What's your favorite nut Veeky Forums? Mine is the humble cashew.
What's your favorite nut Veeky Forums? Mine is the humble cashew
Smoked, activated almonds.
those are some repulsive-ass looking cashews senpai
otherwise, yeah, i fucking love cashews
its the best companion for drinkin whiskey too
They're salted and peppered senpai
Why the fuck are they so expensive then?
>being poor
Hazelnuts. Even though they remind me of my ex.
Because they're horribly poisonous unless treated?
Macadamia is best, followed by pistachio then almond.
Especially glazed.
Almonds. The healtiest and low calories nut.
For me it's nigger toes, the best racist nut
this is the correct answer
cinnamon glazed pecans are outstanding
fight me
Pine Nut
Macadamia Nut
Brazil Nut
My neighbour gives me a tin of them every Christmas, homemade. Dangerous stuff.
Oh, and my favourite plain nut is probably the peanut. It's tasty alone but it's also very versatile.
I actually prefer cashews glazed to pecans
cashews for sure. i just bought a big bag of roasted salted ones. they go really well paired with just a banana.
Mah nigga
my all time favorite is pistachios but runners up are pecans and almonds
The hazel or the nuts part?
>be me 14
>hanging out with grandpa
>go to grocery store
>grabbing whatever he thinks he needs, his wife usually did shopping
>get some brazilian nuts
>at checkout
>cute black girl checking us out, probably 16
>don't normally get jungle fever but I heard the drums
>trying to fumble around conversation
>'what kind of nuts are these?'
>before I can say anything grandpa cuts in
>'Nigger Toes'
>her eyes widen and she looks down for the rest of the checkout
>we pay
>still too caught off guard to say sorry about him
>hear nervous laughter as we leave
>was mad for the weekend for him cockblocking me
I loved my grandpa, he was a sweet man, but I don't think I'll forget that trip, it's fun to think back and laugh though
Was she a Hazelnut?