>he uses a spoon to eat spaghetti
He uses a spoon to eat spaghetti
>he squirts ketchup all over his fries instead of dipping them
To be fair that does save time at the sacrifice of even distribution.
>he chooses spaghetti over easier-to-eat pasta shapes
spaghetti is unnecessary.
>americans are too dumb to eat spaghetti
Are you a savage? You use a spoon and a fork together. You use the spoon as a base to spin the pasta around the fork.
I like to eat hot dogs without a bun, using a fork, and smother them in ridiculous amounts of mustard.
Fuck off redditor. Frogposting is pure and innocent. If you hate frogposters, you hate everything good in the world.
I remember when shiteating avatarfagging cunts like you used to get banned.
frogposting isn't avatarfagging. animeposting is avatarfagging.
I make my spaghetti base camp before the summit you retard any other way defers the purpose.
You ehhhh... you canadian, huh?
pretty autistic to eat spagasaurus with a fork t b h
not him but here in Europe most of us eat it with fork and spoon
don't you have books about etiquette in new world
Why tho? Just press the tines of the fork against the plate like you would the spoon. Using a spoon and fork to eat spaghetti just seems autistic.
It remind me of the dumb fucks who cut their spaghetti up with a knife before they eat because they're too retarded to eat noodles that are longer than a couple of inches.
Fuck etiquette if it makes no damned sense.
Ok, educate me on why spaghetti is not a noodle and why it should be eaten with a fork and spoon faggot.
What kind of helmet wearing retard do you have to be in order to eat like this?
Go to an italian's house and try to eat like that and you'll get a swift kick in the anus for being such a mouth breather around pasta.
If you use a sp**n to roll your spaghetti you are objectively wrong
>t. Non-italian euroshit
You're probably a german or a swede, and your way to eat pasta is severely retarded
it is easier to roll certain amount of it on spoon so the bite is not to big
I'm sorry for being rude to you
>no longer have spaghetti smacking on my chin now that I use a spoon to properly twirl it on my fork
>can portion out how much I want in a bite
>I eat my skettis with bolognese so the meat is usually on the bottom of the plate and the spoon helps with eating the rest.
How about you twirl the pasta around the fork against the side of the plate, not a spoon?
not him croatfag here, it is easier with spoon
Italian here, the only "Italians" who do this are filthy fucking Sicilians
"Easier" but it's incorrect
here u go
>helmet wearing retard
It doesn't need to be any easier though, it's already simple.