e wa-la
E wa-la
Permission to ewww?
>coconut oil
I'm already triggered
That is a ridiculous amount of oil for not even bothering to fry the majority of those ingredients.
coconut oil the best oil. literally perfect boiling point.
And worst taste.
Y'know, the thing that matters.
>it is the oil that brings the flavor
fuck off, marie
Permission denied. Hurl, cadet, hurl!
oh and it's not fucking boiling point, it's smoking point, the smoking point is stupid low, use a goddamn thermometer, the energy released by oil reaching smoking point is not feasible as a temperature control similar to water because fires are a lot hotter than 350f, and you can go suck a di*ck
>I'm going to cook with goat fat every meal and nobody will be able to tell the difference!
Great idea! I can finally get rid of all that kale and broccoli.
As a white man, I'll allow the shit talking to begin.
redpill me on coconut oil
It's awful. Don't use it.
there's some health benefits. i just got some today, but i've only made popcorn w/ it so far. taste is alright, i guess.
WRONG. You make popcorn with coconut butter, not coconut oil.
Good for fish and curries imo.
Eating it has some health benefits.
Makes your hair all nice and shiny too.
Same deal as olive oil. If you want your stuff to taste like coconut, use it.
>adding sesame oil at the beginning
why would you even bother with the oil, you wont be able to taste it at all
What's the point of using a wok if you're just gonna stir everything? This is more triggering to me than the food.
It's "Voila". That's french.
>high heat cooking with coconut oil
>being new
go be a newfag somewhere else. alternatively, lurk moar and post less
literally jack tier
Wa la is a tired meme. Some of the idiots on here even get asspained snd will try to force it if you use the actual word.
It's actually Latin "violam", factually speaking. French = latin based romance language. That being said, what do you think of pukkin' rolls and the McChicken?
Wow go fuck yourselves. So what if I didn't recognize it's an epic new maay, I was too busy cooking at a michelin star restaurant. Just go fuck yourselves.
Add some pork or chicken to that it would be a decent meal
>Adds a quarter cup of sesame oil
Fuck, that'll ruin pretty much anything known to man
>new meme
Pls go.
>new meme
no. fuck off.
voila is literally 'voi la', i.e. 'see, there'. you're welcome 4chins
>touch of 'cha
>1 (one) entire cup of peanut butter
This is beyond retarded
it's for 6 people fatty
Because....... you are...... allerigic??
Just want to point out how fat that arm is.
It's like a cylinder garnishing a bowl with cheese
>1 bunch
>a good squeeze
>small bunch
kek, no vein structure whatsoever. Simply pale fat flesh.
fucking sop up the grease with a paper towel? heresy.
cant describe how bad i hate the taste of ground beef without the grease being washed off. its rancid.
>high heat cooking
Doesn't look like "high heat" to me. Most Americans don't know what "high heat cooking" even means.
Every video I see of Americans making stir fry is them putting a bit of oil in a cold pan, throwing in some ingredients and stirring it around for awhile.
how do people eat bell peppers they make me shit fire, same thing with sugar snap peas
>tfw allergic to tree nuts so i was triggered earlier in the video than you were
>puts on a dollop of sour cream at the end
>first spoon of the dish basically takes the entire mound of cream
What a fat disgusting bitch. Fuckin makes me wanna puke thinking about this fuckin piece of trash.
Watching my roomate trying to make a stirfry is suffering. 2 minutes at medium heat, no seasoning.
Lukewarm raw vegetables, joy.
Am i supposed to use already salted cashew nuts? Or unseasoned?
Vio lam is Latin for the exact same phrase, which French is based/rooted on.
>boiling point
Dumb weeb.
>stirring in a wok
>coconut oil on what's supposed to be high heat stir frying
>10thousand different vegetables
That's a waste of half of those ingredients if I ever did see one. You could do away with the meme oil and use regular, forget the Sriracha and half of the veggies and it would taste better and be way cheaper
How do you fuck up something as basic and comfy as stir fry with all this american-tier cooking shit. What's next, they're gonna melt cheese and put mayo on it at the end?
Reminds me of a girl I know who is of normal size but she has so little muscle that it took multiple phlebotomists a long time to find her veins for blood withdrawal.
I think that people should encourage not using exact measurements for things like that. The spices won't ruin the cooking, just the flavor so pepole shouldn't enforce exactitude.
I rarely follow exactly unless it is not like anything I've made or if I am baking.
you can always tell these ''simple quick easy and tasty meals'' are made by fat fucks with no experience or taste. they usually start out okay, then quickly devolve into completely random mish mashes of the cooks favourite ingredients that end up looking like slop. also they tend to put in overwhelming amounts of one ingredient that would make the dish vomit inducing to eat : ie sriracha or cheese
if you want simple and tasty go to foodwishes and get this SHIT outta here
What is it that turns the rice that orange color?
I gotta say, you guys are more combative than i expected. I'm a /b/tard, and i kind of expected you guys would be more supportive and cooperative.
do we say Vio lam or Voila/ wa la? fuck off
didnt get mad until Siracha, then rage quit the video after the kale
for some reason all it takes if hearing someone say "kale" for me to get mad.
>ill mop up the grease to be healthy
>cant forget to cover it in cheese and sour cream tho :)
I bet this fat bitch complains that "dieting doesn't work for her".
not an argument :^)
Just a statement of fact.
I'm not even american cunt
Except it's not a fact. Go to /int/ or something. Stop polluting this board with your stupid penis envy.