Can I add avacado to that

>can I add avacado to that
>Sure it will be a 1.50 dollar upcharge
>let me add some quac to that
>sure 2 dollar upcharge

WHAT since fucking when, how am I suppose to enjoy mexican food without this great thing. Seriously, even your most ~mild~ mexican dish is usually spicy enough to deserve something to mellow it out.

overcharging for a smudge of avocado is what keeps businesses afloat I guess.

Because avocados are expensive as shit and have a huge waste rate in restaurants

>mfw have a avocado tree
>mfw even have to sell them so they don't waste
>7-10 for $5, sometimes i just give em away because they've mature enough to eat right away

just plan an avocado tree, if you can sempai

It's because drumpf, mexico basically price hiked all of it because

I meant to say plant

>even your most ~mild~ mexican dish is usually spicy enough to deserve something to mellow it out

Yup. Growing your own (if you live in the right climate and have the space) is the way to go.

It takes like a decade and isn't there a thing where they just dont ever fruit?

>I like burning my taste buds off and setting my asshole on fire