I don't know if this is the right place to post this

I don't know if this is the right place to post this.

I eat so terribly I'm worried I'll have a heart attack when I'm 30. I'm extremely picky, pretty much everything tastes disgusting to me. I eat fast food everyday. I'm not fat or anything (actually pretty skinny), and I lift, but I'm worried I'll have health problems later down the line because of this. I've thought about going to a therapist or something, because I feel like how I eat will make me die young.

I just want help but I don't know what to do. And no, it's not as easy as "just eat better!". I've tried, if I force myself to not eat fast food and other shit foods, I just end up going hungry. How do I get help? What do I do?

Just go to a therapist.

If you eat fast food every day then you've just conditioned yourself to like the high levels of salt and fat and such. I guess one place to start would be don't get sodas but drink water with each meal

Should I really? I wasn't sure if therapists dealt with cases like this, but only extreme ones such as someone only eating lollipops or something

Also will any therapist work?
I could do that. Would lemonade instead of water work? Idk water with fast food has always been weird, but if I need to do that I can

Isnt it, youre more looking for attention? Eat normal, easy on the booze, dont smoke, do excersise.
Youll be fine.

>Isnt it, youre more looking for attention?
What? Why would I attention seek anonymously on some random board I never go on.
>Eat normal, easy on the booze, dont smoke, do excersise.
Refer to OP. "And no, it's not as easy as "just eat better!""

Maybe you should go to a doctor instead for a medical check up and verify first that you don't have abnormally high cholesterol or blood pressure or whatever.

THEN see a therapist.

For that very reason.

Ok, i know its not easy. Sometimes going for long walks clears your mind and you work up an appetite.

Right now I'm perfectly healthy. Normal bp and all that. I'm just worried that it will cause heart problems later down the line, since apparently a lot of the time eating poorly doesn't show up till youre older

Well I promise I'm not trying to attention seek or whatever


Just eat better!™

Force yourself for a month until you stop craving shit.

Okay okay
>Just eat better!™

I don't think it's even a craving thing necessarily. I just really really don't like most foods

The point is to cut out all that sugar so no I don't think lemonade would help

Okay I'll do water, thanks

You're not gonna throw up if you eat a salad and if you do then ABSOLUTELY see a doctor because you are mentally broken

Well I guess it can be hard to go cold turkey so if you want an easier way, just order a small drink of whatever and drink water over that.

Yeah I won't throw up, but I expect I'll just prefer to be hungry for the whole month, which I can't really afford since I'm riding on the underweight-normal line

first order of business kid is to ditch the anime pictures

Nah I can completely switch to water, that won't be a problem
My b it was the only worried picture I had

Isn't that expensive? Do your parents pay for everything?

If you can't go cold turkey, then try making this unhealthy kind of food at home. Do that for a little while and gradually make it healthier. For instance, let's say your regular order at the fast food joint is a burger and fries with a drink. Make something similar at home. After a bit, bake fries in an oven instead of frying them in oil. Then start using leaner meat. Maybe drink sweet tea instead of soda and make the sweet tea a little less sweet each day. Eventually, make something that doesn't resemble fast food. Keep on going with the changes until you have a healthy diet.

Pretty much every fast food place has certain meals that are only 1-2$, it's why poor people are usually the most fat

Try carbonated water.
A lot of your craving for soda stems from the fizziness.

This seems like a good idea. I mainly eat chicken nuggets though so that may be harder to make myself then something like a burger

Do you do your own cooking?

I used to be the same. I would never touch anything except kid foods. But once I started cooking my own things and found "that new thing I had never tried/only tried in awful situations" that tasted good, cracked everything wide open for me.

If you're worried about cardiovascular health, you should do jogging (or something like that) in addition to a healthier diet and the lifting you already do.

Stop watching animu you pedo.
Your life will improve 100%.

Whip up some chicken tendies of your own make.
They'll taste far better than any fast-food slop.

Not really, I guess I could try cooking though
Will have to do this sometime

They make lemonade things you can squirt in water.

do you like chinese food? you could try getting vegetable stir fry dishes to see what you might like. Stir fry is simple and fast.
I love vegetables though, so this might not be as appealing to you...

try recreating your favorite things at home, its hard to make homemade food as unhealthy as fast food

have you ever had falafel? if you can get falafel pitas nearby, try that. some ethnic fast foods are a lot better for you. It'll cost more, but you know you need to change something

pan fried chicken strips aren't too hard. can be baked too. I add oats to my crust, they crisp up nice

have u tried... eating a banana

what about.. Oatmeal

chicken.. rice.. These bland foods u cant even eat?

Living in fear of dying defeats the purpose of being alive

God fucking god I hate anime shits

>muh fortune cookie sayings

>therapist this, therapist that
>bad approaches like trying to eat 1 celery (with no salt) per day
>negative mentality "I've tried but it doesn't work please help it's not easy"
>not even willing to drink water
Start saying buh bye to your family.

>chinese food/ stiry fry
don't like at all
>try recreating your favorite things at home, its hard to make homemade food as unhealthy as fast food
will try this
ill try these
bananas are good, oatmeal not as much. honestly don't know if i like rice or not, would have to try again
>therapist this, therapist that
what's wrong with seeing this as a possibility
>bad approaches like trying to eat 1 celery (with no salt) per day
where in this thread has approaches like these been mentioned
>negative mentality "I've tried but it doesn't work please help it's not easy"
i do have a negative mentality, because ive tried to fix it but havent been able to. thats why im trying to find help
>not even willing to drink water
dude i literally said i will replace pop with water have you read this thread at all

Why do you sound like such a pushover?

Go see a therapist, you sound like you have more problems aside from eating junk

>i don't know if I like rice or not
Jesus h my dude

You need to do some of your own cooking and go from there
Rice is pretty fucking basic. If you want it tastier you add a fucking bouillon cube or a bay leaf or something, it's.. it's pretty fucking simple.

It's baffling to me that someone could not have had rice in so long that they don't know if they like it or not. I just. What?

Fuck. Okay. So is it a texture thing for you? How are things gross when they're not fast food?

You should consider seeing a nutritionist or dietitian and maybe they'd have some ideas that could help
you're just lazy and unmotivated to cook, and even if it is cheaper than buying from a supermarket you
don't want to realise why that shit food was so cheap when you start getting some seriously expensive medical bills later on in life.

Only way to fix this is either having a coming to Jesus moment when you get diagnosed with some shit like diabetes, or staying on a diet without changing. Your tastes will change either way, and what was bitter/disgusting tasting will taste fine in time.

Start with water for two weeks, and go from there. Or wait until the heart attack occurs, then change diet.

>Why do you sound like such a pushover?
Seriously dude, grow a pair

>So is it a texture thing for you? How are things gross when they're not fast food?
It largely is, yes

If you're active you're probably okay.

I'm fat as fuck and I'm 33. If I don't make some changes I'll have some issues in about 10 or so years but 30 is a little young for a heart attack.

Sounds like your real problem is anxiety. Therapy is a waste of time and money though, I took up meditation and it works great for me.

I used to be the same when I was younger OP. You just have to work past it, little by little. Like other anons said, start with water. It'll taste like shit but you'll live. Then move on to tasty, still pretty unhealthy food that you make yourself. I used sandwiches with a ton of meat and mayo. Move forward from there, healthier and healthier. You'll make it, and you'll probably feel way better in general too (eating only fast food messes with way more shit than you think.) Stay strong user.

Thank you friend

have some self discipline you faggot

eat veggies

go hungry you bitch, fasting is good if done moderately

The unhealthiness of fast food has been vastly overblown in recent years, and fast food companies have gone a long way toward making their meals more nutritionally valid since Supersize Me hit. The real thing I would watch for is your sodium intake. Ask the operator to not put salt on your fires. Don't eat fast food cheese, and avoid fast food eggs if possible.