Are people really this desperate to turn every food into a desert?
>3 USD
Truly processed food is the source of poverty and illness. Curse the western world.
3 more like 2.24 USD
And I guarantee it would be sold for way less anyways because of your economy of scale.
It's mainly the wheat.
They got us all kinds of fucked up, I've been sick for three years flat. Nauseous as fuck right now.
>lucky charms oatmeal
please tell me this is a joke
I like how they say 9g sugar / 35 gram serving as if thats something good. Fucking American cereal
You can find shit like this on literally every box and can in america now.
Truly a nation of retards.
What the fuck am I looking at?
(Fine print: except there is a little bit)
Why not just make old fashioned oatmeal and then crush some sweet cereal over it?
FREE recipe idea on back!
>make rice
>put chicken on rice
>put vegetables on rice
>wa la
>easy as 1-2-3!
Just cut out the wheat from your diet, then. I did a few months ago, and the only time I ever feel nausea is when I drink alcohol or catch a cold or flu. I used to eat a lot of sandwiches and wondered why I felt like shit all the time. Now, my main source of carbs is potatoes, tortilla shells, and the occasional soda.
Why not simply make oatmeal and put Cinnamon Toast Crunch in it?
You forgot the important optional cheese rain you idiot.
Ingredients: chicken stock, salt, chicken flavor
You can't make this shit up.
It's hard as fuck because that's most of the food that exists and that's exactly where the fda puts the poison.
I'm trying. At least I'm not so far gone that I call the chemicals health food or "necessary for life." I'm working on getting away from it.
Are potatoes cheap where you live? I got 20lbs on sale for $3.50 yesterday.
I got six metric tonnes for a pound just a fortnight past.
That's what I got also, 10lbs or something.
But like 90% of my life is already spent in too much pain and stomach distress to even be able to cook for myself.
I have to be crying from pain and starvation before I can manage to even boil a pot of water.
Food is repulsive to me now because of this shit. It takes like 4 gallons of water to rinse the poison off 1 cup of macaroni, and it still gets me sick but with less niacin hypertension.
The whole fucking thing has ruined food for me and made me bedridden, how in the fuck can't a man of age 25 even stand up or sit down without trouble if this shit they call vitamins is good for you?
Pisses me the fuck off. I want this shit out of the food, it's got me literally crippled.
I'm trying my very best to stop eating it but it's in EVERY FUCKING FOOD.
Fuck the united states.
>croque cannelle
In the nicest way possible, are you overweight?
Oh man, I saw those the other day. I still can't believe this is a thing now. Almost bought a box.
135-140. I'm a sickly looking fucker that can't get medical help in a "first world" country.
I have never passed 145 lbs, food intake is 300 calories or less daily and one day per week it's 800-1000 only if inebriated. Days get skipped altogether, I don't eat for 3 days at a time most weeks.
Food is disgusting to me, repulsive, all of it, until I've got a bag of weed and my taste buds start working.
Today I ate 3 mouthfuls of macaroni and a medium beef and bean burrito.
It's lupus, but GOOD FUCKING LUCK getting a medical professional to do the tests required for diagnosis.
Crybaby whites need everything to be unbearably saccharine because they can't handle any other flavor. These are the people that derided Obama for using Dijon mustard.
The sooner the mayocide happens, the better.
What country do you live in?
>instant oatmeal
Dem industry tricks. It's seriously fucked up that this is widely seen as an appropriate breakfast for kids.
Or, you know, maybe just variety is nice or whatever and it's not a race thing. Theoretically.
>hurr durr Niacin is POISON
Have you ever considered -you- can't tolerate it but it's fine for other people?
>someone is allergic to peanuts
>they can't eat peanuts
fuck off you dumb asshole
Aww, poor baby is upset that he doesn't get to have things for free? If you are too dumb to feed yourself, no one else should have to pay your medical bills for you. Die screaming, faggot.
Maybe try eating only vegetables/fruits for a little bit, tastes good, is healthy and you don't need to cook much. Just throw the veggies in a pan with a little bit of oil and add 1-2 spices.
If food makes you sick you have only yourself to blame. You can change your diet this instant (assuming you're not too poor to afford regular foods).
What is wrong with oatmeal?
I have aetna. My anger was directed at the fact that I've had to stare 30 doctors in the face and have them tell me they are refusing to do tests for lupus. That's fine but I have a hell of a malar rash, one look at me is enough for them to give the go ahead but instead they offer antibiotics and antidepressants.
Also you're wrong. I have to pay for nothing. You are a preemptive mess of a person. I suggest sleep.
Nothing, oatmeal is a fantastic food and I eat it almost every day. I meant that what they're selling as "instant oatmeal" is like 40% sugar and a lot of sodium to make sure to get rid of the filling effect of actual oatmeal.
>nicotinic acid
>not poison
I don't believe you intended to call yourself retarded so let me do it for you.
Rofl you claim that you are only able to eat 300 calories per day and you are calling me a mess? Get your fucking life sorted, cunt.
Let me walk down to the hardware store and get something to fix an uncurable disease real quick. Maybe I can pick up some miracle-gro and eat it.
I'm pretty sure you're just insane
Find yourself a doctor, you complaining fucking manchild. Your "witty" comments and woe-is-me attitude don't impress anyone. Did you really think your post was funny or something? You sound like a fucking retard who does nothing better than complain.
Reacting bad to b vitamins ≠ mental problems.
But yes, I am getting there. Unbearable nausea, random vomiting and water shits for 3 years, who wouldn't lose their mind?
Anyone who honestly believes that there isn't poison in their water and food is pretty fucking naive, call me insane if you want. B9 is a dangerous stomach raping chemical and literally every website on the internet that isn't wikipedia will tell you this.
Not trying to hurt your feelings but maybe you should check the chemical distribution websites instead of wikipedia's sugar coated "this is great for you! no side effects!" bullshit that's nothing but a cover story for the FDA.
He's really mad now.
You seem really unhappy today, was it the miracle gro joke? Because that shit was hilarious.
>B9 is a dangerous stomach raping chemical
No. Folic acid, which they use to fortify food, is. Folate from foods like spinach is healthy and good.
Maybe you should stop acting all arrogant when you don't know shit yourself. As the other guys here say, stop being a complaining kid. Your life is shit and you go around blaming everything and anything other than yourself, fuck off.
are europeans really this obsessed that they make threads about america?
What's wrong with folic acid?
It's linked to cancer (and I've seen people say heart disease and autism too but I don't know about that, gonna have to search for that later). They thought our liver would turn it into the good folate which reduces neural tube defects and cancer risk but it turns out that doesn't really happen that much. You're better off eating some beans or lentils.
>Folate intake in the range of the dietary reference intake (DRI) is associated with a reduced risk for cancer in healthy populations, whereas high intakes of folic acid might result in an increased risk for cancer incidence or progression in persons with precancerous lesions and under certain conditions
I think you're insane too. However, I am willing to throw you a bone. Why don't you grow your own food? You could easily grow tomatoes, they are extremely hard to fuck up and you can literally grow them inside a bucket. Just look up some easy to grow foods.
inb4 Im in an apartment. you can grow stuff inside too
Jesus. Pubmed should really be private or something. It's full of studies that propose links and correlations between absolutely everything, then everyone panics. Stop basing your decisions on preliminary research.
Only that it's rather well researched, enough to trust in it. And the basic understanding goes in that direction too, why would a synthetic vitamin with a different structure be as beneficial as the natural vitamin. Yes taking a single study and trusting it is stupid but that's why you look at many sources and see if it's consistent. I just took that quote because it was short and on point.
>wake up in the morning
>spike your insulin
Do Americans really wonder why they have a diabetes and weight epidemic? Why doesn't the government start putting some regulations on this shit?
I have two friends, one is a lunatic hypochondriac like you that's convinced they have lupus and says the same shit, that it's impossible to get tested for lupus, that no doctor will do the test, but he still gets tested for lupus every year because I'm pretty sure he wants lupus just to say he has it, like a fucking medical drama. My other friend actually got diagnosed with lupus last year, not a lunatic, and has had to make serious changes in his life to accommodate for the disease.
nist based on what you've said and how you're typing you're either a troll, or you're a fuckwit like my first friend who's desperate to be diagnosed with lupus because you watched too much House and have an attention complex.
Too much money to be made to put in an regulations
and threaten the pharmaceutical industry? That's crazy talk user.
A mate of mine died from lupus a few years back.
I hope you get the medical help dude, I really do.
Can you please shut up about insulin, diabetes and the American diet when you have no fucking clue what you're talking about? Thanks
Except like, just regular plain oats would be much cheaper.
And you do? Eat sugary carb delight every morning is going load your body with carbs and sugar which will get converted to glucose in the liver, spiking insulin, telling the body to burn from that fuel rather than your own reserves. It will quickly burn through that, leaving you hungry shortly after for more glucose - just like a drug addict.
Nothing. But that package contains much more than the corn of the oat grass
You have a mental illness. Seek help.
You've been trying to reply to that same post for over 12 hours.
Not very smart are you?
This if my first post in thread, you fucking moron.
>12 hours
The post I replied to is only 9 hours old. Not very smart are you?
Let's call each other faggots and retards for another 10 hours and one up each other until we both have 99 lives.
>Veeky Forums in a nutshell
There's something wrong with you specifically.
The average person is not bedridden all day and in intense pain every time they eat.