Whats your take on breastfeeding in public?
I know its a cultural thing and differs widely across the world.
Im my little sad corner of the world, people think they are oh so liberated, but still freak out when a woman pull out a titty to feed her toddler.
Personally I think its a no go in restaurants, but in fast food joints or cafes they can be discrete about it.
Whats your take on breastfeeding in public?
Well that depends
Could it substitue for cow milk in baking/cooking?
I'm genuinely curious in this.
I have no problem with it, but I think you should take into consideration the fact that not everyone is cool with it. If I'm sitting at a table and the woman at the next table over is breastfeeding without some kind of shawl or something, it's going to bother me.
Not enough to say something, because then it turns into a whole big thing, but I do find it inconsiderate to the other diners.
I think it's pretty stupid that we have stuff like Sports Illustrated being advertised but when there's a real tit doing its biological function people get their panties in a twist.
If it was treated like cows milk is, maybe, but human milk is a lot sweeter so you'd have to adjust the recipe to deal with the extra sugar.
Strangely enough, even in prudish af Islamic countries they consider it OK to breastfeed in public. I was in Iraq for a couple of months last year and the few times I took the bus I noticed mothers breastfeeding. Obviously they didn't pull the titty out but they put the infant under the shirt and did it that way.
I guess Western countries are the only places it's considered weird
>If I'm sitting at a table and the woman at the next table over is breastfeeding without some kind of shawl or something, it's going to bother me.
y tho?
interesting topic. not a Veeky Forums topic tho.
I find breastfeeding kind of gross. I don't mind when they're using a shawl or something to cover up, but breastmilk and breastfeeding just skeeves me out.
I recognize that it's an out of the norm opinion and breastfeeding is completely natural, which is why I'd never say anything to a breastfeeding woman.
Doesn't bother me really. Apart from the instances you described OP (restaurants, etc) I don't see a problem with it. Baby's gotta eat too.
>I recognize that it's an out of the norm opinion and breastfeeding is completely natural, which is why I'd never say anything to a breastfeeding woman.
Respect, user. That's a really good way to approach it.
You don't think its related tangentially? It IS milk after all.
Where would a thread like this go then? I can only think of /adv/ or mayyybe Veeky Forums.
>I recognize that it's an out of the norm opinion and breastfeeding is completely natural, which is why I'd never say anything to a breastfeeding woman.
That's fair.
breastfeed anywhere with or without a shawl. baby's got to eat so there's a reason why the boob is exposed.
It'd be fine in /b, and I'm sure you'd have a geeky lively thread.
ya'll dont like seeing titties in public?
I'm a fan of women being topless in just about any situation. I love seeing tits. So if a woman has a practical reason to whip out a tit I'm all for that as well.
Do not breastfeed in restaurants or cafés or something like that, please. Part of the price for restaurants is the atmosphere, and that's ruined by some chavette whipping their teat out.
It's inconsiderate and indecent as fuck, but with like everything in the world nowadays it's a great but magically unnoticed example of hypocrisy going on.
Your kids got to eat, breast milk is great for a developing child, just be considerate & decent in how you do it.
>please don't feed a baby in a place where eating happens
>It's inconsiderate and indecent as fuck
I don't get this. It's a tit being whipped out in public. This ought to be encouraged for ANY reason. Breastfeeding just happens to be a practical one.
I don't care but I never leave the house so whatever.
No because everyone on this site is a beta cuck who can't look a woman in the eyes
I'll enjoy any chance to see a woman's breast in the flesh that life throws at me.
That is my official position.
>please don't lactate bodily fluids in places where people eat
Really makes you thing
i will take your question to a higher philosophical peak and ask, should public breastfeeding be allowed for money? such as lemonade and hotdog stands exist, should a breastfeeding woman be able to charge a few bucks to feed a hungry tot? or a perverse adult man?
you decide ck, its your world
>should a breastfeeding woman be able to charge a few bucks to feed a hungry tot?
This has been a thing in our culture already. It's called a wet nurse.
>perverse man
That's already a thing
I would totally breastfeed my baby in public and I would do it anywhere.
Babies need to eat constantly and are always hungry because of all the effort they put into growing, and if it is hungry it is going to cry and be upset. So, if I am at a restaurant, would you rather me discretely feed my child and do what my body is meant to do, or would you rather hear a baby scream and wail because it is hungry? The former is definitely less obtrusive.
Disgusting. Absolutely disgusting. Have people no shame.
Relax Debby
I agree that you should breastfeed your baby in public with zero fucks given. I disagree that you should bring a baby into a restaurant, however. That's just inconsiderate. No one wants to hear the noise your kid makes while they're trying to eat.
Maybe you could create a restaurant that is all about breastfeeding. Dogs are encouraged in some joints, how about breastfeeding? You would assuredly get lots of business from mothers and their young. (And perverse men)
What's shameful about feeding a hungry infant?
What did you think people did before the invention of baby formula?
>Have people no shame.
In a perfect world people would have no shame. Shame doesn't do anybody any good. It's total bullshit.
Wet nurses as a thing are starting to come back as a trend in the Western world, specifically for sick mothers unable to breastfeed their child. Actually kind of a cool thing hospitals are starting to impliment.
I don't give a shit. If prefer I they put a small shawl over themselves as i don't want to see ugly tits out in public, but I'm not going to start demanding it.
Its being a prostitute of sorts. Not that whipping out a tit for a babby is inherently wrong, but doing it for money is a bit of a stretch imo
Basically this, provided people also are doing things on a more altruistic level. I think guilt is helpful when people have genuinely hurt others so they don't repeat past mistakes, but I otherwise entirely agree.
>Its being a prostitute of sorts
Why? You've already agreed that it's not inherent immoral, so what's the problem exactly? It's feeding a baby, there's nothing sexual about it.
>Shame doesn't do anybody any good.
Over-reaching statement. It does the public a lot of good so you don't witness people shitting, fornicating, smoking crack while you drink mimosas and eat eggs florentine on a Saturday morning
I relent. You are correct here.
Seems ok.
In lots of cultures, bearing breasts & feeding is normal.
Yes, I will just never leave my house when I have a baby