Is this the nicest board on Veeky Forums?
Why are you people so friendly to one another?
What went so right in your life that you sit around discussing delicious food, and complimenting one another on their culinary arts?
Is this the nicest board on Veeky Forums?
Why are you people so friendly to one another?
What went so right in your life that you sit around discussing delicious food, and complimenting one another on their culinary arts?
You must be new here.
Enjoy your stay new friend. (:
Fuck off you dumb idiot
ive asked that question before and the answer i get is that the vast majority of users on ck are females. seems to be the case.
For me it is Veeky Forums, the friendliest slow-moving board on Veeky Forums.
People who are into food and cooking are bound to be a bit less crazy than those jacking it to traps and loli on /b/ or to cartoon horses on /mlp/. Our interests here are a bit more vanilla.
>all these lies
enjoy your stay, this place is worse than /tv/
>getting along with other women
Even in porn, this only happens occasionally.
Fuck off back to plebit, newfag.
Probably more femeles here and people generally are older. And, if you're into cooking, you cant be a totally imbecile.. though exceptions do occur.
All the soy protein isolate the McChicken and Subway posters ingest has feminized them and rendered them genetically emasculated. That's why Veeky Forums is a soft board,'s a sfw board without gore or porn.
People are assholes here, and also stupid, but less so the former than most boards. I hope we can make this a friendlier, less stupid board as time goes on.
>mfw I dissuaded moot from starting an IRL cooking club by wanting to rape him
>when your only contact with women is through porn so you judge women entirely based off porn
I dunno about Veeky Forums being the nicest board on Veeky Forums, I would argue that one of the porn boards like /hm/ would be the nicest since no one is going to cuss you out for posting on there your opinion on dicks. People can be pretty shitty on here about what is actually """""""authentic"""""""" and shit like that.
That was more, "Even in an idealized version of reality, women still rarely get along."
It's far worse in the real world.
>shitty on here about what is actually """""""authentic"""""""" and shit like that.
I think that comes from language about food being imprecise, and varying by region. For example for many here Chinese food is something they get at a buffet or a take out place. For those who live in cities with Chinatowns it's whatever they eat there. For someone really familiar with the cuisines of China "Chinese food" is a nealy meaningless term, since everything varies so much by region. Same is true for Italian and Mexican food. This makes it tough to talk about these cuisines, since the conversation often involves people using the same words to describe very different (if loosely related) dishes.
This is largely false unless you're a Kardashian wannabe with too much time on your hands. Do you really think that 51% of the population doesn't get along with itself and we could have a civilized society? You have a TV mentality of women, my friend, but that's not how women are in the real world. Do you also think that when we have sleepovers we all get naked and have pillow fights?
>Do you also think that when we have sleepovers we all get naked and have pillow fights?
No, you spend the entire night talking shit about every human being you know who isn't at the sleepover.
I'm not sure who you're trying to fool.
This is a really good point, it's interesting to think also about "authentic italian food" and by that most people consider food from New York and New Jersey. The tomato is a new world crop that was only popularized in Italy around the 18th century, so does that mean that only food that doesn't have tomato in it could be considered authentic? Authenticity is based solely on personal experiences and opinions.
You must have shitty girl friends because we stayed up until 1am playing Just Dance and watching movies. Sometimes talked about who we liked. Bitchy women do not constitute the mass majority but only the stereotype. Not all men are overly masculine "BRO"'s that always have to prove how not gay they are and don't know how to treat woman like people. Only the stereotype, not the mass majority.
But I know lots of nice women.
Consequently, they don't hang out with other women, because women hate each other.
fuck off
Italians always think their regional spin on a dish is how the entire nation does it. It's quite hilarious to see them crowd out comments sections in droves to bitch whenever someone doesn't do the dish DA EXACT WAY MOM MADE IT.
I ejaculate into all of my dishes
few memes ever take root here, and even fewer actually cook. it's all fast food, hot sauce and weeaboos. fat americans being friendly to one another.
the few anons who do dare to post things they have cooked are shot down in flames more fiery than those with which that food was overcooked or burned.
This is false. This board is one massive veiny penis and all the users are 16 year old shitheads that won't shut the fuck up except in the occasional normal discussion thread.
The nicest board was/fitlit/.
/an/ is the nicest board.
Have you had a look at how many al/ck/ threads are here? No wonfer everyones nice they're pissed out their nut.
Full of endless /pol/ level shitposting about "*nation* cuisine lol!" That gets incredibly tiresome very quickly
>Why are you people so friendly to one another?
because I'm not an spineless cuck
This one. But there are dicks crawling around in the mist, as with all gay pornos.
I've found it to be the most pleasant board, though it nearly surpasses /po/ in the boredom department at an insanely fast 2 posts per minute all day.
>Is this the nicest board on Veeky Forums?
are you out of your fucking mind?
Except that's actually not true...
It is one of the nicest. A lot of the newfags and femanons who don't venture to other boards think it's hostile because they compare it to facebook or whatever normie shit they use
I would say /d/ actually is the nicest. Veeky Forums can be pretty comfy and yeah /an/ is very laid back. But yeah there are arguments to be had on any board here if you go looking for them, it's just the nature of the ch4n
1. Because there is nothing to shill and fanboy about (see how toxic /k/ and especially Veeky Forums is). 80% of threads in Veeky Forums is "[a brand] FAGS BTFO" with a pic of a burning car of that brand and there are always 200+ butthurt replies. Don't know why I go there every time.
2. Food is not personal and has little politics and nationalism behind it (see how toxic Veeky Forums /pol/ and /int/ is)
3. Food is not a serious matter for most of us (excluding autists), so it's easy to make jokes and shitpost.
/an/ the board that gets one post every 4 hours.
>There's nothing to shill
>Food isn't nationalistic
>Food isn't a serious matter
Is this one of those alternate universe Veeky Forums posts?
>normie shit
I been here 12 years and there is no doubt in my mind that this board is the worst, most hostile pile of shit that exists here.
I have not actually found a more hostile community online save for WoW.
An hero you dumb nigger