What doesn't go on a pizza Veeky Forums?
Unacceptable Pizza Toppings
My ass
Pleb spotted
Everything goes on a pizza in the land of the free and the home of the brave.
Anchovies, those shits are salty af.
anythign green and fish.
Someone revoke his license to breed.
Say that in st louis and you're liable to get shot.
provel needs to be deleted entirely
fuck st louis, all of their signature "cuisine" is complete puke, their baseball club is also quite gay
don't you like velveeta and ketchup on a soggy saltine cracker?
I'm just gonna list some shit I've seen which I found unacceptable. Pineapple, capers, live yeast culture, pepittas, braised beef, cheddar cheese. I could probably recall or think of some more, but I'm bored with it now.
>get shot
Really, what else is there to do in st. louis?
Tour a brewery.
But they are sooooo good
Liver, marmelade, marshmallows, rice, apples, eel....
Maybe if you sanded off your tastebuds sure go ahead. I just can't do it user. You might as well dump pure rock salt on your pizza to achieve the same flavor.
god damn that looks good. basically a puttanesca style pizza?
So this is Veeky Forums's meme now, pineapple?
Honestly ham and pineapple is top tier toppings.
Tuna, Pineapple, Sweetcorn, Spinach, Tomato slices
Best topping is mushrooms
true. people who enjoy pineapple on a pizza have unrefined taste buds and a garbage tier palate
Drumpfkin detected
Pic unrelated?
I went to Wildwood, NJ and every pizza place on the boardwalk had pic related. It's pizza with cheese whiz and fries. Never tried it, looks gross
Corn. What the fuck is wrong with those people?
In korea a bunch of places put corn on pizza.
I think it's kinda dumb.
forced meme
underrated post
>white cuisine
had some kind of specialty Thai food pizza once, and peanuts just don't belong
Looks like black people food. You ever been in the hood? They eat shit like that all the time.
I was at Wildwood over the summer
Didn't see cheese whiz pizza tho. Joe's Pizza on the boardwalk was some good shit.
Pineapple is the only thing I've never enjoyed on a pizza.
Can't stand sweet with savory.
Pineapple on pizza is a fucking abortion.
Canadian bacon, or bacon period. Chicken. Anchovies. Artichokes.
I used to think I hated pineapple on pizza until I tried pineapple on a pizza with barbecue tempeh. It was delicious, and the pineapple was the cherry on top.
Turns out it was the Canadian bacon that made me gag at the thought of pineapple on pizza, because I just associated it with that awful taste. Pineapple belongs on pizza, Canadian bacon doesn't.