So many reasons to go vegan and yet people still don't it's mind boggling
What's your excuse
Go vegan
I enjoy the taste of meat. I enjoy hunting and fishing. I think it's pants-on-head retarded to eliminate an entire category of foods from my diet for an arbitrary reason. I'd rather not be dependent on supplements for vital nutrients for the rest of my life. I don't want to be "that guy" when eating with others. And I have yet to hear a convincing argument in favor of veganism.
I bet you've never gone hunting
Oh man... This is gonna be such a great and productive discussion between open minded meat eaters and vegans. I can't wait for it to get started!
Sounds gay.
I like meat.
I don't want to be a blunt-toothed protein-deficient fucktard, slowly getting stupider through vitamin deficiencies.
But I am, OP. However, I don't give a shit about trying to convince others to do the same.
The majority of us were raised on eating meat and other animals products just like our ancestors before us. Food chain and all that, etc.
Do what you want in life, it's yours to live as you please. If you want to eat meat, go for it. If you want to eat vegan, go for it.
Respect my choices, and I'll gladly respect yours.
My satisfaction with food is more important than any amount of animal lives. The only thing that will convince me to go vegan is when the food I enjoy can be accurately reproduced at the same price point without using animal products, and then it'll just be a matter of doing what's easiest.
vegetables feel pain, they scream when you vĀ“cut them,
My excuse is I don't need to go vegan. I eat vegan meals on a day to day basis, but when it comes to special occasions I indulge in celebration foods, which are rarely vegan. And I'm cool with that. No reason to be absolutist about this stuff.
Because you need saturated animal fat to make hormones and have a sex drive
Thanks, veganbro
Because I'm not a pretentious faggot with a superiority complex, probably.
Meat is a more efficient source of protein and necessary nutrients. Vegans are usually pathetic and always annoying.
Modern agriculture kills more animals than modern farming.
top post
Just eat veganish and occasionally have a fucking burger or whatever
Omnivores rule.
Herbivores are prey.
That's what I do, and it sure as fuck helps with the cholesterol issues.
I'm not a faggot.
And I bet most vegans have never done any farming for the produce they consume yet merrily eat it whilst denigrating and unapologetically insulting 'meat eaters' for not hunting the meat they eat either.
vegan shills are ruining this already ruined board
I am vegan, I just realized there is hardly any point in trying to convince people to do it.
I've managed to convert friends and family towards vegetarianism/veganism with barely any words but purely through action alone.
I become a very happy person when a stout animal consumer says meat makes him feel like shit after he tries a vegetarian/vegan diet.
>Cooking without broth, milk, cream, butter, eggs or meat
Enjoy your eternally bland food