When will this fad end?
When will this fad end?
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literally the only correct way to maintain your knives
what is the fad?
>it's a surgical black washita, you've probably never heard of it
Last I checked actually effective abrasives existed, but if you're such a delusional old timey cosplayer that you only own rust magnets with zero chromium, then sure, enjoy grinding for hours. Is that before or after you massage flaxseed oil into your cast iron pans?
nu males
what the fuck are you talking about. stones are the only way to sharpen a knife
tattoos are the fucking fad that needs to end
every pussy ass bitch has multiple tats now. its lost its meaning and edginess. like the word faggot on Veeky Forums
You have no idea what youre talking about.
>sharpening knives
lol poorfags just buy a new one
>modernity isn't real
lol, let me guess candles are the only light you can read by? natural stones are for the mentally ill
great argument
What the fuck kind of bookshop allows you to just start whetting knives?
Why can't you weebs just cut with your dull knives already!!! I mean JEEZE!
nu-males leave
I mean there's quite a few fads in this pic, all of which should probably end.
First, that man appears to be using a synthetic stone. Second, who cares? Do you only use Formica countertops because granite is FOR WEEBS? Do you only use synthetic oil in your car because regular motor oil is FOR WEEBS? Maybe you only eat processed meat because regular steak is FOR WEEBS???? Sometimes, natural materials work fine, and many times they work better or just as well as the latest, greatest synthetics.
>sharpening/honing knives is a fad
What the fuck do you mean "is a fad"? Knives have been around for at least 2 million years according to the best archaeological results we have, which, in case you can't count, is a REALLY FUCKING LONG TIME AGO. It's practically one of the single oldest tools ever invented, after the wheel and the tipped spear.
I don't know where humanity went so fucking wrong as to make abject mouth-breathing retards like you welcome, even on a board like Veeky Forums. All you're capable of doing is just mindlessly spouting off about how this food or this technique is a meme and I bet you've never had a demonstrably intelligent thought in your whole fucking life. Everything has to be a fucking fad because who in all of human history would ever think to do something as insane as DOING THINGS THAT KEEP THEIR TOOLS IN GOOD WORKING ORDER?
I fucking hate you and everyone like you and everything you represent. I hate that you had this thought, typed it out into the "start new thread" box, solved the Captcha, picked an image, and during all this time, never thought about how UNIMAGINABLY DUMB making a post like this is.
What a fucking waste of human life. I'll let you enjoy the sensation of getting a (You) because it's obviously the only thing that makes each day of your pathetic existence more bearable.
God help us all.
>he thinks a washita stone is from Japan
Please leave and never post about sharpening again for the rest of your life
t. triggered Redditor
nothing gayer than the fag with a whetstone on his line spending hours fucking with his $300 weeb knives instead of getting work done so everyone can go home.
jesus dude, the 13th amendment makes it illegal to own a nigga like that
I'd tell you to slit your throat, but your knife is probably too dull to do that. Just go poke your eye and get an infection instead.
>Knives have been around for at least 2 million years according to the best archaeological results
Metallurgy is only about 7000 years old, my friend.
Literally the most cucked pretext for a ''''business'''' in this multiculti hell, of course nu males would congregate there to virtue signal
I guess if you count really sharp rocks as knives he's right
t. triggered Redditor
>g-great thing you misspoke... o-otherwise I might've had to respond to y-your argument... huehuehue
Oh look it's another OP didn't bother to say what the thread is about episode.
You used 4 /pol/ buzzwords in that sentence, yet you expect to be taken seriously
>you can only make knives with metal
>plastic knives and bone/stone knives aren't knives
Hey brit.
And as we all know, humans have only ever made knives from metal
I guess if you count blunt rocks as firearms, then guns were invented by early primates.
me on the left
Who said anything about metal? You think we just fucking never cut anything before humanity stumbled upon copper? If you can sharpen a rock and lash it to a stick to make a spear, you can certainly make a long sharp stone blade and lash it to a shorter stick to make a knife.
You are literally incapable of having,let alone expressing a thought that doesn't originate on /pol/, aren't you?
>cavemen invented plastic knives
t. triggered Reddor who just looked up what "washita" means
you don't like tats don't get any. I mean it is not like your opinion does carry any weight at all...
>after the wheel and the tipped spear.
What? No way is a knife more recent than the wheel. Travois and firedrill, as well as snares, nets, and hooks, are probably millenia older than the wheel. Sharp stick and sharp stone (spear and knife) are probably the oldest inventions.
My girlfriend is a cook, and every dude she works with looks just like that. I've hung out with a few of them, and they all have this pseudo-masculine nerd posturing bullshit going on.
Oh, and one of them got a nice new Rick and Morty tattoo a couple days ago.
>comparing something that requires explosive powder to propel a projectile to something that just needs a sharp edge, and using that as a gotcha
who is this qt
Because pic related is totally the same thing as a "sharp rock," am I right?
Fucking manlets. When will you learn?
Would you learn a new ad hominem phrase already?
Shut the fuck up. OP didn't say shit about "washita."
>crustasean shells are largely composed of cellulose, a natural polymer
why would you count a blunt rock as a firearm? no barrel, no gunpowder, no trigger action, no nothing. it's a weapon, sure, but no reasonable person would say that hurling some igneous rock and firing a rifle are the same thing.
"knife" is sufficiently general that it can include really primitive stuff because all you need is an elongated hard piece of something that's sharp on one edge, attached to something resembling a handle.
A sharp rock wouldn't have its handles fall off after the third wash. Just saying.
I am illiterate: The Post. The Movie. The Game.
>this nigga doesn't know how to knapp flint
>comparing a broken piece of rock that can't slice, chop or shear with a refined steel knife just so you can save face from your ridiculous claim that "archaeological results" exist proving that "knives" were invented "2 million years" ago
Kill yourself.
>sharp piece of rock
>sharp piece of refined rock with a handle
It's almost like technology advances or something.
Okay, that ad hom didn't even make any sense
iron ore is basically a rock, so yea thats a sharp rock
functionally, yes. it is.
can someone please translate this for me
>not buying Jay Fisher knives with stone handles which have the exact same coefficient of expansion as the metal itself thereby rendering them dishwasher safe
I don't know why I try to help you people anymore
>trying THIS HARD to save face
Why would you count a sharp rock as a knife? No edge, no handle, no sharpenability, no nothing. It's a cutting implement, sure, but no reasonable person would say that forcing a rock through a piece of meat with enough force and delicately mincing onions are the same thing.
You're a dumbass.
>can't slice, chop, or shear
says who
>A knife (plural knives) is a tool with a cutting edge or blade, hand-held or otherwise, with most having a handle.
Please tell me where in that definition it says ANYTHING about metal.
Just because the common knife today is made out of steel doesn't mean that the core concept of a knife is sharp metal on a handle.
Let me guess, liberal arts major?
Right, because knife steel and iron ore are the same thing. Brainlet.
Functionally, a firearm and a heavy, blunt rock are the same thing because they can both be used to kill a rabbit. A blunt, heavy rock is the same as a gun, according to you.
as i learned in middle school with the ring and ball experiment, expansion goes in all feasible directions, so sharing a coefficient of expansion doesnt mean much if its not designed for controlled expansion, because it will also expand inward
steel is 99%~ iron. if you want to be obtuse, youll get obtuse responses
>pseudo-masculine nerd posturing bullshit
What the fuck do you mean by this?
Definitions are a very recent invention. The earliest dictionary dates to only 2300 BC. Knives date to 7000 BC, so definitions of what a knife is can only imperfectly approach the truth, never reaching it, like a mathematical asymtote.
He's saying bookstores are stupid and fags go there to jerk each other off
the world would be better off without you wasting everyone else's air
do us all a favor and finish the abortion your mom attempted 20 years ago
To be fair, with later flint knapping techniques, and similar with obsidian, late stone knives had razor sharp edges that were unsurpassed by metallurgy until the industrial revolution.
One of the most advanced technological developments in human history was bashing flint in just the right angles to get multiple blades off of one effective node (basically multiplying the useful surface area of the same resource).
It's pretty sad, for the access to knowledge modern humans have, to be so ignorant and stupid. Neolithic era humans were probably the apex of our species.
Not putting knives in the dishwasher isn't because of some bullshit different coefficient of expansion, but partly because dishwasher fuck wood up (and that goes for any wood utensils), but primarily because most dishwashing detergent is abrasive and will fuck up your edge. If you like dull knives though go right ahead.
Also those handles are fucking tacky and probably have no grip.
Right. Because iron ore is the same thing as pure iron. Dumbshit. What did you think you were trying to prove here?
>steel is refined iron
>iron is an ore
Med student, but I can't cure your stupidity.
>people are largely hydrogen
>hydrogen is found in stars
>people are stars
Now we're getting places.
>med student
You mean pre-med.
flint knapping isnt what made the edges sharp, the natural faults of the rock wouldve already been razor sharp, at least in obsidians case. the purpose of knapping the edge wasnt to increase sharpness, but durability. a natural edge was exceptionally sharp, but also brittle. a knapped edge could achieve all the necessary functions of the sharper natural edge, but with many times the resilience
*extracted from ore
do you live your life stumbling around the way you are here?
>it has a handle and a sharp edge
>that makes it a knife
Real artists & craftsmen form a bond with their tools.
Are you just going to keep making obtuse comparisons? It doesn't make you look smart. It just makes you look like a complete asshole
>immediately googles something to form a response
i guess thats a yes
It's good that you have some awareness of how stupid this kind of flawed reasoning is. Now apply that to your own posts.
so, to you, classification of an item is strictly dependent on the shape/construction/composition of an item and has nothing to do with how it's used? even with regards to primitive items?
How on fucking earth is "A sharp pointed rock is functionally indistinguishable from a knife" as unreasonable as "Humans are literally billions of tons of hydrogen and helium" and "I'm shooting people by throwing my shit at them"?
I'm not even that red you fuck
This is a bow. Prior to the invention of the musket, it was USED to kill deer. Is a bow just a kind of primitive musket?
If you're going to define "knife" in such loose terms as "sharp pointy thing," which could obviously include any number of other items, like arrowheads, sewing needles, ax heads, or literally anything - then why do you think you have a right to get upset when I define bodies by their elemental composition.