so what is the best drunk food?
lately ive been getting the drunchies whenever i drink and i eat 2-3 times as much as i usually can stomach. what do you guys like?
so what is the best drunk food?
lately ive been getting the drunchies whenever i drink and i eat 2-3 times as much as i usually can stomach. what do you guys like?
Chili cheese dogs are always a winner
Is it normal to get hungry when drunk? Maybe i just don't drink enough because i don't think i have ever wanted food when drunk.
its only been happening to me lately so i dont think its a super common thing
I drink beer and I usually don't get hungry
ur mother's pussy
Tortilla chips and really hot salsa.
Drunk me likes spicy things.
did you faggots just turn 21 or something?
Depends on what I'm drinking/usually happens when I'm coming down and in that limbo between drunk and hungover.
im 19 but ive been drinking a lot more than usual lately. im still learning
soup dumplings are GOAT drunk food imo
I'm a fan of quesadillas as drunk food, with plenty of hot sauce in them and salsa for dipping.
big fan of grilled bratwurst when I'm drinking on a summer day.
op here, am drunk...looks real fucking nice wow
If I start drinking after a meal I feel full all night, if I start drinking on an empty stomach I get immense cravings for food after a couple of hours.
I make an omelette then chuck it in a burritto before shamelessly wolfing it down, I think I have some deep seated issues about making something beautiful and elegant then totally obliterating it.
Pad thai
I don't want soup of I'm drunk. I'll make a mess and burn the crap out of my mouth.
>If I don't eat I get hungry
I ate Waffle House with some friends last night after a couple stouts. Ate large hashbrowns scattered all the way and surprisingly didn't get a stomach ache. It was tasty.
>american drinking age
Unironically McDonald's
Peanut butter, honey and raw onion on rye bread. It's good shit, try it.
Because of the way alcohol is processed in the liver your liver's sugar stores are lowered and it compensates by pulling sugar out of your bloodstream, which lowers your blood sugar, making you hungry. If you drink a lot of girly drinks with sugar in them you will notice this effect less so
>You want chi' sauce?
Pizza man. I know its a meme but it tastes otherworldly when im drunj
Cincinnati bro?
Pimento cheese. Tuna or chicken salad. Meat spreads. Anything not sweet that can be slathered on bread or crackers. Not very filling but more substantial than say nuts or chips.
>best drunk food?
This is like asking 'what's the best weed movie?'
Who gives a shit. You're mentally impaired and incapable of discerning.
mein negro
I gained a lot of weight eating pizza and burgers when I was drunk. These days, I fill a 9x9 baking dish with 4 thinly sliced potatoes, 2 chopped onions, and 28g of butter. I bake it while covered for 1 hour at 400F, stirring every 20 minutes, then bake it uncovered for another 20-30 mins. I then remove it from the oven, add a fuckload of black pepper and garlic powder with a couple pinches of salt, then stir it until it becomes a paste.
I usually get full halfway through and eat the rest the next night when I'm drunk again.
Cucumbers ain't half bad
I always go to Denny's when hungover