Haven't had 'go 'za in a while. What do you guys recommend?
Haven't had 'go 'za in a while. What do you guys recommend?
I've never had one but I'm putting ketchup on it when I do get to try it.
Lou's, Pequod's
Anyone been to Burt's since the reopening?
Are you me? Sausage and mushroom, with black olives optional?
>that webm
What the fuck are those abominations.
It's Giordano's. Definitely second-tier.
I usually go with either the classic sausage-only, or sausage/mushroom/spinach personally. Can't go wrong with black olives tho.
i can feel the heart attck from a mile away
that is a sexy goza. I really wanna try it.
It's a "the Lou" from Lou Malnati's. You should.
Not american, so it'd be tough.
wtf do 'gos really eat this 'za?
u fat fucks, after a point cheese doesn't stack in flavor enough is enough
My wife recently came back from visiting her sister is Chicago. She was baffled that such a variation on pizza existed, but she also said it was pretty damn tasty.
>variation on pizza
It's not even that, it more akin to ketchup soup.
t. never had it
Get a stuffed with spinach, salami, and either olives or mushrooms. Top fucking tier.
I think pizza is a pretty broad term, but different strokes, I guess.
Well, I live in California. The closest thing I got to what the OP posted near me is Paxti's. Any thoughts on them?
Never been since I live in Chicago but based on image search it looks similar to giordano's so meh.
I don't know where in California you live, but I live close to Folsom (north east of Sac), and we have a place called Chicago Fire that's pretty fucking good, very comparable to pizza I had in Chicago. This is a pic of their deep dish, but they also do stuffed, and killer Chicago style thin crust.
Looks like some shitty lunchroom food that the 3rd grade retards took a shit on lmao
Kill yourself faggot ass chump.
>user forgot to take his meds today
not Giordanos
I've made the lou in my cast iron pan, you could probably replicate it. Make sure you use lots of oil to like the pan though
I can do spinach too. I think I'm in love.
chicago deep dish style pizza is a meme for fat tastelets
t. never had it
Of course. How do you think these places stay in business? Lou's has at least a dozen full-service locations and several dozen to-go outlets. I counted 47 total when I went through the list (see attached map).
That's just Malnati's. Giordano's used to be larger back before the owners bankrupted themselves during the 2009-2011 crash in Florida real estate, not sure about now. Plus Nancy's, Uno's/Due's, Gino's, Pequod's, Eduardo's, and all the small operators like Burt's.
Never heard of them. Uno's used to be nationwide (the original family owners just licensed the name, they didn't run the places), but the national chain was nowhere near the quality of the original Uno's and Due's.
Yeah, the recipe at pizzamaking.com is supposed to be an excellent imitation.
t. tastelet that likes soggy cheese and ketchup soup
t. still irrationally aggressive over a food he has never had
>there's no way he could dislike my tendie-tier pizza, h-he must've never tried it!
fucking gross, and you're autistic
just eat a lasagna at that point you pig
What the actual fuck.
Looks like a complete bitch to eat but by fuck is my mouth salivating.
Looks like 53 in the Chicago area for Giordano's, plus another ten locations scattered nationwide. I guess the new owners are going national.
It's no harder than eating a steak. You just use a fork and a knife like a civilized person.
I usually get an XL, have a slice or two at the restaurant, and take the rest home for lunches for the rest of the week. Cold, you can eat it like you would eat a slice, just pick it up and start eating.
Chicago style sucks.
Detroit or gtfo
In keeping with the style of your rotten failed meme I'd suggest the dumpster behind your local Italian place.
Keep fighting the good fight brother. We brave crusaders will defeat the goza meme one post at a time!
And damn proud of it too! Have some boobies in return for your support, bro. They shall not pass!
I feel sorry for you deluded bastards. Plenty of other threads in the catalog, you know.
Lol'd IRL. You fucking retard.
Is that a RealDoll?
Then fuck off to one of them you stupid shart in mart
>I've made and eaten ketchup soup
Good to know
Your sexuality is showing
What's wrong with Giordano's?
>eating anything that came from detoilet
I really like it when they blanket the pizza in pepperoni to the degree that you can no longer see the cheese. Usually when they do this they also slice the pepperoni super-thin so that it crisps and curls up in the oven without creating a thousand lakes of boiling hot grease on the surface.
Giordano's is for tourists. They have lower quality crust, sauce, and toppings than pretty much every other place and just make the most stupidly thick pizza possible for peak meme appeal.
Touristy pizza isn't mutually exclusive with good, I unironically like the original north end pizzeria regina in boston even though it's a tourist trap
No, it's not, but it is when you use tourist appeal to compensate for lack of actual quality, as Giordano's does.
Lou Malnati's is hella touristy as well and I'd rate it top3 in Chicago deep dish easily.
>devolving the argument this quickly
try to be a little graceful next time or at least own up when you are wrong instead of sperging out you piece of shit
nice trips
nothin like a little 'go 'za with 'cha after ive had my morning 'so!
I went to one the better deep dish places in chi town and that is indeed what it tasted like. Probably the most plain tomato sauce I've ever had on a pizza.
That pull is so stupid, all they're doing is removing the cheese from the "slice." that being said I would kill to eat some 'go 'za right now.
I've always wanted to try Chicago style pizza, but I live in a smallish city on the east coast, so it's impossible to find a place that does it at all, let alone well.
Put pineapples on it
>try to be a little graceful next time you piece of shit
>genuine advice
>pot calling the kettle black
>No one will insult my pizza invented for fat people, no one!
wow these all look fucking amazing I thought the meme here was to hate on chicago style pizza
That's some pretty thick pep slices desu
i can't be the only one who prefers a good thick crust
>you're autistic!
>no, YOU'RE autistic
Take a look at Uno's and Giordano's websites to see if there's one near you, or near wherever you go on vacation. Neither are top quality (the original Uno's in Chicago is, but it's not a part of the chain -- or at least it wasn't last time I went), but they're decent.
>american pizza
wtf are those abdominations? how can you eat those pieces of shit?
It doesn't look that bad. I just don't understand why it's called a pizza.
>I enjoy eating burnt dough with a little sauce and cheese
You're both Autismo-Guys! THAT'S what you are.
It looks horrible but i want to try it. Do they make these anywhere in europe ?
Then what would you recommend over Giordano's? I've been there a couple of times, but it would be nice to try something different.
They also deliver country wide. It's actually pretty neat because they ship the pizza with dry ice.
RealDolls or pizza?
americans were a mistake
pizza is already a shit tier fast food but this...
Not sure sure if they do but I know Lou Malnati ships their pizza to other cities. Don't know if they go international though.