Is this really how white people season their food?
Is this really how white people season their food?
Stop it with the false flag threads /pol/
Some of the best foods I ever had were made by White people.
Fuck off.
if you think that is seasoning then you might be retarded
>water burger
I hate Jack
lax white folks its just a joke are you really offended? lol
>mayos get this triggered over bantz
laffin tbqh
the mayocide cannot happen soon enough
All whites make their food the same way. Everyone knows that.
>tfw too intelligent for small bites
Is this really how idiot racebaiting shitposters spend their time?
god this is fucking disgusting but I can't stop replaying it
Woah easy with the spices there senpai I want to be able to taste the meat not the heat
What kind of fat sweaty furnace hands do you have to have to need to put icewater in your burgers to keep the fat from melting when you shape them?
Why would I put stuff on my food that gives me explosive volcano shits? Just to apologize for being white? If it wasn't for us, we wouldn't even have science. If you don't like it go back to Africa.
cry moar nigglet
This is fucking awful.
Is this really how niggers raise their niglets?
Less likely to be killed by law enforcement, though.
Swings and fucking roundabouts, porch monkey.
Can't take a joke honky?
>Putting ice water into the patty.
>Not on your hands
I realize this is Jack but still
Show me a world class chef who's black. Leave cooking to white people and orientals.
Unfortunately, violent narcissists are common in black culture.
meet me in the RaHoWa bitch
hol' up !
inb4 he's not black because I said so
inb4 three michelin stars isn't "world class" because fine dining is a conspiracy to make me feel dumb
I don't know bro' he does look pretty fucking white to me
Can't take a bullet to the skull, nigger?
Yeah big bro has to look after her because her worthless nigger father skipped out like the lazy stinking nigger filth he is.
its like he's french kissing the pizza
>It's not tasty unless somethings falling off