>Steak fat
>little caesers pizza
What's the most nasty food you have tried
I don't understand how people can enjoy the taste. People call it fresh. To me it tastes totally rancid.
Not a picky eater, I only have four things on my do not eat list: Parsley, Raw oysters and Brain.
Those are 3 things
>>Steak fat
this is no way to live
Bitter melon
I was lied to they said it was going to be good it was all lies!
Op is a faggot
>>steak fat
I stopped right there as well
I'm gonna give op the benefit of the doubt and say he just didn't cook the fat through and bit into that opaque white disgusting raw block of butter like a saturday morning cartoon bully.
Or he could just be a faggot.
haha. it takes a second before the taste hits you as well so for that split second it doesn't seem all that bad.
some people like ketchup but hate tomatoes.
not him but i literally physically cannot bring myself to eat them. its just their taste and texture its so repulsive
I can do ketchup and like marinara sauce or tomato paste and even salsa if the chunks are small enough. but if theres like a slice or a big chunk ill throw it away
I'm one of those people
cooked tomatoes can be fine but even thinking about eating raw tomatoes disgusts me a little bit
eating food that's largely made up of semi-liquid gel doesn't sit well with me
that's why you should eat cherry tomatoes, they're small.
I will accept that and let it slide. Cause I'm drunk and I like that explanation
Ketchup and tomatoes are drastically different. Ketchup is primarily HFCS, vinegar, and spices.
>he eats commas
with that being said, I agree. the whole purpose is tomatoes are still in ketchup, but some people don't eat tomatoes but still use ketchup.
They taste different, fucking dolt
>Ketchup is primarily HFCS, vinegar, and spices
Not in first world countries.
I had andouillette in Lyon and it came in a really amazing, smooth mustard sauce. But the andouillette tasted like it was boiled in piss.
Also had some sort of pork salad at a really upscale Thai restaurant that was unbearably salty and I fucking love salt.
bitter melon tastes like ass. my parents would make bitter melon w/ spareribs in black bean sauce and bitter melon tea. then make me drink the tea.
ultra pleb
Sleepytime chicken
Chocolate gravy, onion sprigs and a brick of margarine that smelled and tasted like pine tree leaves.
Anything ordered from Jewie and Goyims (Frankie and Bennies) the food there is just sad.
Oh yeah, forgot these little fuckers right there. Tasted like I was eating cigarette smoke.
and they usually score high on the autism scale
probably food from my friend's Russian family, not really Russian food, they would serve a lot of day old random shit for dinner.
ie one meal was little caesers that was left out on the counter overnight (they never refrigerated left over pizza and we live in a hot climate), spaghetti with canned sauce, watermelon, some cured fish and cheese their russian uncle brought over, red caviar on bread circles, and some cold chicken wings.
this was all set out on table for dinner, they just put whatever they have on hand out.
I physically gag when I taste them
Raw carrots. It's like eating dirt and soap for me.
>red caviar on bread circles
Blinis are the shit, you need to have them with some herbs and smetana. Also, kreplach isn't too bad, you need to have it in a good soup broth imo.
>being white
parsley is like the epitome of white spices.
sure thing casper
yeah I'm familiar with all that, these retards just put caviar on shit white bread and served alongside all the other shit I listed
Cilantro and vinegar. The vinegar is a childhood thing, forced to drink white distilled vinegar after cursing. Makes me retch to this day.
Bought pic related on sale last year for easy lunches. Shit tasted like acid reflux. Fucking grossest shit Ive aten in years. Had about two before I said fuck it and tossed the rest of the box.
Hahahaha faggot
>Hates Oysters
>Shit taste OP
euro fag detected kek
This is honestly the whitest food I could possibly think of.
just drink seawater you fag
>comparing oysters to little caesar's and steak fat
holy shit i'll fucking slap you silly
oysters are slimy goopy and gross. you're better off drinking egg yoke pleb.
Hey don't fuck with my national dish hombre.
That shit is delicious.
And it's not a spice, it's a herb.
Fucking holindace sauce
lol illiterate burgertard
i like little caesar's and steak fat you bitch
I'll correct this. little caesers is so doughy that I choked and puked on it and steak is overpriced shit let alone steak fat is super nasty.
>Four things
>Lists 3
i actually like the fat more than the steak itself
also the little caesar's near me does it right so that sucks for you
it's a 5 fucking dollar pizza with limited toppings, sauce, and pepperoni. they make it all dough so dummies eats and thinks wew that's so good. I guess I'm picky,but still, it's so obvious that a 5 dollar pizza lacks everything.
Scarborough fair was written before your rapist great great great grandfather even found your third world shithole, dumb spic.
I don't think I've ever eaten pizza other than little Caesars frequently
I got used to thinking it was the standard for pizza
Dominoes first was a bit too thin, Papa John's I only had once and don't remember it well, only that it tasted slightly better but overpriced
Fuck liver. Liver is the grossest thing ever and it tastes like eating metal and is fucking gritty and gross. Though I'd be willing to try Foie Gras because it's pretentious.
Also durian, but I saw that coming.
I think pizza should be a every once in awhile treat. it's worth getting premium pizzas over cheap shit pizzas.
im pretty sure ur referring to what we call here cilantro. aussie are u?
So what kind of pizza should I always get
What famous chain of pizza, don't recommend any local sites or specific places, is best
>brings up eu without any precedence
nice irony user
Not that guy, but he's talking about parsley not coriander/cilantro.
Why are you on a cooking board if you haven't heard of a basic herb?
The sauce tastes like pure cilantro, it was fucking disgusting. I should have read the ingredients before buying. Ended up throwing it into the woods near my house because I was drunk and pissed off.
lottza mozza frozen
red savoy delivery
custom dominos pizza, yes, it'll cost more but have it every once in awhile
usually the local pizza joints are the best, though.
>people looking being outside of the north east don't even have local Italian pizza shops and delis
Literally literally laughing at these fly over regions
It's an american invention so yes it is.
Literally laughing at your grammar.
Oh wait you got the wrong one.
"Mexican style" any wonder it was shit you dumbass.
Americans will literally defend poison in the air as contrails, chemicals in the food as vitamins and bleach in the water as "necessary."
Why do I live on an island full of fucking retards?
>contrails are poison
you're* retard
lmao. he used your right actually, you're stands for you are, dumbass.
Not sure who's the bigger shitposter.
OP probably never had a cut better than a sirloin steak before
>Horse chestnuts.
I had prime rib. it's expensive and gross
>For me it's the McChicken, the worst fast food sandwich
Whatever food is handled by a coon.
I throw it away and ask for a refund or someone else to make my meal again. The nig BETTER stand there and watch.
new York strip, filet mignon. they all suck.
>not being white
Black people don't know how to grow food, let alone cook it. My garden's coming along nicely.
Ironically your picture is proven to be exactly opposite. He didn't say anything about America.
not in reality. euros always spewing ameri-fat this ameri-lard that. and we just go, meh.
My father used to take us to the Bahamas for a week at New Year's, to get away from the cold and have some fun fishing. One year, the guy who rented the apartment there to us told him about whelk stew. Whelks in Bahamas parlance are these little conical univalves. Anyway, Dad decided he had to try some of this delicacy, so he gathered a metric ton of whelks and started stewing them along with some tomatoes and whatever else.
Stank up the whole place like iodine, tasted like iodine-covered chunks of rubber. Place reeked of iodine for the rest of our stay. It haunts me to this day 40 or so years later.
Are you fucking serious? What about plantations
Tripe, the texture is like chewing a rubber band and it nearly made me vomit
tried natto (fermented soy beans) when i went to japan
holy fucking shit the texture is absolutely horrid
every bite is like taking a shot of slugs, vomit, and okra slime all at once, only it stays in your mouth no matter how much rice you eat to try and wash it away
>being a welfare dependent ape
What do you think we needed the whips for?
>chocolate gravy
He forgot the comma between raw and oysters
Cottage Cheese is nasty as fuck. I just hate sour cheese in general
This, the aftertaste is so awful
>hating on little caesars
Anything made out of gelatin. I just don't like squishy, jiggly food. Feels weird in my mouth. Gummy candy is the most gelatinous thing I can stand.
Raw tomatoes taste like fucking grass and the consistency is shit.
Once I ate a big slash of raw pork liver.
We had this pig slaughter event in my village (eastern europe), I was a bit tipsy, feeling like doing some dares. Raw blood is okay, boiled tongue, internal organs and such are no biggie. So I got this raw, still warm slice of pork liver. Slurped it, bit into it a bit and swallowed. It was like a bit sweet and the usual bitter taste was very subtle compared to the cooked liver. Texture was a bit weird, like a chunky jello.
7/10, at least I didn't contract some nasty ass worm, that would eat my heart or liver lol