ITT we come up with the most hipster coffee name imaginable
ITT we come up with the most hipster coffee name imaginable
"Some faggot loser on Veeky Forums will dedicate time and energy hating this because someone better off than him made it" cold brew
fair trade organic
Bean lives matter
Not bad.
Needs to have the words "blue" and "mist" in there somewhere though.
The steamed bean.
Drinkette of passion
The Kentile Floor
>ITT we come up with the most hipster coffee name imaginable
Scratchy Old Vinyl
*coff* *coff*
Douche water
B-b-b-because you'd never drink it, right guys? See? It's ironic.
thats sexist!
Civet Disobeendience
I like these. In a hipster shaming kind of way.
"The flyover"
Just a regular cappuccino.
Thick-Rimmed Beard
Blue sky mocha grande with autumn mist hazlenut.
That's pretty fucking hipster, right there, I don't care who y'are.
Black Grinds Matter
I mean, I get lo fi and everything, but what the fuck.
When you order extra cream, it's called a 'thicc'
When you get 1 or 2 shots of espresso, it's called 'lit' and 'extra lit'
"Sour Grapes" Single Origin Yirgacheffe
Watered with the tears of Ethiopian children and slow-roasted over reclaimed wood from dilapidated churches
That's the opposite of hipster. That's teenage girl as fuck.
>That's teenage girl as fuck.
No difference, really.