What can I do with croissants rather than eat them plain? They're great like that and all i'm just tired of eating them that way.
And making a sandwich with them seems weird to me because I don't like sweet breads for sandwiches
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>Sweet bread
croissants have a sweetness to them and in a sandwich they'd replace the bread, keep up you dumb cow
They're not sweet though, they're buttery. Or at least they're not supposed to be sweet.
Wait a day then:
Wow, that looks disgusting. Ramsay really is a talentless retard.
If you let them go a tad stale you can make French toast
Croissants taste sweeter than bread. That's real bread though, not your white American bullshit
they're amazing for bacon egg and cheeses
Put apricot or any fruit in or stuff it with sweet shit like chocolate or any jam you like
You can toast them to cook out some of the sugar
preferably in a sandwich press or like a griddle
the ONLY good way to use croissants is a ham and cheese melt. bake the stuff together.
swiss. ham. croissant.
Eggs Benedict
All the croissants I've had were made with added sugar.
Americans add fucking hfcs to everything. Their bread is disgustingly sweet, unlike bread anywhere else in the world. It doesn't surprise me they have to add sugar or hfcs to croissants
Sugar has always been part of the standard recipe. Croissants didn't exist until the 19th century. Maybe you don't notice the sweetness because you already eat so much sugary shit?
no hes just hopping on the "do americans really do this" meme bandwagon this board has that was already tired when it got here
b-but when I was baking in france we used sugar and barley malt syrup for croissants as well
I wouldn't call him talentless but that looks highly irritating indeed.
just dunk them in your coffee and slurp that shit up
This guy knows.
Ham & cheese melty breadcrescents are fucking delicious.
Also jam is a good filling.
put some butter or nutella in it, eat with coffee
sometimes especially when i have leftover croissants i slice them into 1 inch slices, toast them in a dry pan and add some fried eggs.
really good.
Croissants are BY FAR best with a dollop of jam.
Also nutella/peanut butter.
Not bad sliced and filled with ham and cheese... a lot of people like this but I'm not a huge fan of pastry/brioche with savory food.
fill with cheese and meat
dip in some kind of pizza sauce
Good stuff
croissants are good with butter, cheese and ham, just cheese or jam.
however i much prefer a plain sweet croissant with black coffee.
For me, I cook turkey bacon, a fried egg and I just put it on top of a toasted croissant. It is pretty good.
unlike these retards who say ham, the correct answer is cheese & BACON
Make a TABLE sandwich with one. It will blow your mind. Tomato, Avocado, Bacon, Lettuce, Egg Salad.
expected this to be the answer times 1000. Best way to eat a croissant is to put in under the oven grill for 5 minutes with ham and cheese,
just today made a croissant sandwich with chicken salad. shit was breddy good.
butter and some lunch ham