Food pleb filters

What's your favorite food-pleb filter?

Mine's runny eggs. Makes picky man children squirm at the sight of it.

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Runny eggs with some hot sauce to slip it up oh god im already salivating

>What's your favorite food-pleb filter?

Pic related.

>posts the most pleb condiment of all time

nice bait

putting extra virgin olive oil on bread

>refers to it as a "condiment" when it is clearly a core ingredient in the cake mix

New here?

>i-it's so bitter! waaah!

Drinking Soda to good food.

Water. Seriously, i know some fuckers who are like "uhh i dont like its taste muuuhhhcant drink that".
Also: black coffee, tea without sugar.

>i drink black coffee

"dont tolk to mi befor i drenk my cofee;;)" is the worst meme shit, but speaking unironically, coffee is good when you don't glorify it.

Brussel Sprouts boiled with some vinegar on there. what exactly does this taste like? I've heard its something Canada came up with but ketchup and cake just sounds awful.

So, anyone?

Dude. The right picture is red velvet cake (chocolate, but red). Nobody in their right mind would make a ketchup cake.

sam of sam & max did. to trigger a manchild with allergies(tomatoes), make him hurry away to the WC and thus rig a singing competitions judging

god yes i love brussels sprouts

Black coffee
Unsweetened Tea
Sushi that isn't slathered in mayo or cream cheese

I eat runny eggs literally every morning with some toast to soak up that yellow goodness

also, mushrooms olives etc, any earthy vegetable that kids say taste like dirt. Fuck you, your mother tastes like dirt, those shits are divine

Chili without beans or tomatoes.


I know children who like eggs over easy. you aren't special fgt.

Fuck you I like the dryness of a hard boiled yolk.

Hawaiian pizza

>Slathering sushi with cream cheese
What the fuck, people actually do this? I can understand mayo since nips do that, but cream cheese?

but cream cheese, avocado, cucumber is a great sushi piece.

>fresh potato smell

good potatoes boiled to perfection with gravy give me boners every time.
The meat is an afterthought, really.

anchovy on pizz

Hawaiian pizza

My wife rarely drinks water, because it "has no taste." Sometimes I want to smack her up.

It's because retarded amerigans stuff cream cheese into absolutely everything they possible can.
Like this dipshit That's not sushi fuckface, that's rice slathered in fats.


>there are people that don't like runny eggs

literally the ultimate pleb filter

Buying bread from a man in Brussels
He was six-foot-four and full of muscles
I said, "do you speak-a my language?"
He just smiled and gave me a vegemite sandwich
And he said
I come from a land down under
Where beer does flow and men chunder
Can't you hear, can't you hear the thunder?
You better run, you better take cover, yeah

cream cheese is not actually very popular for anything other than cheesecake and bagels here, so I don't know where you're getting this info about "Ameriga"

I´d say something like boiled beets or kalt tastes earthy. (Green) olives definitely aren´t earthy, they have more of a strong, bitter and salty taste (if they´re brined, and the ones here in Central Europe are sold like that.)
And now I want some. I haven´t had any olives in a year.

Have you told your parents you're a fag yet?

oh, are we having this dicsussion again? how on earth do you think olives are bitter? I live in eurofagland too, for future reference

I told them about 6 months ago. My dad beat the living shit out of me and now I am staying with my Auntie and Uncle in Bel-Air.

Cream cheese and jalapeno pizza, nigga

Bacon wrapped jalapeno poppers stuffed with cream cheese, nigga

Jam and cream cheese sammiches, nigga

When presented with a whole, cooked lobster, I've found there are 3 types of people
>The tasteless men/womenchildren who will only touch the claws and tail
>The good boys and girls who suck the meat out of the legs, knuckles and tail fins
>The champions who clean out the torso

No, the user you quoted is right. Heinz in Canada really did make a recipe for a ketchup-based velvet cake, for their 100th aniversary. See

It does sound repulsive, but I have to wonder if they decided to use a salty ketchup to complement the sweet chocolate. That might´ve been good, somehow. Besides, sweet ketchp with chocloate and creamy cheese sounds like too much sweetness at one.

Hey, at least you get to have your vegemite sandwiches in the open now

And I like to stick two fingers up my rectum while I beat my meat, but you don't see me bragging about it on the internet.

You're missing the point user -
Why not love both?

Outside of Cheesecake, cream cheese isn't eaten much outside the north east in the US.

>amerigans stuff cream cheese into absolutely everything they possible can.

Nope. It's used as a bagel topping, making cheesecake, and very rarely as a substitute for butter in certain sauces.

It had a brief popularity 25yrs ago but you never see it. In fact, I bet you can't find a single muurkin that can name two brands of it.

This looks very good, i wish i could find one of those in my region

I live in Philly, cream cheese Capitol of the universe, and I have never seen anyone eat/buy/ask for it here. Not even the tourists.

When I do see it, it's always packaged as a condiment and sits next to the butter on the breakfast bar at shitty hotels.

another common use is stuffing hot peppers

is ketchup a drink?


Dark chocolate.

Tuna sandwich for lunch.
Not even a big fan but it gets annoying Co workers to let me eat in peace.

Who's weirded out by tuna sandwiches? That's common fare

Flyovers probably

Likely, I was born in WA but I live in CO and the amount of people here that are repulsed by all seafood is insane to me

Nosy skinny butches

hating on seafood, especially shellfish.

I know someone that will only eat shellfish and sushi, but refuses to eat cooked fish of any kind


the red/green junk in the trunk is the best part.
I prefer green.

Theres actually 4 types, those that eat the white ooze that secretes from the whole body.

Dijon mustard, veal, and sausage with natural casing

So basically anyone who would puke eating weisswurst

Speak for yourself from the get-go, then, Shlomo

Crab rangoon

>black coffee

That was just standard in the Navy. Anything added to it defeated the whole purpose of having a drink as bitter as one's attitude

>being such an insecure twat you'd even make this thread

Its ok not to like some kind of food and refuse it.
But true pleb wont even try something new to him.

Jalapeño poppers nigger.

And the "Can't name two brands" thing is only because of the absolute market dominance of Philadelphia Cream Cheese™ not because people don't use it.

Welcome to Veeky Forums newfag.

>eggs over hard cuck detected

How is having the taste of an 8 year old?

>I don't like fish
>I don't like mushrooms
>I don't like olives
these are the biggest possible red flags. "I don't like onions" and "I don't like garlic" are obviously massive red flags too, but I've never actually met someone like that

What if I love fish, hate regular onions, but love green onions

Then you're a retard. disliking any of the aforementioned puts you strictly in the "should be gassed" category


>I browse Veeky Forums

biggest tell of them all

>black coffee

that would break his neck.

Love water.
Fuck black coffee. Honestly fuck coffee culture in general. It's okay when sweetened but not as an all the time drink.


Don't forget the hardcore lobster demolishers who destroy the lobster with their bare hands, cracking the shells between their palms

I thought i was the only one to think of that

Do you think your contributing anything to this thread by posting that? That's not even shitposting, it's just fucking pointless.

Don't forget those insane sons of bitches that eat the goddamn shell, too

Fucking this. The ultimate pleb filter. I know to disregard all their opinions once they say fruit on a pizza is weird. The next thing they usually say is their favorite pizza is cheese. Fucking idiots.

Fuck you.
Now I want eggs.
It's almost 5am, I can't be bothered to fucking cook.

>drinking coffee with cream and/or sweetener

Dark > white > milk

love fish, hate salmon and shrimp

That's not a runny egg you fucking autist.

It was literally the 3rd google image result for "runny eggs". What you just posted was an undercooked egg, retard.

Not that guy, but it wasn't pointless, It's fun seeing pop culture references, especially songs, imo. You're just a big stick in the mud.

Dislike for mushy veggies

Must have wine chilled

Will question any pinkness in meat, even with goat or lamb.

Btw, will only eat cow, pork or chicken meat.

Not so much the use of ketchup, but over by everything in it instead of having it available to dip.

Only likes ranch dressing.

Drinks a light beer.

Calls certain cuisines "ethnic".

First place that comes to mind when going out to eat is chillis, applebees, or something like that.

No veggies on pizza.

Wants pizza, only thinks of national chains.

runny eggs refers to the white being runny, not the yolk
and google images isn't a fucking dictionary/encyclopedia
OP pic is over easy

This. Runny eggs =/= runny yolks. OP just pleb-filtered himself.

>the yolk side is very clearly totally uncooked

Is this bait?

Euthanize yourself, retard.

>Muh coffee is as black as I'm a manly man
Yeah, would have guessed you're from the navy.

>Will question any pinkness in meat, even with goat or lamb
Fucking this so much oh my god. We don't live in biblical times Justin you paranoid, neurotic imbecile. Fucking faggot likes too cook everything to fuck so that it's "safe to eat". Fuck you Justin

You were that guy, admit it.

No. Please learn to cook eggs, they're super basic.

its not a reference its just the fucking lyrics

Only like raw eggs if its with a good hot sauce.