviously.
Good thing Korea isn't Alberta then, you shit.
Glue traps are still used in pest control, and I'm pretty sure dying stuck to a glue trap is way worse than drowning in alcohol.
Why is this board so fucking cancerous? You faggots argue like you're in highschool
>caring about bottom feeders who live on dead fish carcases
>people who feast on tortured animals
I'll never understand.
No one eats that shit t.korean
I'm fucking stupid. I kept reading "baby mince", as in, minced babies.
>I stopped learning in 1995 and listen to stupid hollywood Jewesses
As an educated Korean man I agree with him.
Uneducated old bastards probably do.
yeah nice try
koreans will eat anything that's been fermented
>Tortured food is not good for you either
Wrong. There is a reason why many asian people torture the dogs before killing it. It makes the meat taste better.
What is it with Koreans and weird wine? They have that poo wine too.
These aren't beings.
They're vermin, and they're being put to a culturally relevant good use.
Get fucked.
>>many asian people
No, user, it's a niche thing even among people who eat dog in the first place, which is already a niche.
Compared to the fact that 99% of animal slaughter tries to be as fast and efficient as possible....
lovsters along with every other fish in the sea do not have the brain capacity to process pain you fucking idiot
>do not have the brain capacity to process pain you fucking idiot
This is complete nonsense made up by people who want to justify hurting things. Of course they process pain, if they couldn't process pain they would constantly injure themselves without noticing. That's the whole point of pain, to keep you from doing things that are harming you
Pain is only one example of a protection mechanism. Reflex actions are another. It is entirely possible for a living thing to avoid harming itself via mechanisms that have nothing to do with pain.
There is a difference from being aware of input and reacting to that and actually feeling pain.
Oh fucking yuuuuccckkkk
God those filthy savages will eat anything
No there isn't. Consciousness is a myth. The difference between how a bug perceives the world and how we do is only a difference of degrees.