Baking: the art of the men

fact: making bread is one of the most manly things a man can do.

Then why did the only guy I knew who could bake like a god cut his dick off and start wearing pretty dresses and fuck all the boys

I would make my own bread if i wasn't intolerant to gluten.

I have never seen a more insecure man in my life

but that beard tho

Why does the inside of that bread look so greasy

>____ is so manly, contrary to what you may already believe I am actually VERY manly for doing this

Seriously, why do men do this shit? Nobody's going to judge you for doing 'feminine' activities if you don't make such a stick about it

fact: wearing pretty dresses and fucking all the boys is one of the most manly things a man can do.

>I am ultra masculine as you can see

wew lad

Dude who gives an actual fuck
I was an Infantryman in C CO 2/327 of the 101st Airborne for six years and I like to make confections and garden as a hobby
Quit being insecure, anons

it's shiny because it's an extremely smooth air bubble

Insecurity born of our fucked up society. The gender role meme needs to die.


did you see his beard? numale backlash. some turn ultra MRA, some turn to islam, some turn to a woman to validate themselves

>some guys are gay, OMG WHAT IF I'M GAY
>better overcompensate
Maybe you are? It's legal now, you should embrace modernity


I can vouch for this as being a fact.

my bread machine is really a dough machine. in 30 minutes, it produces perfectly kneaded, warm dough. I let it rise once then bake. no need to double rise with bread machine dough.


Baking bread, as well as brewing alcohol is a rudementary simulacrum of childbirth. It's our way of giving life.

>baking machine

I have nothing against baking machines I have one myself, but imo I can't call myself a baker when I use it.

>muh manly man activities
>I'm so manly!
Just do, faggot. It should feel better to just actually DO shit if you're actually interested in it than needing people tugging your horn for your need for validation

I bet this Nu male lives in seattle.. if not he should move there he would fit in.

Regardless, i am a man... and i am gonna buy myself a bread machine, because as much as i love going to my local russian store and buying their fresh bread, sometimes i want to get bannana bread, or rasin bread and i cant find that where i live.

what a chump

you realize who it is that made that video right? the kind of the MRAs himself

I don't click on youtube videos posted on Veeky Forums. The only youtube I watch are cockpit videos of passenger trains and commercial aircraft. I particularly enjoy shinkansen videos and older generation jets like MD80s and the like.

Did you see the beard?

and also you watch daym drops I assume

came here to post this

$4-$6 for bread in the usa? what the fuck it's $2 CAD a loaf at the co-op and they make it daily.


Kill yourself you insecure hyper masculine wannabe r9k MRA faggot virgin. Why can't people like this cease to exist? Why is society such shit?

>faggot virgin

nice oxymoron there buddy

Nothing about that is an oxymoron though.

Oat bread. Try other flours and additions. Your breads will be dense, but it's bread.

what's wrong with MRA?

>having sex

Baking is for girls and gays

The word you want is 'tautology'.

R8 my bread senpai

cut it right now

Introduce me to him/her/xer/it, please

Are you retarded? Learn English.

A stupid reactionary identity politics movement to third wave feminism. It's just as bad. Fuck both of them.

niqqa u better be baiting

I went to college for baking and pastry arts simply because I wanted to. Love that shit. Ended up with my wife because of my baking skills. My uncles called me faggot every time they saw me.
But if I gave a fuck what people thought about me, I'd be a shade tree mechanic just like them. Follow your dreams, anons. And fuck everyone's opinion.

Show crumb user.

Do people still give credence to baby boomers opinions? Why?

Fuck, this is me

Post lewds on /b/ pls.