Why is Veeky Forums the only place to consider tex mex/mexican american superior to actual Mexican?
Why is Veeky Forums the only place to consider tex mex/mexican american superior to actual Mexican?
Somehow McChickens are responsible.
Love 'em or loathe 'em they're here to stay.
i remember an older thread that was the opposite...
texmex is real food
mex is meme food
hope that helped op
America has no cuisine nor a basic understanding of food. Same with music, you're being trolled
lol nobody except butthurt beaners think "authentic" mexicrap food is good.
Michelin Stars and UNESCO lol
I was given an authentic recipe for mole poblano from a person from Puebla and no matter how many times I made it it was stil lshit.
There's nothing I've tried in terms of mexican food that has set my heart on fire.
"Only my anus"
>Put a bunch of oil, sugar, toppings, artificial shit and and fat into another's culture dishes. An excess and overload of everything.
>"X-american cuisine is cleary superior guise, it obviously tastes better and you crave for it more since we filled it with addictive ingredients"
They do it to anything that becomes popular within their country. Real sushi isn't loaded with cream cheese and ginger while bathed in soy sauce. Real tacos aren't loaded in salsa and american """""cheese""""", and real pizza isn't a cheese soup
I don't have anything against americans and their cuisine but when they claim it's better than the guys you took the dish from it all starts to sightly burn with rage inside me. It's like they're physically unable to be humble and apreciate anything that isn't americanized.
Oversize yourselves, i don't care
In exchange for cocaine.
because liking good things = white guilt
That's what Peru is for
I cannot comprehend how people get this triggered over food preference.
Because they don't season worth a fucking shit.
"Authentic mexican" tastes like fucking shit
You mean Colombia
Yet we're the best at making both. The rest of the world is really lacking.
See, trolling. American "music" are jewish indoctrination tools used to dumb the people. Exhibit a, this retard. And cuisine? Dude. You've got nothing.
Listen. Tex mex is a great way to eat beef or chicken or what ever else you texans like to eat with bell peppers, but i have been to tijuanna and mexico city and many places in between, additionally i am a white guy living in wilmington,ca which is a dominantly hispanic community, and i live with a mexican family who make great food. The moral of the story is. Living in los angeles. You WILL find good if not better tacos then mexico. The products required are easily accessible and the chefs required to make such food are here. Meat does not need marinating. Only a good hand made tortilla, chile, and lime. Come try some. Youve seen the california commercials ;)
Hey now Allen Jackson is solid
It's not the 80's anymore grandad.
Go back to school, son
because ck and Veeky Forums in general can be pretentious about being anti-pretentious or they try to stay ahead of the meta rather
I just got back from a week long trip to Texas. I never understood the Mexican food gives you the shits meme. I live in a neighborhood with a large Mexican population, and eat Mexican food often with no negative effects. But a week of TexMex wrecked me. That shit is awful. I went in open minded, but left disgusted. TexMex is to Mexican food what the Olive Garden is to Italian.
Tex Mex/Mexican American is objectively better as it was created by and for white people, who are superior at exactly one thing over every other race: optimization. Authentic Mexican food is fine, it makes sense given the local ingredients. But it isn't very memorable to anyone who isn't an insufferable contrarian faggot or a Mexican.
Meanwhile, I found a Tex Mex restaurant in fucking Moldova and while it certainly wasn't as good as the food I got when I lived in SE Texas it was serviceable. It's superior cuisine because it has superior exposure and is optimized to taste comforting every single time.
>Tex Mex/Mexican American is objectively better as it was created by and for white people
That's fucking stupid. TexMex is just the active attempt to turn everything Mexican into something that resembles a cheeseburger, which is how we Americanize most "foreign" cuisines. Cheeseburger Mexican sucks.
Because Veeky Forums is full of contrarians who's taste palates know only of fast food. They also think making instant noodles makes them a chef.
I wouldn't call a success an attempt.
mexican food is fucking shit
beaners have shit taste and if anything has even a slight bit of spice to it they'll fucking flip. Everything has to have a slight taste of dirt or these disgusting brown people wont eat it.
You're going to have define your terms.
What do you consider Authentic Real Mexican Food?
What do you consider Tex-Mex Food?
No beans in chili ew fukin mexicants puttin beans in day there chili
Beans can go in chili
Mexicans love spice what the fuck are you on about retard
Mexican food was created by white people as well Most Mexican consist of a fusion of indigenous and european intermingle
Because Mexican cuisine created monstrosities such as Doritos ramen.
Texans are a bunch of faggots
name one (1) dish
Netherlands, Britbongland, France etc etc
There's like countless. Mole Negro for instance
It would seem you know very little about food in America.
It's okay buddy. No need to stay mad, you can come over and join us one day. Maybe then you won't be so bitter anymore.
As a Mexican American, I love both traditional and americanized food. Good Tex-Mex (ie not fucking chevy's) is perfectly tasty, it's just a different regional cuisine. To put this in perspective, oaxacan food is as different from yucatan food as they both are from tejano food. Every mexican state (including the ones illegaly occupied by the US) has a unique culture with their own culinary tradition.
I'm always down for some taco bell or anything with lettuce and tomato on it as long as its served up by a fellow brown person.
>All this jealousy
It's almost like this user's country has shit-tier cuisine.
>Every mexican state (including the ones illegaly occupied by the US)
I chuckled.
I will not sell my rights for tacos friend
I like New Mexico and Arizona style mexican food better than Texas style.
And I'm Texan.
You mean Chuy's?
taco bell is real mexican food. that's the simple fucking truth. 'actual mexican' is retarded survival bullshit on one hand and shit that no actual mexican eats on the other hand, not that anyone eats the fucking insect-cactus stew.
mexican fare is either worse or comparable to taco bell.
>I saw something on the internet now im scared :(
You probably still think halloween candy has razorblades
Aye, come home white man