How would you improve this salad, Veeky Forums?
How would you improve this salad, Veeky Forums?
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Requesting a fork instead of a fucking spoon would be a start.
School cafeteria/10, make it Greek
Chop the tomatoes into smaller pieces. Drizzle with olive oil. Use less lettuce. Add some basil and parsley. Add some other vegetables like cucumbers, radishes, diced onions, and cherry tomatoes. Add a cheese, probably either mozzarella, feta, or blue cheese. Black pepper. Use a fork instead of a fucking spoon.
Make it a wedge salad
1) better quality ingredients; those tomatoes look like they aren't ripe yet and the lettuce is much too pale.
2) Get some more variety in there, not just lettuce + tomato.
3) It looks like you might have a dressing on there, but it looks very watery/weak.
Why do so many diners use that same paper placemat? Is there some kind of Greek Diner Supply Mafia that you have to get approval to purchase all diner supplies from as part of the contract to open the restaurant? How deep does this rabbit hole go?
Jesus fucking christ user.
Some of that salad is already old and yellowed, the rest is just white. Except that, it's literally just iceberg and tomatoes.
Get some mozarella, slice into quarters, then chop and mix in. Get some cucumber, do the exact thing, have little cucumber wands. Maybe chop up some spinach, red onions, and sundried tomatoes, put them over there. Then a shit ton of balsamic. Finish with a few twists of pepper and a sprinkle of salt.
Cut the lettuce better, cut the tomatoes down a bit. Add some more things like croutons, black olives, bacon bits, etc..
Replace the tomatoes with a bun and all white meat breaded chicken patty. Shred the lettuce. Replace the dressing with McChicken sauce. That sounds delectable, doesn't it?
It's probably from Sysco or something.
>Is there some kind of Greek Diner Supply Mafia that you have to get approval...
No, but there are standard designs that every restaurant supply wholesaler carries.
>Chuck tomatoes, insert into trash.
>Put in larger bowl.
>Add more iceburg.
>Add red onion, black olives, spinach.
>Add bacon bits, pepperoni, shredded cheddar.
>Thin lines of ranch separated by 1/4 inch of space between lines.
peanut butter and mustard
Little dill weed and lemon will make it palatable. Also drench in ranch.
Using a mix of lettuces.
I actually don't hate iceberg, but it should be mixed with other, more tender leaves, and more spicy leaves, to balance the salad. But a salad of mixed lettuces or greens, plus better tomatoes than that, and you've got a nice thing. Add either some homemade vinaigrette or some blue cheese vinaigrette, and some fresh cracked pepper, and you're golden.
>improve this salad
Seriously? It's fucking sad as it is. Lose the rubber tomatoes -- wait for RIPE, REAL tomatoes. Find some decent lettuce and use at least three kinds of it. Get a bigger bowl. Rub the bowl with raw garlic. Drain and rinse a can of kidney beans, open a tin of anchovies, rinse some capers, chop up some goat cheese. Compose a new salad. That would be a decent start. Maybe steam some hard boiled eggs if you're low on other protein sources.
Not using the lowest tier lettuce is probably where I would start.
I was liking where you were going but then the last two lines just did a big stinky poo all over it.
By avoiding iceberg lettuce
apply some makoto dressing
I'd start over because that salad is too far gone to salvage
more of them vagina lookin things
(i just clicked a kitten in the hamster captcha and it went through)
Add some avocado.