Learning to love it

Help me out, I'm trying to get into water....not drinking it, I already drink it, but enjoying it...what do you like about water? I'm trying to figure out how to like it

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try putting corn syrup in it

Hard work out in the sun will make truly understand how great water is.

water the great mystery is the best documentary I've seen, you might find yourself in love with water after watching it


Cum in it

Sometimes I go in the shower and let water touch my body.

You absolute madman.

I haven't consumed any liquid orally since 2004, I absorb moisture through the pores in my skin and use the sun for photosynthesis.

it quenches thirst.

But that's just me tho

You could squeeze the juice of half a lime in a glass of ice water. Tastes pretty nice.

Just put different stuff in it; mint, basil, cucumber, rose petals, lemon, lime, any kind of fruit...

You guys are making fun of him, but there are actual normies who don't drink water. My sister hates water and will only drink soft drinks or other such instead.

Yes, she's fat.

Drink soda water, buy some of the sugar free flavorings. The fuck is there to be enjoyed in water? I just have it as drink while I sit at the computer working. Who the fuck actively says they ENJOY water!?

I fucking love cold mineral water because it tastes like heaven on the days which I'm hungover which is most days.

>what do you like about water

I need it to keep my body healthy.

Since I've cut out most of the unhealthy shit from my diet plain water started to taste kinda sweet and refreshing as fuck.

Ice. Sounds basic as hell but cold water tastes much better than lukewarm or room temp water. I find even refrigerator chilled water too warm sometimes. Add a bit of ice, stir it, enjoy.

I find I like water best that used to be cold

What's her number?

Are you from the future?
Where did you get this information?
Do you have access to the Vatican library?

Does anyone here pour hot water over ice and drink it? The pockets of different temperatures taste good to me.

Well when you get tap water and run it on the hot side, most of the US mandated poison like bleach has already been boiled off by your water heater.
Running the cold side is enough to bleach clothing. You're probably correct about this if you mean city tap water.
Otherwise I'm not sure what you're meaning here.

Believe it or not, a ton of people just drink normal water and just don't like it? Idk? It's basic as hell but most people don't put ice in their water but they do in their soda? Weird as hell

Probably bleach, baking soda and other shit.
People don't understand the differences between purified, distilled and spring.

Purified is distilled water with nasty shit like baking soda and whatever the fuck else.
I drink room temp spring water from a jug.

Cold water has a beautiful fresh taste to it and it cools you off very nicely without making you feel full or making your mouth feel sticky and sugary. Drink some filtered water that doesn't come in a bottle, tastes very good. If your fridge has a built in water filter use that, if not get a Brita or something.

Best water I've bee tasted comes from mountain creeks in the backwoods of Appalachia. Fresh from the hand-pumped filter you packed in, it's a vital part of any backpacking trip.