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Choking down bottom shelf liquor edition
al/ck/oholic general
Choking down bottom shelf liquor edition
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woke up mildly sober, have shit to do (that can be put off)
Just took a shot of a 13 dollar 1.75 bottle of vodka.
I dont think shits getting done today.
>bottom shelf liquor
post listenings
I woke up today and I guess when I blacked ou last night I ordered a pizza. I ordered one with tomato, olives and anchovies. Thats right I blacked out and ordered the meme pizza. I need to spend less time on Veeky Forums
oh man, could you not post that pic anymore? i get a little naseous just looking at it. and ive never drank that swill. but you just know it tastes like diesel fuel smells.
it looks like antifreeze what are you doing with your life user
You're not a true alcoholic until it's Christmas Eve and, with all the stores shut, your usual supply depleted, you resort to drinking neat Angostura because you've noticed they're 90 proof.
>last night went to bed with a buzz
>dreamed I was drinking
>woke up and I was
Started opening beers like an hour after I got up today.
Looks like something I'd drink. Where can I buy one?
so taking antibiotics 5 times a day(shit teeth, finaly went to the dentist)
doctor said no alch, any really really bad side effects, i dont plan on getting totaly hammered but still
only very specific antibiotics will make you sick if you drink - I assume you are on common ones for some throat or chest infection. booze does stop them from working though.
Last month I went on a longer drinking binge than usual, and now I cant even drink a six pack without getting horribly sick the next morning. Have I done permanent damage to myself? tbqh drinking isn't even worth it anymore if this is the new normal.
recommend me a beer cocktail lads
>blended & packaged in Sierra Leone
it sucked
Anyone here who used to daily drink, say a 6 or 12 pack and successfully cut back to once a week or less?
Everytime I quit for a spell and try to go back I get into the daily drinking habit again. It would be nice to unwind once in a while. So is it possible to be an occasional drinker or should I just stay dry?
I came here to post this
Hope it was with a nice mug vodka.
I drank 3/4 of a bottle of vodka. Still trying to piece together what i did last night.
welp i officially had shaky hands for the first time this morning after drinking pretty heavy for the past 4 years
is it time to throw in the towel?
That's what I do, and I'm not tempted to go back daily. I drink once a week to maintain the few social relations I still have.
However Ive noticed that drinking as much gin I used to is not satisfying. But if I drink only à few glasses of wine, like 7 or 8, I'll have a pleasant buzz.
I'm the guy who posted earlier and who feels half retarded since soberish.
You should try to quit now, otherwise this will become nightmarish
Lost my job last week, on to whiskey again this week. fucking kill me
What movie is this?
Most peeps just can't moderate.
Looks like blazing saddles
Blazing Saddles my dude
I keep puking up every time I drink this vodka. I've tried mixing it with sprite and i still puke it up! I just want to be drunk.
Eyeball it.
Kill me
Dreams do come true.
I'm more and more depressed.
Im not suicidal, but for the 1st time in my life I had this idea: I would welcome with joy a comet destroying earth. This is pathetic.
drinking antibiotics, should i skip drinking while im drinking them ?
So you drink about a bottle of wine per week or do you get totally shitfaced on that one day?
Depends on which ABx. It won't make them ineffective but certain ones, in conjunction with alcohol, will give you all the nausea with none of the fun.
I used to get shitfaced 4 or 5 nights a week from the age of 20 to abot 32, i've cut back to once every two or three weeks wherein i will drink way more than i ever used to on a single night such as a fifth of vodka and 8 or 9 beers until i blackout, which hasn't happened since i was in my early 20's. I enjoy drinking alot more like this, you actually enjoy your buzz when you get it, and you aren't hungover all day at work feeling like a hot pile of dog turds constantly.
yeah, pills say metronidazole and everything on google iv read say dont fucking do it, guess il wait one more week, fuck my life
Holy fuck is this what I'm like when I'm drunk?
My friend drank a litre of whiskey and I'm skyping with him. He keeps forgetting what we're talking about and generally just being an asshole. "Just shut the fuck up" and then he forgets he was being mean to me and acts like everything is okay. I'm pretty sure he's blacked out. I black out every night so I wonder if everyone gets like this.
Yeah, metronidazole and alcohol isn't worth it unless you're so physically dependant that you're going to die if you don't have a drink. Save the booze for next week, it's not even a tradeoff, you'll be vomiting and peeling your own skin off before you even get a buzz.
I think this is actually worse for your health
It is, a regular binge will toast your liver in the long term.
It's probably very likely.
It's part of why I don't let myself buy large bottles of alcohol anymore, and if I do I make a mark with a sharpie on it that's my "cutoff point" so no matter how drunk I am, I just keep looking at that to decide whether or not I can have more.
if you've got rum and/or brandy on hand you can make rattle-skull
it's just 3-4 oz of the hard stuff into a pint of dark beer with lime juice and some nutmeg if you've got it
have fun
thx breh
No problem. Nothing's worse than wasting a drink that could be enjoyed later.
Anyone else getting really fat? I lost a bunch of weight not too long ago and its creeping back.
I got a couple of mangos and I want to make a bomb alcoholic smoothie. What do I do with them. I have 2 mangos, a bottle of bacardi superior, and some jack daniels. Orange just too.
I'm 225. a couple years ago I was 140. I'm fat AF.
Either a fifth of gin or a few glasses of wine.
More like half a fifth actually
I'm drinking supermarket vodka.
It tastes horrible, really bad. After a while it doesn't matter.
It's £13 for a litre.
I've got some fresh soup (carrot and coriander) to eat with bread. I'll probably just pass out.
Or my liver will pack in.
My cat's alright though.
That cat is judging you with his eyes. Cats really do not respect drunk people
Shit... I went from 225 to 145, and now I'm 155... not long til I'm back up there
All booze? What's your diet like (including booze)?
Schizophrenic meds. They cause a metabolic syndrome. I eat twice a day if that. Usually I just have dinner. I drink a bottle of vodka per day.
Just drink alone.
Lol that sounds like something I would do.
I've had this idea too, user. This specific one, actually--the world-ending comet. Wonder how common that is among miserable people?
If it makes you feel any better, you CAN quit and get better. I'm going on three months sober now. It does suck at times. Because of anhedonia (sp?), you won't have much fun for a while, but the rest and the peacefulness alone are worth it. Food becomes a lot more enjoyable too, especially sweets. Anyway, good luck.
Yeah, that cat definitely does not approve.
Im turning 21 next week. Any advice to not turn up like you guys?
I'm 22 and an alcoholic. Been drinking since about age 18. Used to drink a handle of vodka in about 5 days, I did that for maybe 3 years.
My liver hurts after I drink but I drink a little less now. Maybe 4 or 5 days a week and equivilent about 6-12 beers
Clamato and Bud
the best cure for a hangover is more alcohol. Don't do that, you'll just end up on a binge
This. This is your downfall.
It might be hard at first to keep drinking, you might puke a few times but once your stomach is empty it should be okay. But don't do that.
Well at least your cat will have something to eat.
Is it hard to raise a kitten? I want one. Should I get an older cat? I want a cuddly one.
Start with heroin, that way you won't be tempted by alcohol
"normal levels of drinking" is highly contextual
it's easy to fall into a crowd that drinks to excess and think it's "normal" because that's the group you socialize with
if you're genetically disposed to alcoholism, this is very bad. for some members of the group it's just a phase and they snap out of it quickly when it's time to grow up. for others, it's game over
If you have troubles seek medical help instead of drinking.
drinking stout out of a little 7 oz glass, I seem to drink a lot quicker and get drunk quick when I use a little glass. I can fill it...take 2 gulps, fill it again...another two gulps until i've gone through a 6 pack in 20 minutes. It's not intentional it just happens.
Anyone here seen any good movies lately? I need something to watch while I drink as much of this goon bag as I can.
They need to to be home all day. I mean you can try leaving it, but I'd put it in a cage with all the foods and water
I like troma/ Nic Cage flicks while drinking but Jackie Chan shit is nice too. Twin dragons or any of the shit before he became "legit" really.
leaving las vegas is my favorite documentary
What's a goon bag? Boxed wine?
Touch of Evil is a good movie to watch drunk even if you don't like old black and white movies.
are you drunk... bumwine/goonbag/etc
Fuck yeah I haven't watched any kung fu in ages. I've got Drunken Master and Enter the Dragon downloading now, and Kung Pow as a joke for when I'm completely toasted.
Good taste user. Bruce lee's facial expression when he fucks people up in enter the dragon is amazing. Hope you won't be too hungover tomorrow.
Im only happy when Im drinking.......Its the only time when I feel alive....All other times I feel like an empty robot....And now Im lonely....
Dice the mangos and then freeze them. Add a quarter alcohol or close to half if you can handle the taste, and then 3 fourths pj, and then the mangos.
If you do not freeze the fruit, it will taste warm and like stingy mango. Frozen fruit is crucial for smoothies.
Kung Pow! is love, Kung Pow! is life.
Me too.
So after 8 years of hardcore drinking...
I wanna ask a question for all you.
Does it hurt?
Not physically, but mentally.
I'm hurt, I think we all hurt.
But today...
Long story short, I'm almost 28, parents fucked me over.
Like I'm border edge Alcoholics Anonymous.
Last thing I wanna do is seek help.
I dunno.
How you guys evade help?
Many such cases. Sad!
Also, use the bacardi, not the jack. Clear colored liquors are best for smoothies.
Do you consume anything else?
Why is life so depressing holy shit. I can only feel happy when Im chugging alcohol. All other times my life is an endless pit of despair. And even when Im drunk I want to experience more of what other people do. I want to go out and be surprised, just for one night. I want to take part in the fun. And yet I am always on the outside looking in.
Cats are very independent creatures to an extent. They will beg you for food when they're hungry (make sure you feed them breakfast and dinner). And will be mad if you dont change their litter box. But they will do their own thing for most of the day. They will always appreciate the cuddles and rubs but may act off-putish because sometimes cats just want to be left alone and that's just what you have to do.
Do not listen to the other retard user that says put the cat in a cage. NEVER put a cat in a cage. It will go crazy.
Cats are dope. Get one! Very easy to take care of.
It hurts everyday. I'm 32. The things that hurt never go away. I can drink to blackout and they're there, the next day. I spent two years going to AA, currently sign up for a rehab program I'll never go to. Drunk as fuck. Trying to escape. I don't know man. I'll never get the things back that I lost. I'll probably die this way.
He asked about a kitten you dolt.
you could try getting off the shit with downers for a while, it's what hardcore alkies get anyway. Or, I don't know, maybe get a kitten.
pee up a rope
Why would I? I'm not the pathetic drunk here. These sad fucks are killing themselves anyway, they might as well take the easy road, and since they seemed to be asking for the painless way, I told them. Faggot.
definitely adopt an older cat user, i can see the appeal in wanting to raise a kitten but an older cat will love you just as much - plus, since everyone wants kittens, older cats at shelters tend to miss out on adoption which is sad
you're talking to me, man.
20 years old and I have never had a drop of alcohol because I might easily develop an addiction