Yeah I store some hot food in my two big fuckin ballse, get it fresh faget

Yeah I store some hot food in my two big fuckin ballse, get it fresh faget

I can't believe anyone would exploit religious preppers for financial gain, makes me sad but that rice looked pretty legit


yeah, but that broccoli cheese looked like trash
couldnt help but notice some of the barrels in the background too, I cant imagine how bad it all tastes

The infowars canned food is a pretty good deal

The preppers are a fascinating bunch

I wouldn't call myself a prepper, but I guess I am technically just by nature of the fact that I live in a rural area. I'm not a retard though, so I don't prepare years worth of freezed dried overpriced food at a time.

Well yeah you goob-gobber. You buy cans. And a can opener, that's essential too. You just tack on an extra amount of various canned goods each time and add it to the shelf in your basement and over time you will have sufficient supplies.

I'd be more concerned about securing a water supply. You'd need a fuckload of water if things ever really broke down.

>white people

>making fun of white people because they have enough money to buy years worth of food at a time

Feels good to be white.

No. That's a very particular kind of rural paranoia that has nothing to do with my life. I've lived through 9-11, the 2003 blackout and Hurricane Sandy in NYC. Guess what? The bars and pizza joints stayed open. So if the apocalypse comes my guess is everyone in New York will just get drunk and eat pizza.

I got snowed in once and ate nothing but peas, and drank water from melted and boiled snow. 5 days of that shit.


Mormons actually have to store a years worth of food.

It's like a church order or something.

If I owned a house or had kids I would start an emergency food/water supply.

I'm thinking of just getting a lot of canned food, and every six months just giving it to charity and replenishing.

In the city when you get snowed in you just order for delivery.

I already do this, and I dont have kids. My prepping will go into overdrive when i do though.
I keep canned veggies and fruits, stuff like 10 lb bags of flou, sugar, salt, masa and rice stored in air tight containers, bags of dried beans and lentils. Ill occasionaly buy stuff like spaghettios when on sale, as well as bullion and dried soup mixes. Then i lable expiration dates and donate before they go bad, replacing as I go.
>pro tip: only buy canned stuff thats on sale. Spend the majority of your money on bulk essentials like those I mentioned above, they last longer.

Do they shovel out your fucking door?
Or does an american's concept of being snowed in mean "there's some snow that's actually staying on the ground instead of melting immediately, lock up the doors and close all businesses and schools"

>city slickers
Cities will be the first to burn in a SHTF sort of moment. Most would die of dehydration before starvation, as theyre too retarded to put away 2 or 3 packs or barrels of water in their 200 square foot poverty flats.
It will probably never happen, but having a few months worth of food squirreled away in my spare closet is better than nothing at all.

I'm talking actually snowed in, not as sarcastically describes.

>every six months just giving it to charity
Why? Just use it. Replenish/rotate on a regular basis.
If you want to donate food to charity just buy food and donate it to charity, don't give them almost-stale emergency food. Seems like a waste to me.

>bragging that you eat canned food all the time
>unemployable oxycontin addicts think this is prosperity
>probably prays for zombie apocalypse every day to give his hopeless existence meaning
feels good not to be white

>a SHTF sort of moment.
Most of us in cities are too busy making money, following our dreams and eating out at nice restaurants to give much thought to rural paranoid fantasies about impending armageddon. To me a SHTF moment would be wanting pizza and having to settle for a slice because the good wood fired oven place is closed. It's the same reason you may feel compel;led to keep guns to protect yourself and property, whereas in my building most folks don't lock their doors because we all know and look out for each other. Totally different mentality.

Are you kidding?
You mistake being prepared for being obsessed and unable to enjoy life. Theres a happy middle between the people who show up on that prepping show and someone like you who refuses to believe that grabbing an extra bag of beans to tuck away while getting the usual groceries at the store might be a smart idea once in a while.
I make plenty of money to do just that, and still have more than enough to piss it away on eating out and going out with the SO. Lower costs of living out here.
Also the guns argument is probably better suited for /k/, but are your neighbors really gonna be able to protect you when some crack fiend sneaks into your flat in the middle of the night, while they sleep with their own doors closed? Thats a dumb chance to take. My neighbors and I are well aquainted, and we keep an eye out for one another... but I dont know anyone naieve enough not to lock their front door before bed at night.

not locking your doors because you know all of your dozens of neighbors isn't normal in cities, you're either in some bohemian tenement or are just a schmuck

>when some crack fiend sneaks into your flat in the middle of the night
topkek. The ones who didn't manage to OD over the last decade or two have been priced out of the city a while ago.Hardworking Mexican and Chinese families have pretty much taken their place. Does a bike sometimes go missing from the basement? Once a year or so. Has anyone's apartment ever been broken into here? Never.
>in some bohemian tenement
Co-op, but yeah. It's mostly oldsters and young families here. Everyone keeps an eye out for the old folks and little kids running around. There's a real sense of community among us. It's pretty nice.

humans are 60% water, so I'll just take theirs!

I lock my shit the fuck up and stay out most nights on the porch with a scimitar.
Problem is there aren't any niggers in my town, not one. I'm just paranoid that some day there might be niggers.

if you fail to prepare, prepare to fail

It's actually very cheap. Way cheaper than what you can make it for. Alex Jones really cares for the average joe

Niggers do exist my man, gotta wait on the porch for them to come though.

Just buy 20 of these and you're good for 20 years.

Buy several boxes of coffee filters (or use some cloth) and cover the end of the straw with it to extend life even longer.

Wtf just get a $350 Mossberg 500 or something do you live in Europe or something?

Even pepper spray and a bat is more effective than that weird serrated knife

Also collect rainwater (and eat snow in winter) whenever possible to preserve the straw supply.

Basically a box of those plus some cheap purification tablets means that you're set for life in terms of water.

You don't need a huge water filtration system.

I'm sure that tactical scimitar has more stopping power than some dog spray

What the fuck is this shit?
is this some "Off The Air" Adult swim shit?

Incapacitate person with spray, and just beat person with a bat. You can spray multiple people at once too.

Meanwhile with that "scimitar" you have to get really close and you have to stab person many times (if he allows you) to incapacitate. You can't even stab with that knife and you can't even slash due to that weird design.

I hope I'm not being baited

You should always keep some supplies in your pantry in case shit happens.

The hurf durf muh live off MREs and freeze dried rations crowd are retarded fucks though. If civilization collapses you're all fucked no matter how many calories you've saved up.

Then get a bear spray. Easy.

What about in a blizzard?


Obviously you're not trying to store a lifetime supply of food.

Basically the idea is to out-eat and out-survive the huge population decline, and then when there are enough people dead that even a collapsed civilization has enough food and resources to go around, you're start getting/making food outside and trade with other survivors.


you just got backed into a corner and all you can say is "what?"

whatever you have won't help you in a physical confrontation

this is my favorite picture

This is my favorite comment

Can confirm, though we mostly just have a bunch of dehydrated refried beans (which I hate the taste of) and powdered milk.

you're my favorite

best storage food period.
love the patriot pantry foods.
bought 3 months worth of food for 400$

If things are already going missing, youve already got a problem. Holy fuck youre stupid.
Not to mention youre doubly retarded for not even doing the minimal amount of prepping. You live in NYC for christs sake. If the power goes out for more than a week youre fucked sideways and backwards.
I guess if youre murdered for being too naive to lock your door or die of dehydration if/when shit breaks down for then that's just Darwinism at work.

>What about in a blizzard?
Are you a retard? a Bat would still be the most effective weapon, even in a fucking blizzard.

The editing on that audio is A+

I've got a friend who's really into military stuff, and she's acquired some Russian MRE's that we've tried. Does that count?

Interesting fact about Russian military MREs; they give you like 200g of sugar, but about 5g each of sugar and salt.

wouldn't be better than a shotgun you, dumb pussy

projecting pretty hard there pajeet

>wouldn't be better than a shotgun you, dumb pussy
Except for the fact that non-burguerlanders usually can't simply open carry shotguns around, while you can keep a baseball bat in your car at all times with no problems whatsoever.

Thats because your eating shit like brain pate and other crap. Sugar to make it go down better. Russian MREs are garbage. British and French are where its at.

Though russians have that interesting meat and cracker philosophy that I kinda like

Oh god, the pates. They give you like 5 of them and they're all terrible, even the sausage one. Plus the food itself wasn't to my taste at all; I tried this weird beef and potato thing that was dripping with grease and tasted awful. Same with the speck that came with it, which I actually got excited about because I normally enjoy speck in things. My friend loved all of it, however.

They also give some kind of apple butter thing with it that's delicious, and a little chocolate bar that I found incredibly enjoyable. Also, I'm with you on the crackers.

What do British and French MREs consist of?

British and french MREs are all civilian food and it tastes more or less like "moms home cooking". Its amazing. I have a friend in france who sends me french mil stuff and I love him for it. British MREs? Dude ebay. Hell Ebay up MREs from everywhere and try em out!

The pates in the russian ones are literally brain meat. Its disgusting but its for people in shitty temperatures and lots of fat and lots of crap to keep you fat. Carbs out the ass too. If your a civilian just trying these out, you SHOULD heat the food properly. Why? Because this is mostly food meant to be eaten hot. 2 nuggetfests ago with /k/ I shared a russian MRE with like 20 guys and we all unanimously agreed that russian MREs = cat food.

The little tabs they give you to heat up the food smell like a fish factory when they're burning, too.

>Does Veeky Forums buy storagefood?
I don't really buy any kind of storage "meal in a box" kinds of shit because unless you are willing to subject yourself to some really shit food hidden under salt butter and fats it isn't worth it

Fuckin incorrect

A lot of Mormons do prep, and the church highly encourages it and actually produces a shocking amount of surprisingly edible food (not tasty, but better than you'd think). But there's no rule or edict about it, it's just a smart thing to do really.

Lived that shit for wayyyyy too long

How does it not go bad once it has been opened?
Or are you supposed to serve a whole bucket all at once to a lot of people?
This just seems strange.

Nigga youre fucking retarded. Thats literally just what Russian pate tastes like, only probably even more shit because youre eating 10 year old pate in a fucking MRE. Try finding an actual eastern european/Russian grocery and buy some pate.

Nice cheese knife bro

I watched a guy drink piss through this thing

I lived through the power being out for three days in 2003. Everyone set up charcoal grills and had parties on the street. The wine shop couldn't operate their cash register to they gave everyone credit and just wrote down the bottles they took so we could pay when the power came back. If something like that happened now I'd hardly be effected, because the place I live now has solar panels on the roof.

And seriously, think about it: if something big enough went down to really knock NYC out it be beyond the scale of what anyone could "prep" for.

You have a point, if a true SHTF happened in NYC there wouldn't be much left to cry home about.
Still, I find it bizzare that you dont even find a 72 hr kit neccecary. I guess its just a way different cultural setting, but I was always taught in school and by my parents to store away a little extra food. When WE got hit by Rita and then by Ike power was out for a weeks in certain areas and the roads werent travelable by any means for the first two days due to wind and rain and debris; and this was in Houston. Not some bum fuck town. We would have been pretty SOL if we hadn't had anything stocked away.

don't you get 72 hours worth of stock when you go grocery shopping though?
There are people who don't eat at home and so don't have any food at all but I'm assuming none of them come here

>tfw can't find the original video
>all of them are just shitty meme edits

Sure we did, but a lot of it was perishable. We were lucky enough to have a generator to keep the fridge going but not many of our neighbors could say the same. Plus the food we put away was stuff that was easy to cook on a grill -
Mostly canned campy food. And we DID buy bulk rice and beans to start, but even that came more in handy than smaller bags wed use in a few months.
Plus theres more to one of those kits than just food - its stuff like candles, meds, copies of our documents, a few 100 dollar bills.. You don't touch them except in emergencies just in case you're caught on a off day. Dosent take up much space, not that much a big deal - except when you really need it. Better to have it and not need it rather than need it and not have it

NYC is different. During Hurricane Sandy the Chinese places in my neighborhood had guys on electric bikes delivering orders. Plenty of folks in this town never cook - they just eat out. I have four or five 24 hour bakeries that do sandwiches, breakfast and tacos at any hour of the day or night. Those places aren't gonna close just because there's a severe weather event. All hell could be breaking loose outside and I could still get tacos or Chinese delivered if I wanted to.

I'd hazard you've never actually been in a blizzard or seen what a shitload of snow looks like. There are years when NYC and Chicago get several feet (like 4 - 6) of snow. Speaking for the latter, 2 feet is the expected norm. The city runs the trucks 24 to clear the streets, and residents -this may come as shock- band together to dig out cars, clear sidewalks and stoops, and life goes on. Parking wars may erupt, but that's usually due to some pass through or fuck from the burbs stealing a spot. Neighborhood folks as a rule respect that if you've cleared the spot it's yours. Living among 3MM other people requires cooperation by default.

^This. If civilization collapses "The Road" style you better not be using that compartment on your weapon to hold a cleaning kit.

This. Also my place is a co-op, so during big snowstorms the able bodied neighbors all take a shift at shoveling the walkways in the courtyard and the sidewalk in front of the building. Your car may be snowed in for a few days, but so what? You can get by in this town just fine on foot, and all the sores within walking distance will be open.

There's literally nothing to prep for here. The only thing that could fuck this town up would be a nuke.

Several years ago it snowed so much that Lake Shore Drive was completely shut down, as in, cars, busses and snow plows (lol) were abandoned on the road with accumulation up to the roofs of smaller cars. I've got pics on an old phone standing in the middle of the drive with all that stretching on into downtown. It was fucking surreal. But you know what, no body died, all those folks found their way home or a place to stay, and in the morning the city had a snow day. After everybody helped each other dig their way out folks got out cross country skis or snow shoes that hadn't seen the light of day in years, took the kids sledding, played, or simply hiked around marveling at it all. The corner stores and markets and bars were open, albeit lightly staffed, and for a day everybody was ridiculously kind to each other. It was magic.

Maybe not but there are actual stores that are 100% devoted to prepping in Utah.