Out of all the boards I've been on I think I enjoy this board the most, all around people tend to be good spirited and I also get recipes all the time.
Out of all the boards I've been on I think I enjoy this board the most...
for me its the public water fountain, best free source of nutrition
Here's a recipe for you OP!
>"A little flesh, a little breath, and a lot of faggot...that is me!"
--OP Aurelius
Thanks I'll try it out
Don't you worry, /pol/ will fin d a way to incorporate food into their "culture war"
For MountainMan it is the McChicken, the best no tripcode sandwich.
You've gone and stole me name
you sweet summer child
fuck off stupid cunt
This is the best board. A nice healthy mix of shitposting and seriousposting. Most boards go too far in one direction or the other, or are just too slow to be good.
>damn, another awful tasty recipe
>oh they're just making some mushrooms with shallots and garlic, that's not so bad
>cream cheese and egg
>oh no
>on a dollar store steak
>dad i'll be good please stop
>cross section of steak looks like ash
these people have found some kind of golden ratio of absolutely horrific cooking and people still love them somehow
>He hasn't embraced the autism
Get out normie
When the bongs aren't on with their "bantz" and the Aussies are sleeping its an all around civil, helpful, board.
>an all around civil, helpful, board
I've never experienced this on Veeky Forums at any time whatsoever. It's like an angrier, more autistic version of /int/, just with food. Anons here will lose their shit and tell you to kill yourself over the dumbest crap.
That being said, I still come here all the time, probably because I have no self-esteem.
That actually looks pretty good.
>nigger cuisine
/pol/ is a cancer that has invaded most boards
it pops up here sometimes but it's not that bad
I hang out at the skateboarding general on /asp/ and it also seems to be pretty positive
Yeah Americans never descend into nationalistic shit posting.
meh skateboarding is fun
i just started skating again after 10 odd years and a few nights ago I finally started falling down while at the skatepark
most fun I've had in years
This board is pretty comfy, but I also find it pretty negative. There is too much american/european 'bantz' or whatever they call their insults to each other. The shitposting isn't that bad though.
I'm here to learn but i also share some lols xD
Is it true Veeky Forums is sponsored by McDonald's?
>all around people tend to be good spirited
Are you fucking blind?
Do want.
This board pisses me off a lot.
The second you mention you don't like pineapple on pizza or steak not rare or some other bullshit everyone fucking loses their shit.
I cooked a burger today. First try at doing so. Mind you I'm a literal retard at cooking, but having browsed on this board inspired me to do so.
Came out good. Time to learn how to cook other food
why would anyone put cheese and steak together like that FUCK
>all around people tend to be good spirited
What fucking board have you been on?
People on here have opinions about water.
it would be a lot better if most american posters left imo. they don't really post much except their opinions on fast food.
Veeky Forums back in 2009 and 2010 was comfy as fuck man. Even the annoying shitheads like Bossnig and Angie weren't anywhere near as bad as the average user these days. I even miss that shitty blasts techno meme.
Out of all the topics on Veeky Forums people argue about, I find Veeky Forums the most ridiculous. You just can't take this shit seriously, it's the most harmless shitposting there is.
I completely agree. Veeky Forums is honestly one of the best boards on this site, McChicken posting and all.
/out/ is pretty comfy too, they're all friendly as fuck.
A good thread on /x/ is a great thread, but they're fewer and farther between.
Probably because there are more women on Veeky Forums than any other board. Incidentally, that's the reason why Veeky Forums memes are the worst.
haha lol :^)