What does Veeky Forums think of my Bison meatballs?
>ground bison
>1/2 cup quick oats
>1/2 cup milk
>fresh garlic
>sauteed diced white onions
>sea salt, dried basil, dried parsley, dried oregano, ground black pepper, and a little bit of garlic powder
Once the meatballs are formed in the pan (next pic)
>one strip of thin cut bacon cut in half and crossed across the meatballs
>in the oven pre-heated at 400 F
>in for like 45 minutes or something (last time I did it at a different temp and with just ground beef chuck so don't know how long this will take)
How'd I do?
What does Veeky Forums think of my Bison meatballs?
Get fucked queer bait. You fags do that shit to any post that isn't
>hey look at these store bought X
>le milk steak skittles maymay
And... done. What do you guys think?
Looks delicious...would eat...
Drop the bacon meme and mince the onion finer.
Also I'd personally make them smaller, I can feel my body getting tired just looking at those
Thanks senpai. I ended up over salting them though.
Now make some awesome spagetti
I only used 1b of ground Bison nigga. Also the bacon was mostly for texture and a bit of flavor into the meat.
Nah mang, Just doing it over some pasta with jarred Newmans Sockarooni
Bison is far too lean for meatballs, you fucked up badly.
t. dago wop
Stop replying to yourself.
A meatball the size of a tangerine.
>muh fatty meatballs
good looking. but was bacon absolutely necessary.
>know your stuff
why thank you!
I just happened to have some so I did it again.
The only problem so far is that they're salty as fuck. Fucked up. They're plenty moist though.
you're literally starting to slip up.
>tfw no one even recognized my dank /tv/ meme
>tfw faggot op keeps bumping his own thread so people can not tell him how awful his overpriced meatballs are
Bison is really lean. You need extra fat incorporated in there. Bacon works fine but you can use something else.
No shit. There's not really a way I can prove you that I wasn't samefagging but I find your insistence funny when one of the posts you claim is mine is actually a snarky asshole who thinks that Bison isn't fat enough
Also I have quite a bit of fat in there
>the butter I did the onions in
>the bacon
And something I forgot to put in the OP
>an egg
I had a supreme pizza with bison sausage on it once
it was the best pizza I've ever had and I think about it a lot
ok OP
don't trip over your own fatrolls when you stand up from your cart to pretend you're cooking OP
Fucking kill yourself
I'd eat it but I don't understand the point of wrapping a meatball in bacon. Seems like a hassle that doesn't add much in terms of flavor.
Damn fine effort. Critique: use a panade (milk & bread) for your balls, fresh herbs, some grated Parmesan, finely mince the bacon and work it into the meat. Smoked cheek bacon would be nice.
It's bacon you don't need an excuse XDDXDX le bacin narwhals at midmights AFA:GNA:GN
Thanks mang. You're right though. I just went the cheating way about it.
Plus I've never used panade
Hey don't bring narwhals into this, they didn't do anything.
A must for balls, loaf. I'm kinda fapping to these smoky bison balls with some cheedar broccoli, spƤtzle.