How would you debate a vegan?
How would you debate a vegan?
By walking away.
They would get tired from the lack of nutrients needed to constantly spout off about being Vegan and give up.
I wouldn't. They live a lifestyle I respect and I have no issue with it because I'm not brainwashed into thinking we need meat to survive. It just tastes good sometimes.
Shoving some poison ivy up his mouth and then walk away...
In a similar manner that I would debate anyone else.
What are we debating?
Erect penis in hand
Is it morally right to kill an animal if there are other plant based sources of food available?
convince them that the universe is meaningless and we can't prove that we even have free will so you should just do what you want because ultimately the only thing you have concrete evidence to value is yourself
Morality is an idea borne by privilege
It doesnt exist in the wild
But animals kill plants.
This. 'Infuse' the soy burger with an "exotic green".
By sucking his dick.
Absolutely, why wouldn't it be? They're not humans, they don't have rights.
this is the same kind of thinking that got drumpf elected
This isn't twitter, user.
Why don't they have rights?
>debate a vegan
That's like debating a retard.
>the grocery store is now the wild
not an argument
not an argument
not an argument
not an argument
not an argument
Then what is an argument, oh wise one?
it's an argument in that it makes the vegan's argument irrelevant
"Why do you care about veganism dude, literally nothing matters. Spend your time better, you only get a finite amount of time to experience the universe and then you die"
Vegan detected.