>that first cigarette of the day
That first cigarette of the day
>that first blowjob of the day.
Can still taste the cum
>that first food-related thread of the day
First fart is better. Especially when you remember what you ate yesterday.
Loses it's touch when you smoke a carton a week.
If you haven't switched to little cigars or a pipe or something yet, save your breath because it smells like a $7 box of ammonia gas.
I used to fucking love cigarettes but around when they made the box image laws they also decided that people needed more poison in their life and started soaking the papers in whatever the fuck.
Now they taste like fucking garbage. Like rubbing some lovely poisonous procter and gamble product all over your lips. The smell is a fucking head turner even at a distance of 100ft.
I switched to little cigars and I smoke 20 a day, have asthma, inhale every hit, constantly walk up and down this mountain and I haven't had a single problem since I stopped smoking the white fuckers and started smoking the brown ones.
Plus who the fuck wants to pay literally $5-7? The cheapest ones I know to exist are still $3-3.50. I pay $12 a carton, don't have to roll the fucking things, don't have to worry about running out ever because they're $1.40.
What brand of magic are you smoking then, if it's cafe cremes i might chuckle
Taste like regular old cigarettes to me. I started having really fucking nasty asthma related problems with cigarettes.
Only had a dollar one day for smokes and they turned out to be a lot easier on the lungs and infinitely less disgusting smelling.
Cafe cremes are a European brand of mini cigar. Although they're pretty expensive coming in at like £4-5 for 10
>Veeky Forums - Food & Cooking
Nothin tops the first piss
>The first 'go za' thread of the day
>The first lung cancer of the day
I will keep my pipe instead of poverty tobacco.
>argueing semantics on the shittiest board of the site
>fedora image.jpg
Neckbeards aren't THAT clean.
>no hats, ponies or electronic smoking apparatus in the background
lurk more.
tobacco is the plebiest tier of drugs
Those 5 minutes less to live in.
Smoked 20 a day since I was 14, have smoked a pipe, cigars, filterless and tailor-mades and for the last 4 years have been smoking my own roll ups with menthol filters. 23 now.
Loved every single second of it. Loved every Cigarette I had. Woke up one morning, after being ill for a few days (Sinus/throat thing) and my tongue was disgusting. Covered in mucus, my breath stank.
Switched to a E-cigarette a month ago. As long as you get a good one (You really don't need those gay hand-bricks which make huge plumes of smoke) and find a liquid which doesn't taste like chemicals, it is absolutely fantastic. Clothes don't stink, mouth doesn't stink, teeth stains are leaving, breathing is easier, food tastes better, and the higher strength liquids do satisfy you very well.
It's not as instant, or 'gratifying' as smoking a fag. First couple of weeks you really want one after a meal but that goes after like 2 min. If you're an adult, and have any kind of will power, you can quit. It doesn't look or feel as cool as smoking though, I will admit that. But soon enough, it is literally NO different. There is NO drop in quality or enjoyment. Do it.
>that feel when you start the day fresh for ten minutes and then depression slips in again
husband literally forced me to quit or he would leave my ass
>day 3 without cigarettes
You're lucky he married you in the first place, it's a disgusting habit
>it is literally NO different. There is NO drop in quality or enjoyment. Do it.
Given that popcorn lung takes two months to manifest I think I will pass.
Honestly more of a benefit than a problem.
>le don't want to live comment
I havent posted this image in years.
Yes that's exactly what I was implying, glad you got the hint
Dude, your exchanging the chance of developing a 1-1000 chance illness for your current 1-a few dozen illness.
Cancer is permanent too, so is hair loss, so is toothless.
I don't mean to come across as preachy, as I would have told others implying I should quit to fuck off, but just look at what you spend on tobacco in a month, decide to try vaping for exactly the same cost, and stick with it for a month even if you don't enjoy it, and see how you feel.
I would rather smoke pipe tobacco than something that is unregulated that is coming straight from China.
Cancer isnt permanent, popcorn lung is.
In fact just two months ago it was found out that if you get popcorn lung and get a lung transplant your chances of getting again without going back to vaping is nearly 40%.
You can stop vaping and get new lungs and still have a very good chance of getting an illness that is worse than cancer.
I think I will pass, enjoy your smoking device from Chang, who I am sure gives enough a shit about your health to not use heavy metals in its construction.
I only use U.K produced and regulated E-liquids. I buy nothing off the internet, I don't buy ridiculous flavors, I don't buy the cheep nasty atomizers or resistors.
You're putting up issues which are overwhelmingly present in your own habit of choice. You think Nico Mendez sweeping up your burnt cigar offcuts and putting them back on the roasting tray to go into your cigs care more than chang? You think the guy pouring bleaching agents into the vats of paper-mulch care more than chang?
It comes down to the role of a dice. There is a 1 in 10 chance of getting shot in the gut, or a 1 in 1000 chance of getting shot in the head, which is even less if you don't buy crap, cheap, enchillada and vanilla flavor bullets. Gee golly.
Your dick works better too without smoking, and your cum tastes better.
Fuck off with this bullshit.
I said pipe tobacco repeatedly but keep projecting those trite lines about cigarettes.
At least what I smoke has effects that are known of and very little unknown effects.
Do you know how shocked the transplant surgeons were when their patient came back for a biopsy two months after their transplant without using their vaporizer only to find it just as degraded as the last one?
You are literally putting something in your body whose effects arent even fully known or studied and you think I am an idiot.
Who says I'm gonna be doing this longer than two months? Vaping is obviously a pathway to quitting. You don't need to be a slave to habits your whole life.
I never said you were an idiot, you're just getting defensive.
Two months is the time it takes symptoms to manifest, they dont know how long it takes before you reach the point where you are actually ill, usually it is much shorter than when it becomes visually evident for diseases.
Best of luck with your extremely risky behavior.
Hey look, lets pollute our lungs, make perfectly sense.
If smoking is actually bad for you, why did God make it look so cool?
The first joint of the day.
Hey, I had asked about the War Horse the last time I saw you post, but you hadn't tucked into yet. How is it?
>don't talk to me until I've had my first cigarette
that first screwdriver of the morning, when it starts to hit and you get that shiver of pleasure
turns any food into a delicious gourmet meal
>that first prostate orgasm of the day
Is this the new ps4 contoller?
>mississippi river flavor
The mississippi is a fucking disgusting, polluted river of literal shit water. Why would you name it that?
Riverlet detected
>tfw really considering buying cigs even though I haven't smoked in over a year because of stress and depression
That's pretty much what I did. I drive a convertible and the weather finally got nice enough to take the top down and holy fuck there is nothing better than a warm summer night cruise with a cigarette to clear the mind
Couldnt tell you, I havent smoked it yet. The plum pudding has better reviews than it as well so I was thinking of opening that first but who knows.
What are your favourite rolling tobaccos?
Mine are George Karelias, Van Nelle, Blue Drum and Golden Virginia - Original blend.
>that first off-topic shitpost of the day
>that first ebin shitpost of the day
I always start my morning with a wonderful shitpost. Pretty much the highlight of my day, it all goes downhill after that.
8791628I don't like it, must be fedora
No it's the new Switch controller specially made for Nintendo fans.
on what board can you get a real cig discussion ?
>mfw the first bong rip of the day
This isn't vp or mlp son
that first chug of the day
Eat a bullet.
bugler master race
>can find literally everywhere in the south
>32 cigarettes for 5 dollars
>nice thick papers, none of those bullshit american spirit papers that are like rolling a cigarette with your imagination
>people wonder how you got so fucking good at rolling cigarettes