Can we get a Flyover hate thread? Post foods that flyovers will never get to eat.
1) because they can't afford it
2) because it a cultural wasteland
Can we get a Flyover hate thread? Post foods that flyovers will never get to eat.
1) because they can't afford it
2) because it a cultural wasteland
Get fucked in the ass you spoiled artschool nigger
>mfw flyovers are deprived of the best fast food chicken sandwich
Why you mad, just because you can't have fresh seafood. Pic related fresh fried new england clam strips.
Every summer I go to this little seafood shack, and order me a box and sit on the beach while watching the waves batter the shoreline.
Yeah and then you go home and cry into your pillow
nice projection you got there buddy. How are the coal mines treating you?
Just fuck off. This isnt reddit.
>go to save this image
>enter filename "for me"
>I already have this exact picture saved with that exact filename
>gently weep
>hates reddit for being a hugbox that dissuades any opinions outside the norm
>tells people to fuck off because they dissagree with his opinions
Not really
I just hate gluten free queers
Nobody likes that shit, even NYC fags would call you Maine homos out on your hipster seafood meme
>can't have fresh seafood
>Great Lakes
This is what "for me" is in my Veeky Forums folder.
that's your problem kiddo
I don't think anyone in flyover particularly cares that they're not able to get lobster mixed with mayo on a hot dog bun.
True, because they're already eating everything slathered in mayo and ranch.
poke bowls
this covers flyovers and the whole mainland.
fuck your east coast excuses for poke bowls, it's a shame
Looks like you already posted the only thing from New England that has any cultural relevance. Sure is a shame I could only eat one when I visited family in Boston.
Oh wait I got lobster rolls all the time from a cart in a mall in Baton Rouge. And I could get it with actual seasoning or swap out the lobster for crawfish if I wanted. And it was only $5 whereas in San Francisco I paid $16 for the same meal, without a drink, and with far less flavor.
And now that I think about it I remember getting the best steaks of my life, farm fresh produce and pecans as well as local takes on german food (which incidentally tasted better than what I got when in Munich) from small towns in southeast Texas. Plus you know, more fresh seafood. Oh and better thai food than I ever got on the coasts. I won't even begin to talk about hospitality comparisons (though Maine had some kind folks, I'll give you that)
But it's your thread OP, no matter how much of a child you are at heart. So please, post something that is truly, culturally unique that shows your superiority.
>>Great Lakes
>Eating out of a puddle
oh shit. i get that they "turn over" each season but damn user. don't eat too much from the lake that shit isn't good for you. charter boat uncle on superior loves fishing but says he'd never eat a single one of the catches. lolz at the tourists who talk about Veeky Forumsing their shit.
As a southerner, I am legitimately assmad about our lack of seafood.
Quality seafood. Including but not limited to oysters, fresh fish (that isn't disgusting farm catfish), and scrimp.
Lobsters are meme food though. Especially that mayonnaise overload concoction known as a "lobster roll." Go eat some Tomalley New England fags.
There's plenty of seafood in the South. You must live in a literal flyover state.
Also, pic related
what does lobster taste like
never had it
is it like skrimps
If you hate it here, why the fuck are so many of you faggots fleeing her from your shithole. GET THE FUCK OUT YOU FUCKING CUNTS
If you hate it here, why the fuck are so many of you faggots fleeing from your shithole to get here? GET THE FUCK OUT YOU FUCKING CUNTS
There are plenty of good poke bowls available in the mainland...that tuna has been frozen..
Funny that in Houston I can get literally anything in this thread, an affordable standard of living and I don't have to put up with Calicucks.
You're surrounded by Californians, whether you know it or not.
Yes but they shut their faggot mouths around here so it's not an issue, also they mostly go to Austin.
Sure, buddy. Look at all the big talk from a cucked Texan.
Lol, says some faggot on the internet, like I said if you come here you'll keep your faggot mouth shut boy, there's no transgender restrooms here for you to go cry in.
Look at the big boy with his big talk. Gee, you're so menacing. If I came there, you'd be losing your testicles, just like i grew up doing to calves on my family's ranch outsideof Blanco. All I need is a pocket knife. Then you can fry them up and shove them up your own ass.
t. A native Texan who's transplanted to NorCal and makes three times as much money as you.
Big talk from a faggot, keep on cuckin you LARPing homo.
>tries to insinuate Texans are surrounded by Californians
>is actually a Texan surrounded by Californians
>"hurr durr I make 3x more money than you"
>cost of living is 3+ times more expensive
god damn you really are a retarded cuck
I know this is a meme thread but you can get live lobsters pretty much anywhere in the US
Texans ARE surrounded by Californians, you dumb shit. I travel back to Texas 3 times a year to visit relatives and friends all over the state, and it's all they talk about.
You just sound incredibly butthurt because you'll never have the higher quality of living that I have. Not to mention that once my fortune is made here, I'll be back in Texas to take over the family business, while keeping my house out here for vacations. So go ahead and blubber on, Houstonfag.
Can you faggots just fuck already.
Oh, now you want a piece of Flavortown?
nice RPing faggot
>is from Blanco TX aka flyoverville
>gets literally assblasted at the mention of an actual relevant city
>pretends to be from CA
checks out
Whatever helps you sleep at night, loser.
Also if you don't want so many Californians moving there, tell your dickhead governor Abbott to stop advertising to Californians to move there.
As I said, whatever helps you sleep at nightm faglord. I'd rather be within easy driving distance of both San Antonio and Austin with all the comforts of living in the country than live in your damp, sulfur-stank, NOLA refugee-filled hot mess.
>is self hating texan
>brags about living the cucklife is Cuckistan
>on a food board on an anime ste at 4am
>calling people loser
lol k faggot
Yeah because i cant do any of that on the gulf coast of texas here
>I'll be back in Texas to take over the family business
wow just stop already you are going full cuck
It's true, whether you wish it wasn't or not.
I'm not a "self hating" Texan. I love where I grew up. I'm just more educated and well traveled enough to know there's good and bad things about living anywhere, Texas included. Especially since it's so big. And Houston is by and large awful. There's some good things there, but it's mostly fucking terrible. Plus, after living in NorCal, I'm tired of listening to people say stupid shit about California too. Yeah, there's bad things here too, but it's also very beautiful, with perfect weather and some of the best food in the entire country. Texans would lose their shit at the farmer's markets here. And no, not everything is overpriced. I don't like paying state income tax, and I hate LA, but it's great where i live.
I had some lobster roll when I went to London at burger and lobster, Loved that shit, also can someone explain flyover meme to me?
Holy shit you sound like an insufferable cuck.
Flyovers can make a lobster roll, it's really not that big of a deal
>heh, got these beautiful fresh clams
>better batter and fry them
Stop acting like you're so much more cultured on the coast.
If being a cuck means I don't hate immigrants then I'm fine with that.