ITT: foods only plebs hate
ITT: foods only plebs hate
Plain yogurt / cottage cheese
Unsweetened drinks
hotdogs with ketchup
american cheese
giant hamburger
2 litre cola
plain hot sauce on a cracker
bean burritos
chicken tenders
I don't hate them but I'd rather buy something good instead of boring olives
You know, it's perfecly ok for person to have their own taste and like/dislike certain products, but being like "mwaah olives are so gross n nasty uuu i hate them bc they are shit" is a pleb thing.
This is entirely what you subsist on, isn't it?
In what world are olives boring?
If someone's only eaten Canned Black(tm) "Olives" then it's pretty understandable to dislike them.
Fuck this remembers I have olives in oil my grandma sent me, gonna have some.
cooked greens
crusty bread
One of my pet peeves is when people talk about going to a restaurant and comment about how something they ate was delicious depite "usually hating it", and then they still approach the food with the same disdain later on
This. People who turn their nose up at bone marrow disgust me. It's fucking meat butter, basically. It's amazing, not only on it's own, but as a fatty component in other dishes.
The reason I bring it up, is that one of my oldest friends was visiting me, and we went out to one for my favorite local restaurants, where they know me. As we looked at the menu, I said we should order the bone marrow (because they do it really well there), and my friend said "What?!" And I said "Have you tried bone marrow?" and he wrinkled up his forehead and said loudly "EWWW, NO!" and acted like I was disgusting for even suggesting it. I damn near just got up and left. Luckily, he hasn't been back to visit again. I'm happy keeping our friendship long distance.
This is because with some foods quality and or preparation really matter. Something like eggplant is really easy to fuck up if you don't know what you're doing with it. And with something like white wine there's a world of difference between good and poor quality examples. A good restaurant will have more skill in the kitchen and access to better ingredients than the average home.
the texture is kinda nasty and tbch eating it on its own isn't even that great
makes a wonderful addition to soups and stews though
>Something like eggplant is really easy to fuck up if you don't know what you're doing with it.
really and truly? i've never tried preparing it myself but every time i've had it, no matter how it was prepared, i've loved it
I thought I hated it when I was a kid because my mother didn't like it, didn't know how to cook it and my first experiences with it were subpar eggplant parm. When I got older and tried it done well I realized I wasn't a fan of subpar eggplant parm. Tripe is another example. Done right it's delicious, but done poorly it's fucking disgusting.
>my old friend thinks something I eat is grody so I'm almost-not-friends with them anymore
I wouldn't want to be friends with you, either.
not him but
>my old friend is a reactionary child who screams at food he's never tried before and refuses to try it
yeah no it's not fun hanging around literal children, especially picky ones
well eggplant parm sounds disgusting in general
i've only ever had it baked or fried before
I never said we weren't still friends, dumbass. Only that I'm happy I don't have to put up with his child-like behavior in public, and don't want to again. Picky eaters disgust me anyway, I don't care if they're my friends or not, I don't want to be around adults who act like spoiled children when faced with something they've never tried before.
>loudly went "EWWWW NO"
>other user can't understand why that's embarrassing as fuck out in public
don't worry man i don't judge you for not wanting to associate with that embarrassment
except oysters taste like shit, especially on their own
if you have to disguise how bad it takes with lemon and tabasco, there's no fucking point
just drink dirty seawater, it's the exact same thing
you're wrong.
i'm literally not
>only cost a dollar under most circumstances, ie 'buck a shuck'
>grow by eating the gross, dead, nasty shit that floats down to the sea floor
oh yeah but oysters are for the high class lmfao
I would not go that far, but indeed there are not very tasty. It's a very average meal, but the point is that only plebs hate them.
not really
there are plenty of other "fancy" seafoods you can eat that are actually hard to catch and actually taste good
if you're going to be eating something that eats ocean floor crud, go for crustaceans
It's not only about the raw taste of it, but the way you eat it
You are right
i will admit that deep fried oysters are actually pretty tight though
but people who act like shucking oysters is the hottest shit ever are just delusional
cheap brined olives can actually be pretty nasty. good olives though, they're the shit
what is it
looks like tobacco leaves
an acquired taste I guess. had them once in paris when i was visiting and they were pretty meh at best. they also gave me the worst shits of my life. had to spend the next day on the lookout for toilets around the city because we'd had to check out of the hotel and i had to take the train back home in the afternooon
>Tourists restaurants
Puer tea, tastes like fish
Plain kefir. It's the nectar if the gods.
>buying kefir
This is a non-pleb thread, user
You're absolutely right, user. You've inspired me make my own kefir. Thank you for showing me the error of my ways.
You're right that it's like meat butter. It's like semi-solid meat butter and most people don't enjoy the texture of semi-solid butter
So much this
For the longest time I thought olives were just salty sweat grapes until I tried some actual ones at a cocktail party
fish? what sort do you have? mine tastes like english pipe tobacco blends smell, of latakia. (horseshit and smoke for some, amazing for others)
pu erh is heaven in tea firm, though.
>tfw literally can't eat seafood because I'm allergic to literally all of it
Fucking shit sucks, man.
Sucks to be defective. Enjoy your life, just don't reproduce.
oh be nice
he's nowhere near as broken as people with nut allergies
Why are they not fried?
No pleb
Why are you not getting pu er in china when it gets moldy during transport to foreign countries
This stuff is great. Though, first time I bought/consumed it, I got thick, black, liquid shits for 3 days straight.
You should see the fuckers on true life that were allergic to basically everything and one dude had to live off of a formula to get everything he needed and had to trial basic foods like cooked carrots and green cabbage in the hospital so he wouldn't die accidentally.
The chick kissed a dude who drank a beer and had an anaphylaxic shock at a party.
Olives and sweet potatoes are two foods I hated as a kid only to realize they were god tier later on
>hand out with that guy
>go to chinese place
>table orders edamame as an appetizer
>dude gives it the most disgusting side eye I've ever seen
>everyone is telling him to try at least one
>eats his fucking beef and broccoli instead
>doesn't try the egg rolls
>doesn't try any of our dishes
fuck those people
Wrong, my man.
these are great with blue cheese
Sorry typo
Mushroom haters need to be murdered.
bitch shut the fuck up, it's meaty sand for starving people
Fungus is one of the only things that unsettles me. It used to be just a texture thing when I was young and could have easily gotten over it, but the more I see/learn about fungus the more it unnerves me.
Litre was correct, Drumpfkin
Please attach this to your clothing and get on the train, leave your belongings.
>where they know me
Over 75% of British ones have norovirus, which my wife found out after a michellin star chef paired some with a gueuze for a beer matching evening but I can confirm that Colonsay oysters are clean and safe unlike those dirty Welsh rock oysters
Those were the toxins leaving your body.
perfect response
If you hate the food I like you are a pleb.
>I got horribly offended to the point where I almost lost a friend because my friend said "ew no" to me
Jesus Christ, if you didn't realize it yet, you are the autist in this situation.
dark chocolate is ok but baking chocolate is fucking horrendous
I like baking chocolate, but I can't do dark chocolate without something in it.
>Blood Sausages
>Scotch Bonnets
>British Beer
>Good Grappa
>Black Coffee
>Goat's/Sheep's cheese
It's not deadly or anything, just gives me the shits and makes me puke
It's more an intolerance than an allergy
Ya, seriously the fucc that guy eating that makes olives boring!? Pickled shit is always some of the most dynamic singular shit I could plop in my mouth.
Literally everything is wallowing in a world of shit, user. If you're uncomfortable with it you might want to reconsider your existence..
Eel is just fucking fish
also pic related
Pizza with toppings
>buy a bunch of olives in brine from the olive bar
>buy a wedge of roquefort blue cheese
>stuff the shit out of those fuckers
so good
What the hell is 'chippu'?
I really like eel, but it definitely has a distinct taste and texture from most other fish.
poteto chippu is what weebs call crisps and lards call chips.
>Plebs think goat cheese is weird
>But they eat feta cheese
Eel is like the closest a fish can get to being real meat. It's delicious, but I can understand people not liking eel if their only experience with it was British "cuisine"
Yea, most fungi are shit, literally the lowest and most disgusting type of life-form.
Though you gotta agree Chan-pignon is a cute mushy.
Plebs just can't enjoy the blessing that is the void of the afterlife.
I mean they aren't boring, but they are far more exciting vegetables. Squash, carrots, even avocados are less drab.
get off my back i only weigh 280 lbs
oxtail is fucking disgusting and i'm ok with everything else on that list. it's literally just bone and meat that shouldnt be eaten
>not liking fungus for helping plants grow
I don't like olives. I am naturally repulsed by them. I don't like being repulsed by something that people eat and enjoy every day, so I've tried to change my behavior, but I can't.
Can somebody explain why people think that olives are so good?
what the fuck do i do with them??
they're sitting in a jar in the fridge with some pickels next to it.
olive recopies?
>They don't eat cyanobacteria
What's your excuse?
In the US?
Cheese that isn't American or cheddar.
Sushi that isn't a California roll.
Fermented plant matter that isn't a pickle.
Most types of seafood or fish
It goes on and on.
I don't know, it might be the flavor combination. Olives are basically a combination of savory and bitter, which I'm pretty into.
I really don't like grapefruit because it mixes bitter and sweet. Then again, I don't like sweet food that much to begin with.
I can’t believe no one has said fucking onions yet. I don't understand how you could possibly have anything against onions when it's in every goddamn dish
Chiggin sashimi
This stuff is all very easy to find here
Username checks out :'-)
Seriously though. Slow cooked oxtail is beautiful. The collagen and gelatin you get give you the most beefy flavours there are to be had on the cow.