How do I eat 4000 calories a day and not gain any weight? I love to eat. Pizza, chinese food, french fries. I just don't want to get fat. How does one have it all?
How do I eat 4000 calories a day and not gain any weight? I love to eat. Pizza, chinese food, french fries...
Heavy exercise. Like, extreme exercise. And it can't be 4000 calories in carbs like pizza, either.
Exercise. A lot.
NFL players and bodybuilders regularly eat 5000+ calories a day.
Move, a fucking lot
How do I spend $4000 a day and not lose any money?
I find it easy to burn an "extra" 2000 calories in a day with very high intensity cycling.. I don't know if i could do it every day, but if i wanted to eat that much i would have to
How many hours of biking per day? My current BMR is only 2700 total.
We don't know your weight, so we can't calculate this for you.
Find an activity calculator online. Three or four hours of very heavy cycling is my blind estimate though.
Bulimia, you also get the bonus of tasting all your meals twice.
A fucking lot.
And lift weights.
Just monitor your weight. If you notice that you are gaining weight, exercise more or eat less. It's literally as simple as that.
Post a drop email/contact/discord or whatever and I'll do whatever math you need and help you with nutrition/fitness goals if you like
throw it up right after
This. There's a photo from the late 1800s running around of these lanky guys who were cutting down trees in California, burning through something like 8000 calories a day.
get cold
really cold
like stay in a bathtub of cold water for 2-3 hours at a time
Don't do this, ruins your teeth and your hair thins/falls out. Also takes like 4 months to completely heal a minor scratch. It ruins your life and takes a heavy toll on your heart.
Steal credit card info
You seem to believe that I am a sociable person. r9k is my home board. I would sooner die than interact with somebody one on one.
fuck off dezza
You have an eating disorder. Seek a doctor
Run 10 km per day or bike 50 km a day.
Make $4000.01 a day
You'd probably want to buy a trainer. I can't really just answer "how many hours" because it depends on how much power you output.
that's me been lifting at least 12 tons daily 5 days a week when conditions allow for over a year now
dont think I've burned less than 4k calories in a day since i was 18, I'm 6 ft 2, 185 lb
sprained my ankle last week and had to stop moving and it felt really weird
>NFL players regularly eat 5000+ calories a day.
Is that why they all look like fat fucks and need the game to be stopped for a breather every 30s or so?
Fat is really important if you're actually using all that muscle you're building. Bodybuilders are practically made of glass compared to your average ~300lb linebacker.
Burn 4001 calories per day
Most strongmen and powerlifters got quite a bit of chub on them. but there strong as fuck and eat maybe like 5,000 calories a day and shit blood.
If you want to eat like 4000 calories worth of pizza and fast food then ull need to have hit the genetic jackpot or metabolism and still workout.
>Eat as much as you can
>Put two fingers in the throat as deep as you can
>Clean everything up
>Proceed to eat everything else
You can eat that much and it will all go away fast if most of it isn't carbs.
Why can't you just eat normal food? It's as good as garbage food if you can cook and healthier.
Fat contains more calories than carbohydrate.
they're also on roids and hgh
>50 km
Try 100 km
>calories is determining factor body energy consumption
Niggah I eat two times more calories eating only fat and proteins than when I used to eat carbs and I'm losing 1-2kg a week, currently 90kg for 1.80.
>he can defy the first law of thermodynamics
You're a fucking idiot, son.
Whatever youre eating you're expending more energy than your consuming.
Learn about the Glycemic Index.
Carbs aren't the inherent problem, but simple carbs are.
If you wanna get fat eat your potatoes.
>what is keto
>how does a body Works I've never been in a biology class
An excess of calories is the problem.
Doesn't matter what food group they come from.
Stop making excuses you fat bastards.
>what is keto?
A fad diet.
Expend more energy than you consume and you'll lose weight.
>How many hours of biking per day?
For 4000 calories? You better learn to ride that bike in your sleep. There are far more efficient ways to cardio unless you have bad ankles or knees.
Physical work
Absolute /M A S T E R M I N D/ right here
Work construction
Working out a lot.
>fad diet
>can detect ketones in blood and urine when the body switched to fat burning as fuel source
>fad diet
Get your brain checked, moron. Probably caught some stupidity-inducing worms from eating half cooked steak.
>run 10 km
>or bike 50 km
Not joking here, lots of cardio and weightlifting. You basically need to be jacked and still run all the time. Sorry about your knees.
You're a tard. Keto diets have been proven to work for diabetics not only as a way to lose weight, but also as a way to switch their body from using carbs as fuel and using fat instead. People can get off of insulin this way.
For a diabetic, a keto diet is a better way to lose weight, whereas someone with heart problems and high cholesterol need a LOW fat, high protein diet.
>Food groups do matter you mong
Just get fat
you just need good genes and not to be afraid to die at 40 to a heart attack because of clogged arteries
>Carbs aren't the inherent problem, but simple carbs are
Which carbs are simple and which aren't?
Fiber is indigestible and non-nutritive, sugar is obviously not great and to my knowledge starch isn't fantastic for you either.
Calories isn't the ONLY thing you have to watch out for. Nutrition is a factor as well.
Sure if you consume less calories than you use you'll lose weight, but if 100% of those calories are Hostess cupcakes your health is going to go to shit.
One needs to watch what they eat as well as how much.
You realize that even if you work out and burn off that fat you eat to look good, you'll still suffer all sorts of adverse effects from the nutrition itself right? You cant just eat 4000 calories of Mcdonalds a day and burn it off, but expect to be fine after awhile just because you didnt gain weight.
t. fat shit diabetic.
bet you a million that it's fish.
You could at max probably go at 2500 calories with heavy exercise maybe even 3000 if you're really active.
>doing keto
It's a meme diet that gives you bad breathe and liquid shits
Added bonus: if you purge several types of food at once, you may get ideas for new flavor combinations.
I'm willing to bet your special keto diet hasn't done shit for your body or your physique and am willing to put my money where my mouth is rn desu it's a meme diet prove me wrong :^)
>meme diet
It's as memey as your physique which you seem too ashamed to post.
I wasn't the one advocating a keto diet, idiot.
Do try and keep up.
Not a lot of effort I need to put in when you're putting in all the work