I tried the light beer meme for the first time today and i thought it was pretty ok.
Why do people hate light beer, Veeky Forums?
I tried the light beer meme for the first time today and i thought it was pretty ok
It has little taste and you have to drink so much to get drunk.
Natty light master race
because it tastes like plain carbonated water, which isn't very good. Obviously its better than having nothing at all, but so many delicious things are so readily available
Is this the dirty dish water general?
Update: it justed warmed up past 3 degrees celsius
It's pretty gross now so i guess you just have to chug it down while it's cold
It's utilitarian
Memelinneals don't do man work
They don't get jt
How exactly is it utilitarian?
He's just trying to find a way of justifying to himself that it isn't girly.
This. Though it can be a good thing if you're style is to drink shitloads of beer throughout the day, since the lack of flavor means you won't get tired of it easily, and the low alcohol content means you can't get blackout drunk unless you really try.
>you have to drink so much to get drunk.
it has like 1 or 2 percent less ABV than regular beer
that infographic gave me cancer
Why are these stupid things so funny
Best: craft in general
Perfectly fine (sometimes preferable to craft): boring macro lagers
No seriously, stop: lite anything
>drinking craft
I don't understand why you'd want to finely tune a high volume chuggable that only serves to get you drunk
If you want to get drunk the vodka is over there.
You realize that thats pretty significant.
Compare a light beer at 4% ABV to a typical IPA or stout at 7%. Thats 75% more alcohol in the good beer, so for every 4 good beers you would have the equivalent of 7 light beers and it would taste way the fuck better
because it is delicious, if I was only in it to get drunk I would drink wine or vodka
>if you're style is to drink shitloads of beer throughout the day
That's not "style" that's "binge drinking"
I don't understand what's wrong with people who enjoy something attempting to make it taste better so they can enjoy it more.
Because it's their law of the universe that beer must taste bad and serve as a means for inebriation.
It's inconceivable that someone can like things they don't like.
It's the ultimate Veeky Forums troll.
Because it gives it too complex a flavor profile to be drank in high volumes
It's also way heavier and fills you up too much so you can't drink enough to feel drunk
That's what I was hinting at.
>It's also way heavier and fills you up too much
Its literally the exact opposite, you have to drink much more light beer in order to get drunk making you more full. Don't listen to everything you hear on light beer commercials
Most beer isn't 7%. The majority of regular beer is around 4, 5 or 6%. Light beer is around 4 or 5. There isn't a huge difference most of the time. Unless you intentionally get brands with higher alcohol content, in which case there are better much ways to get drunk if that's your goal.
I'm just not a big fan of drinking piss.
What do you mean by regular beer? I am talking about good beer, not just slightly less light beer like Budweiser. Still, even the difference between 4% and 6% (which is the low end for typical good beer in most styles) is 50% which is rather significant
>regular beer
as in, not light
>I am talking about good beer
It seems you are defining a beers goodness based on how much alcohol it has, and that more alcohol = better, which is not always true. Anyway, if you go to the store and look at every regular beer, you will find most of them are around 4, 5, or 6%.
Most beer these days is 7% average.
No. Some are, not most.
Nah, most are. Many are higher.
>It seems you are defining a beers goodness based on how much alcohol it has
No, I am talking about good beer, and then describing how much alcohol it typically has. There are surely good beers with less alcohol, and even more with higher amounts of alcohol that the described range. (although the amount of malt used in beer is a huge contributor to the flavor so there is a general correlation between ABV and taste, though there are other factors too)
You seem to be talking about just slightly less shitty, pretty much light beer like Bud/Coors/Heineken, when I clearly specified a good beer, if you go buy a random ass good beer from the super market, its probably going to be in the 6-7.5% range
Well there's an easy way to settle this. Go to the store, look at every beer and calculate the average alcohol content. It will be around 5 or 6%.
If you look at ever good beer, no way will it be lower than 6%. Hell the pure average would probably cause it to skew higher as most special release beers in the bomber section are going to be in the 7-12% range. If you just go median, you are probably looking at 6.5-7%
Okay, I was talking about most regular beer in my original post, not user's specially selected "good beers." I realize you are basing this discussion based on what you have in your fridge for some reason, however I am not privy to that information.
So you shop at Walmart? What do you mean by regular beer?
That's obviously what he's talking about.
He seems to think that just because lots of people drink bud and coors, bud and coors are representative of the vast majority of beers out there. At least that's all I can think of.
>What do you mean by regular beer?
Beer that is not light. Try to follow the thread.
>vast majority
In other words, most. Yes I realize there are some beers with higher alcohol content, but most are around 6%. I don't know why this is hard to accept.
Do you mean beer that doesn't market itself as light, or beer that actually isn't light? Like Budweiser and Coors are straight up light beer, no flavor, low alcohol, lightened with non-barley adjuncts
and still, Budweiser tier macros are just a tiny fraction of the non-light beer at the grocery store, so even including them, your statement is just wrong
Look at the OP. It says "Light" on the label. That is what I define light beer as.
6% compared to the 4% of most "light" beer is still a huge difference. That 50% more alcohol, and therefore 50% less filling compared to light beer if the goal is to drink a lot. Plus it will taste delicious instead of tasting like nothing
Because they're insecure and it affirms their masculinity
Speaking from experience, a 2% difference in alcohol is not a huge difference in my opinion. Maybe for a lady it is, I dunno.
50% more is significant by any standard. Regardless of how good or bad you are at handling alcohol, 50% is 50%. By drinking something with 50% more alcohol, you will get drunk 50% faster, and get full at an equally slowed rate. To most men that have been drinking for more than a few years its pretty tough to get drunk on light beer as its such a huge quantity of water going long with the small quantity of alcohol, you just get full too fast
This is a pretty simple concept, how drunk you get is proportional to how much alcohol you have drank, and if you drink something with 50% more alcohol you will get equally drunk on 50% less of the beverage
shut up science bitch
I think it might be a bit of a class thing, same as black coffee and medium rare steaks. My grandparents were rural working class so my father and uncles grew up around cheap beer, well done meat and potatoes, 2 types of wine (white and red), etc. My uncles that stayed working class are still like that, but everyone that got a bit of an education and a non-labor job seems very preoccupied with having "good" taste, which implies loudly talking shit about light beer and stuff like that. I've never seen someone from a wealthier background do the same kind of posturing about those things
Except that unlike with expensive wine, good beer is a normal ass person thing. Everyone grows up drinking shit beer regardless of class in High School and College, then moves on to good beer once they can be more selective. Good beer is still pretty damn cheap and accessible to people of pretty much any class once they are 21 besides the ultra poor. Now when you are talking about the older generations, its a bit different as most of them, regardless of class just grew up with light beer and other macros because that is what there was
Also, are you implying that eating a steak medium rare is just something people do to seem fancy? Because that is absurd, your whole post is just dumb and not reflective of any reality
fly over state disgusting ass white "people" who voted drumpf drink light beer
Calm down there buddy, we're all friends here. Ordering your steak medium rare is a perfectly normal thing to do. What is dumb posturing is bragging about your choice of doneness as if it puts you in a special category of people.
As for the beer thing, there's nothing wrong with liking good beer. I like good beer. But OP's post was about disliking light beer. If you go to a bbq and there's Coors light in the cooler and you go on a rant about muh pisswater swill and pleb tastes then you're either autistic or insecure about your socioeconomic status.
>I'm so boring I need to flood my brain with neurotoxins to have fun at parties
>i need my fizzy piss water to feel like an adult
>whaddya mean you don't drink beer what are you, a child??
Go plot your butthurt on a graph, Randall.