What's your favorite driving beer CK?
What's your favorite driving beer CK?
>can isn't open
nice try, bitch tits
Can you say, "I'm white trash and I'm in trouble."?
3 DUI's here. its not worth it. best bet is to stock up on booze before you start drinking.
i have spent weeks in jail, thousands of dollars in court fees, name in the news paper, etc.
just buy tons of booze ahead of time.
Drumpfkins, everyone.
Cut your fucking nails you poor guttersnipe
Not if the container isn't open, ya dingus
>Trump supporters
>Drinking hipster garbage shit
Don't think so tbqh
Busch. I'm a logger so drinking busch when you're coming home from the bush just make sense
> name in the news papers
Wtf did u do....
Got so wasted I ended up raping a kid.
post pics; you know the rules
>3 duis
>being this pleb
local newspapers print the public police files. arrests are public info.
they do it to get clicks.
Yeah man ive got 2 and people always ask me when im getting my license back.. finally I just admitted I dont trust myself to not get another DUI. Fucking sucks.
Lone Star! Yeeee-haaaawww!
Funny story.
>Be an employee of a consulting company
>company gets a contract out in the middle of nowhere
>I'm first on site, end up being appointed the "administrative lead"
>have to help people find places to rent, that sort of crap
>oh well, I get paid by the hour anyway
>arrange apartment for new guy
>he's driving in from Virginia
>calls and says he's arriving around 9pm
>I get keys from the rental office
>wait for him
>he shows up
>I give him his keys
>glance in car
>entire fucking right side of the car is filled with empty beer cans
>I'm in shock
>Dude you just drove cross-country in a moving violation
>"Nah, man, it's cool, they're all empty!"
>I tell him cops aren't going to care
>"But in Virginia the law says blah blah blah"
>Stupid fuck, you are now in New York
>You are going to be arrested if any cop sees that
>Clean your fucking car out
>"Nah, it's ok! I drank those months ago!"
>two months later
>cop arrests him for DUI under NY open container law.
>he spends thousands on a lawyer
>ends up pleading down to some stupid misdemeanor shit since he blew a 0.000 on the breathalizer
>took four months and probably around six grand.
This is my prefered driving intoxicant.
I love getting fucked up on parsley too
How's being 12 treating you?
>not putting your road soda in a wendy's cup to fool the police
user pls
Where was the funny part?
Is this the subhuman general?
>he's driving in from Virginia
>Dude you just drove cross-country
>you are now in New York
>Virginia to New York
Nigger, you might be in for a surprise if you ever look at a map