Why do flyovers love meat and potatoes so much?
Why do flyovers love meat and potatoes so much?
Why do coast residents love black cock so much?
Why do West Coasters love avacado and chicken hot sauce so much
Why do East Coasters love floppy pizza so much
Who the fuck knows
Whats not to love?
It bland and tasteless and reminds me too much of how much of the midwest is a cultural desolate
Eh, Detroit has better food than NY or Cali, that includes spic food and pizza
Spoken like a true flyover
>dr dres biggest accomplishment is signing an artist from detroit
>kiss, NYCs biggest band ever biggest hit was written about detroit
whatevs, cuck!
Imagine being this defensive over Detroit
For some reason white lighting automatically makes food less appetizing.
>jew york where everything is illegal, its cold, overcrowded and expensive, looks ugly, filled with niggers
>anywhere in commiefornia where everythings illegal, mexicans everywhere, expensive, shit economy, liberals, actual faggots, etc
what does anyone around LA even have to be proud of? The biggest producers of anal prolapse porn? Everyone that isnt in Hollywood has been jumping ship to other states looking for jobs. What a disgusting shithole. I hope that liberal retard land DOES leave the union and jewyork gets 9/11'd every Monday.
>reading this thread while having leftover ribeye
>med rare, garlic butter, prime grade aged that bitch for a week and just did a rub of salt and pepper
>loving every bite
stay mad coastfag
>being this mad
Why so vindictive, you self hating flyover?
because they raise animals and grow potatoes
can we get back to food, please?
Please keep thinking we're the worst so you'll never come here with your pretentious faggotry and ruin it for the rest of us.
Honestly because its a simple and cheap dish, just like the sort of people who live in flyover states.
It's still tasty though.
He pushed your shit in so hard you resorted to your anime reaction folder.
>i live in an afforable, decent, well maintained city
yeah im so mad, wow.
Tradition. Back in my grandfather's day good fresh veg was hard to get if you didn't live on a farm. I guy would come by with a horse and wagon and sell you whatever came in that day. And that's what you got. Wanted anything else? I would be canned. So many folks didn't bother much with vegetables if they could affords meat. Besides, eating meat was a status symbol. That's why guys used to walk around with toothpicks ion their mouths. They were showing off that their most recent meal had been meat.
This kind of eating fell out of fashion among the wealthy in the 80's and 90's, as Americans increasingly took advantage of the fresh vegetables available to them year round. Plus doctors began warning that too much red meat consumption was unhealthy. That's part of what made chicken the most popular meat in the country and put kale on the plates of people who would have otherwise written it off as poor people food.
Flyover places are generally late adopters of trends. So plenty of folks there still eat like it's the 1940's or 50's.
oh also, to add to that, I dont pay a state incuck tax. You do.
Kiss is just a bunch of old men in drag now. They haven't been any good since they released a disco record.
And who cares about Dr. Dre?
It's the essential man food. Effeminate coast cucks wouldn't understand.
Yea all those fuckers looking for jobs are coming to my beautiful lone star state, Texas. Complaining about how we dont have 'real' mexican food. Bullshit, sure we have a lot of tex mex places, but there are a shit load of authentic mexican restaurants. You cant go five miles without seeing a taqueria.
>implying the second biggest state in lower 48, with the world's seventh largest economy, is only LA/Hollywood.
THIS is why people think you're ignorant flyover cucks. Your post proves it. You don't know shit about California or New York.
You also can't go five miles without seeing a police car or having to give blood to prove you're not a drunk. You have what is basically a state run jail-to-serfdom money racket, where the state keeps it's income up by keeping people under the thumb of the courts and paying tens of thousand dollars in fines, and jumping through hoops to try and dig themselves out.
(And before you even say it, NO, I've never been arrested in Texas, but I know Texans who have, and it's devastated their lives and bank accounts. )
Texas' economy crushes both of these shit stain states.
This. I live in the Brazilian coast and eat that but the key difference is that I'm not cucked (like all Amerifats who love to be cucked by black gorillas).
Amerilards prefer to eat things with a more phallic nature as it satisfies their inherent need to feel cucked.
Because scurvy is so manly.
Proof or GTFO, retard.
>assume every state outside of california and new york are the same
>get upset when they don't differentiate between small portions of your one state
uh huh, right..
>literal monkey referring to another race as gorillas
Talk about the pot calling the kettle a nigger.
OMG absolutely this. Detroit is a shit hole. Even Iraq is cleaner and safer
This guy is so mad he turned into anime. Wow
Don't be so mad. I'm better than you so I'll fuck your wife and/or mom for free.
I'm generous, I'll buy you a happy meal so you can watch and even jerk off if you can get it up at all after fapping to cuckold and trap videos for so long. :3
>huehuehuehuehue BR? BR? BR?
what did he mean by this?
You're so mad you're having a seizure now. >:)
Sorry, I don't understand what you're saying. All I'm seeing is "huehuehue" over and over.
There's enough vitamin C in potatoes to prevent scurvy. Not enough to be healthy, but enough to prevent scurvy.
>all this projection
Show me where I ever assumed every state outside of California and New York are the same. Never said that. Unlike you, I've traveled extensively across the US, and have seen with my own eyes what's happening in other states. Some are good, some are bad, some are mediocre, and some are just shit. YOU are the one making assumptions about California and New York, without having anything to back it up, cuckboy.
This how to be samefag mad
How could his one sentence post bait out 4 mad dudes
It would be so nice if russia could nuke just these two dots
My grandfather was a meat and potatoes guy and he got scurvy back in the day. It was actually common in America a century ago every spring. It was called "Spring fever", and the cure was to cook up and eat the first dandelion greens that popped up.
>op baits Veeky Forums with a post about "flyovers"
>discussion immediately devolves into an argument over who likes black cock more
Because why not
This is true. A lot of people still eat dandelion out of tradition, or (like me) because they're so damn good for you. But now I can buy fresh dandelion greens at the store, I don't have to go picking them myself.
Hahahahahahahaha How The Fuck Is Scurvy Real Hahahaha Nigga Just Have A Piece Of Fruit Like Nigga Eat An Orange Haha
Its time to sleep user,otherwise you'll be late to school tommorow.
>Some are good, some are bad, some are mediocre, and some are just shit.
You're still pulling the same bullshit you got butthurt that someone else pulled with California.
There is not a single state that is homogeneous.
Just like your precious California, every single state has good, bad, mediocre, and shit areas.
Georgia and West Virginia are nearly all bad though.
It's because a lot of them just give up on life living in such a shitty boring place so they just go on autopilot until death.
Really, if you're literally just eating meat and potatoes. You're probably eating enough potatoes to get a good dose.
Seattle is actually a real place as well.
That potato in the picture is just screaming for some chives.
You really should look into some kind of anger management program.
And Missouri
Eat something else too, coast cuck.
You see, in flyover land, people have these things called JOBS, where we do things. And that usually requires some caloric intake that's easy to prepare and filling.
Literally about to post the same thing. I fucking hate Daddy's Money gourmands.
$70k starting, eat my shorts. White collar and loving it. Enjoy getting lung cancer by age 50 working in the coal mines.
It has to do with replacing reds with blues and yellows with greens, which makes things look less edible and more rotten.
So, do you really believe that people who live on the coasts don't work? Where do you think the majority of your fucking vegetables and fruits come from? Or, oh, IDK, the whole fucking fishing industry? Or that computer and smartphone you're holding in your sweaty little hand while you feverish type about how superior your bible-belt lifestyle is? Oh, and here's some news you might not realize, California is chock full of beef and dairy ranches. I believe I read that California is only 4th or 5th behind Texas and 2 or 3 of you midwest states for beef production. IDK about New York, because I haven't had time to explore that state as much, but California is extremely diverse in jobs. The only reason they have larger statistics than other states on unemployment and other "unsavory" issues is because they're the most populous state in the nation. More people = more varied stats. And let's not forget all the other states on both the west and east coasts, Alaska, and the Gulf who rule the fishing industries. Fucking flyovers will never learn where their bread is buttered, it's like talking to a brick wall.
Thanks for just repeating what I was fucking saying, dumbass.
Haha well those Texans mustve fucked up real bad. Drunk driving is taken very seriously here. I was given a sobriety test, passed and was not "forced" to give blood. They have to have your permission to draw blood as well.
Not sure what you mean about the racketeering. Im getting released from probation early actually. Caught a weed and prohibited weapon charge two years ago. Spent one nigt in jail and only had six months probation. The severity of your punishment is goong to vary depending on the judge who sees your case and what county you're in. That in no way reflects on Texas directly. Those Texans you speak of who had their lives ruined because they broke the law. We have laws for a reason. The people you know mustve been quite drunk whike driving. DWI, and DUI's should necessitate a sever punishment. Youre endangering a lot of people. Your friends got what they deserved.
I never said every offense was for drunk driving. And the racketeering is real. You need to open your eyes.
>punishment is goong to vary depending on the judge who sees your case and what county you're in. That in no way reflects on Texas directly.
Oh really? And who appoints the judges? Stop trying to feed me a line of complete bullshit, because I lived in Texas for over 35 years. I know how things work. I have friends who are cops there as well. I've heard it all. You can't bullshit the bullshitters.
Post streak and POE TAE TOES
Immigration influence. It's simple, hearty food that can be easily prepared in the middle of buttfuck nowhere and is really common for the immigrants in Central Europe and the UK (which are the majority in Flyover Zone - Germans, Czechs, Poles, Slovakians, Austrians, Brits...).
Basically it's the food they knew and could easily get. Hence tradition, hence flyovers liking meat and potatoes.
It tastes good? I'm not even fly over and it's my favorite meal. If it's the only thing you eat, then sure that's a bad thing but fuck not everything has to be super colorful collage of veg and spices. I bet your one of those people who thinks black twitter cooks are good because they fuck a turkey up with spices.
Well you didnt exactly expand on their charges. If it wreaked havoc on their bank account and lives it mustve been something serious. Like I said i got a drug charge and weapon charge and it didnt fuck me over. Sure i had less money for a bit, but I was still able to live a normal life.
The people appoint the judges. They are apart of the local elections. What shit are you on?
Having to pay the government money is inevitable if you break the law. That goes for any state.
>70k starting
>1000sq ft apartment costs 5k a month
Why would anyone not like steak and potatoes?
They're Jewish
Yep, and you appoint right wing hardliners, so you get what you deserve.
>implying judges don't work with police depts. to serve their common interests, i.e. money.
>baseless assumption
You have an unrealistic and jaded view of the justice system.
Nope, it's entirely based on reality. I don't hate cops or judges, as I said, I have friends who are cops. But there is a lot of corruption and racketeering going on, whether you believe it or not.
You have voted for a party that contains nine of the ten longest sentencings for corruption among public official.
You said "states" are good, bad, etc... you didn't say anything about specific areas of states.
And you said this after getting upset that someone else thinks your state is "bad" because the think the whole thing is represented by one specific area.
Do you understand what the word "hypocrisy" means, fucktard?
Oh, right, I forgot youre just some dumb libtard spic faggot from the state of Los Angeles. Don't let me keep you from your gluten-free vegan drive-by gay pride parade with all this confusing basic kindergarten-level reasoning you no child left behind, motherfucker.
The area that all that bounty of produce and cattle come from is certainly lumped in with the "flyover" country, since it is not NYC or LA. That computer and smart phone were made in china or similar by near-slaves (in most cases) with a little bit of R&D and design work from some companies that are established on the fringe of fly-over-land because they need a lot of property for their offices. Upstate new york, which for the purposes of this discussion is functionally any place 50 miles away from manhattan is an entirely different demographic in most cases and has little connection to the population-bloated appendage hanging off their edge.
San Francisco, the greater Bay Area, Monterrey, Sacramento, and Lake Tahoe are hardly "fly-over" areas. You dolt. You have no idea what you're talking about. You're trying to use your own ignorant opinions as facts. You're part of everything that's wrong with this country.
I'm just saying that the agricultural powerhouse of California is not any of those places.
There is a massive difference between "anyone who lives in a state that touches a coast" and "trolls trolling trolled trolls with muh flyover memes"
Well, you should know all about kindergarten level thinking, since that's what you do best.
You have such poor reading comprehension you couldn't even understand the posts you read. I doubt you even understand what real hypocrisy is. You're just as bad as all those extremist "brown people" you hate so much. But nice rabid, mouth-foaming, bigoted, generic slur-filled, homophobic, bible-swallowing, straight-outta-the-trailer low class posturing, Chrissy.
Actually, it is. The Central Valley is mostly home to large production farms that are either owned or sell to producers like Del Monte, Kraft, Diamond brand nuts, Campbells (well, they closed their plant there), and other large corporations. However, it's from Monterrey, the Bay Area, the Sacramento Valley, and the Sierra Foothills that you get a majority of your fresh fruits and vegetables from, as well as grapes for making your Hill Country wine (since the drought there has kept any grapes from growing, they buy all their grapes from California, mostly Lodi). You really should learn more about a place's agriculture before you go spouting off bullshit.
rekt and kekkd
Sbarro is not really a thing in the east. It's a flyover thing
"Non-flyover" starter pack:
Breakfast: Gabagool and coke
Lunch: guacamole and bread (can't afford anything else)
Dinner: mama-mias spicy homemade meatballs and dollar store wine (beer is for flyovers)
Dessert: coke
probably because they taste good
>dollar store wine
Where do dollar stores sell wine
I need to know for purposes
I've lived in flyover my entire life, and I have only ever heard references to Sbarro from northeasterners. Not sure if I have ever seen one up here
>this is LA/San-Francisco culture
I've lived in Philadelphia all my life and I think I've only seen them at airports.
Because vegetables are pretentious and/or for women, of course
I live in Flyover for a few years and they are definitely around.
Flyovers have more livestock than people, they are abundant
This thread is cancer and nobody in it could cook instant macaroni and cheese
Castrate yourselves
Sbarros are mostly a northeastern chain, they are pretty uncommon in flyover besides Chicago
Oh they're probably a mall chain
I have clarified my position, colorfully, and this is the second reply where you simply insulted me without bothering to refute what I said or explain your flawed position more clearly.
I see no reason to repeat myself again.
Have a nice day.
Neutral third party here, I looked at the post you quoted and it's basically just factual observations. Why are you getting insulted by being called an ignorant racist homophobe when you seem proud of that fact?