>15.7 BMI
What are some Veeky Forums approved foods/meals that'll help me pack on a few pounds that won't break the bank or give me diabetes?
15.7 BMI
Heavy whipping cream as your primary beverage
BMI is a shit metric
I was hoping for a meal that I could make at home but this may not be a bad idea
I agree.
Beans and oatmeal (separately). High protein meals that are high in fibrous carbs. This will prevent blood sugar spikes and help you gain the right kind of pounds.
Just eat more, skellington.
It's that simple.
Beer, mcdonalds
You are absolutely right, but there is no way a 15 BMI could mean something remotely fine.
Stir fry some ground beef with onion, garlic, and some seasonings. Pour on top of mac n cheese.
body builders don't eat it while bulking for no reason senpai
Sounds delicious will definitely try tomorrow
Should I make oatmeal from scratch or will those quaker oats ones be fine too?
Actually nevermind I just realized how stupid this question was
I just get a big tower of plain oatmeal. It's cheaper and healthier. From there I will add things for flavor. Like peanut butter and cocoa powder with optional banana. You could add fruit. Cinnamon and brown sugar with raisins.
>using bmi to determine diabetes and other related diseases
Get a pint container, a tower of steel cut oats (the grainy kind that take like 30 minutes to cook normally), and a gallon of whole milk.
The day before throw together 1/2 cup oats and 1 cup milk into the container and just clap the lid on and put it in the fridge. You just made overnight oats. Turns into a chewy hearty as fuck cold cereal. I like it for lunch.
You can easily change this up with add ins. I love using cinnamon and raisins, or banana chips, or peanut butter swirls (good for you since you need cals), or cocoa powder and honey. You can add fresh fruit the morning of if you want. After you eat, go rinse out the container and refill/replace into the fridge. Takes like a minute and your next day meal is prepped!
Gallon Of Milk A Day (on top of your regular meals)
Chanko Nabe (sumo wrestler's stew)
Oats and Squats
Lean meats (chicken, fish), cheeses, nuts, fruits, leafy greens (veggies in general, and lots), and easy on the carbs; you can definitely have carbs, just don't snack on em too much and don't make it the main focus of big meals.
Whole milk right? And what are squats
These are good suggestions, thanks for the help guys
anything with protein and just calories in general. eat like a pizza and wash it down with some milk. have like a steak and avocados. wtf 15 i guess you might be tall or something but still man watch out starvation as well as overeating both result in damage to organs
Squats are you busting your ass if you don't want to get fat while gorging yourself.
BMI is only weight by height, it does not account for health in any way.
I'm actually a manlet. I guess it correlates to my lifelong poor diet
Oh I see. I do some cardio already so I'll add this into my routine
Mines 36.3 :c
cool post time
>I do some cardio already
Cardio kills your gains.
Lurk two years before posting again.
Just eat more of whatever you're eating right now
i don't give a rat's ass. fight me faggot Veeky Forumsshit
>lot of butter or coconut oil with both
>add some coconut milk to the rice too, because why not, extra calories
>add veggies
>add a lot of spices, cardamom/turmeric/cinnamon/cayenne/ginger etc...
For breakfast I'll have oats with pb and fruits
>same spices just no cayenne or salt and pepper
This is what I'm bulking on right now.
How tall are you?
but seriously anything in the slow cooker, it is scientifically designed to never fuck up. it's literally impossible, just slop ingredients in it, come back 8 hours later and your meal is expertly cooked
also, make beef jerky at home with either a dehydrator or in the oven. an entire steak will be fairly tiny once you cut it up and dry it, yet almost all of the calories will still be in it. you can eat like 5 steaks worth of beef jerky before you get full
Find your TDEE then eat 1k more kcal a day if you are active 500 a day if sedentary until you weigh what you want.
As for what to eat I'm guessing you don't tend to eat much at all so going with high fat calorie dense foods will be easiest. Peanut butter, chocolate, ice-cream, cheese etc.
No, it's good for average people.
If you're muscular, or even just have a particularly large or slim frame, then it's not very significant. For pretty much any other kind of person, there is almost a linear relationship between BMI and body fat.
Ten years of anorexia (and still going) behind me and i can give you one advice :
Learn to cook. Period. If you don't like food and you don't know how to prepare food all you will do is ultimately meant to fail.
Obese dudes and literal skeletons like myself are on the same ladder, except we're at the opposite of it but the base remains the same. If you don't fix your diet to the root, the core, and more importantly acquire knowledge about food you will never gain / lose weight.
Also avoid Veeky Forums retards with their mall tier knowledge and teenager type shitty advices like GOMAD and stuff. You will end up with digestive issues and it will not help with anything.
Who cares. Not everyone is insecure.
oats and gomad
Why would you ever want to be heavier?
Read the sticky.
Lots of beer.
That's how I got fat
16.1 here
I've been eating 500 calories over my tdee for the past week or two and nothing yet. I'm probably not counting accurately.
Try peanutbutter and bagels.
Wish you luck senpai.
>tfw overweight
>tfw can exercise, run a caloric deficit, all that good stuff no problem
>tfw the sun goes down, cannot fucking resist drinking a cold one
>tfw once I have a beer, I want another and another
The only reason why I'm overweight is because I'm consuming probably a thousand calories of alcohol a night.
It's either gonna be cold turkey or embrace the chub for me.
I mostly drink run and diet pepsi now, but I can never resist the urge to buy an 8 pack while I'm at the liquor store
I'm pretty sure that the calories primarily come from the alcohol itself and that it doesn't make a difference what you drink. Maybe somebody can weigh in on this
You seriously need to work on your reading comprehension.
make yourself eat big 4 meals a day at least.
before bed
Make sure you are getting around 100 grams of protein a day.
Eat healthy non processed foods. No soda, and only eat desserts sparingly.
.7 BMI
I don't think you have to worry about the beetus.
Peanut butter.
Get Adams brand. Shit is so good I literally eat it by the spoonfull. I actually limit myself to only buying one jar every 2 months because if I didn't I would weigh like 400lbs.