>thinks he's a good cook
>didn't go to culinary school
Thinks he's a good cook
Ina garten is self-taught
> went to culinary school
> thinks he's a good cook
Starting to regret culinary school, eh?
shes fat
>thinks he's a good cook
>isn't fat
>going to culinary school in the usa
Well if I like how it tastes and others generally do as well, I figured I'm at least okay at it. I ain't gonna get a Michelin star anytime soon but hell, being a good cook mostly means not making everyone puke
I didn't go to culinary school, I went to restaurants.
>He thinks he's a chef
>Talks down to self-taught cooks
>He just graduated community college culinary school
>he thinks watching youtube cooking videos makes him a good chef
>has just earned his first jack scalfani badge of approval for 'joosey chiken'
>PAYING to learn how to keep yourself alive
I can tell you there's very little difference except the chip on the shoulders and the pay difference despite the work ethic
yeah dude.
work ethic beats a culinary degree any day, but if you have both then you're gonna go places. if you're washing dishes/doing prep someplace while in school and you're able to push through the 16 hour days without fucking up your school work/work work, you're almost guaranteed to be successful.
someone having a culinary degree without multiple years of actual work experience on their resume is probably the biggest red flag one can send up.
90% of the people I've worked with that came from culinary school were kicked to the dish pit within a week or two. Those who weren't were amazing. Mostly, the people who I've seen be successful after culinary were people who were in the industry before, and decided it was something they liked and wanted to get better at. Those who went because they thought they saw something on tv and thought they could be the next iron chef weren't ready for what it actually takes. Sad really, but we don't have time to loose ends with what we do.
I went to cullinarry school
All I learned was how to be a total spiteful bitch.
As much of a meme culinary school is, to be fair people go there to obtain skills for a profession, not to learn how to not overcook an underseasoned chicken breast in their bachelor pad.
Wanna fuck
I worked with a guy who went to school. I was a dish washer at the time. I had to drop my shit and help him make hollandaise more than a few times because he always fucking broke it. Chump. He was also a wuss, a brown nose, and a fucking weirdo. I still liked him all right in spite of it all, but he was bad at his job. School ain't shit.
Perhaps some of us are good enough that we don't need special help and can figure it out for ourselves.
>goes to culinary school
>brags about what a good chef he is
>is "successful"
>makes $45K usd/year working 12 hour days
Me, on the other hand...
>enjoy cooking for friends and family
>hosts a supper club once a month and gives revenue to charity
>works as a consultant from home, maybe 5 hours a day, tops.
>clears $100k
>eats and cooks mostly fresh fish caught by me from my boat
How's culinary school working out for you?
Can you show us your recent catch? I'm interested to see what you got.
lol how insecure does someone have to be to gloat about his personal achievements for the sole purpose of trying to make somebody else feel inferior?
i'd bet you're a liar. on the off chance that i'm wrong, i can safely assume you're a successful dude without any friends.
>>enjoy cooking for friends and family
>no friends
Not that guy but you're kinda retarded.
that's exactly what somebody without any friends would say.
but nah, there's no way someone would lie on the internet
Y post delet
Well the fish haven't returned to Cape Cod (where I live) from their winter migration, so nothing is "recent" but sure, pic related is typical a typical trip. What I catch is mostly:
>yellowfin tuna 40-60 lb class
>occasional bluefin 60-150 lb class
>striped bass (pic related)
>black sea bass (maybe the tastiest fish in the ocean)
>flounder or fluke (poor man's Dover sole)
That's a gorgeous looking fish.
>black seabass
>tastiest fish in the ocean
apparently you haven't had any oregon/washington albacore or halibut. i take back what i said before, i guess. you're livin the dream; keep getting us fish
Sorry friend, I didn't start the thread where a gloating culinary cuck calls out every non-graduate on earth as a lousy cook, I merely responded.
And as long as you're being ticky-tack, I didn't gloat about achievement. I gloated about quality of life.
My dad brought home some Alaska halibut from one of his trips. It's really good, but of course it's frozen. I'm sure it's miles better fresh.
that's fair, i'm just hammered since it's my saturday.
i'm this guy there are strong cases for each side in the atlantic vs. pacific fish argument about which is better, but i think we can both agree that gulf "fish" is garbage.
Ooh I don't know about that. Speckled trout? Hog snapper? Mangrove snapper? Snook? Cobra? The gulf has some tastey little fuckers. But generally, yeah I agree that cold water fish > warm water fish
Auto correct strikes again
ok, who doesn't love snapper.. but still, compared to halibut/albacore/tuna/toothfish/all varieties of cod/monkfish/salmon/arctic char, etc., it's not fair.
i grew up in cleveland so there's a soft spot in my heart for freshwater fish such as perch/walleye/river trout. smoked trout is top tier.
>culinary school
fucking amerilard meme.
I started as a dish washer and worked my way up to sous chef.
School is a meme. Its nice but not at all needed.
btw cook =/ chef
you little twat. everyone can be a decent cook, not everyone can be a good chef. Theres a reason why good and able head chefs are paid quite well in good restaurants. its a hard fucking job and has very little to do with actual cooking.
thats a wonderful fish. My knifehand gets itchy seeing fresh fish whole like that.
make the head/bones into stock, marinate/grill the collar, and descale/portion the filets and portion/cook them and sell some crispy skin bass that's been basted in butter and shit
Reminds me of the time my head chef bought a fucking whole yellow fin for the restaurant.
Was hard work to get that thing into the kitchen already. But man was is it awesome helping the head chef break that giant fucker down.
He kept feeding me best bits so I can taste everything I hadnt before ( raw fatty belly meat is ambrosia). We even made our own Bonito flakes from it. Was a fun time, sadly the headchef had a breakdown and started throwing pans into the dining room one day, so he had to leave.
Last thing I heard he was hired on a cruiseship, he now works 4 months and has the rest of the year off. And he can live pretty well of nice.
made me so jealous.
fatty tuna belly is top tier.
you can't really compare tuna to seabass/cod/salmon. it's as different to those guys as flatfish is. tuna collar is really great, though.
Lol you guys would get so mad how we cut these fish. I catch about 30 like this a year. The first two get broken down and I save the heads and bones and make stock, but the next couple dozen just get the filets cut off and the rest goes back in the ocean to feed the circle of life.
Check this fish out- my goofy neighbor holding one of those black seabass I was talking about. The flesh is so mild with a subtle sweetness to it. They don't freeze very well so I'll catch my limit and invite a few couples over and cook them en papillote with aromatics or do a whole grill. Aaah it's all I can think about...
I wanna be rich! I don't wanna work in a kitchen anymore!
this definitely triggers me..
but black seabass, pan seared and butter basted with crispy skin is fucking perfect. most big fish need to be flash frozen to kill off parasites, which is why i prefer the 10-20 lb albacore and halibut that's no bigger than 20-30 lbs.
the 60-90 lb halibut are just so fucking riddled with worms.
>pic related, 70 lb washington halibut
this definitely triggers me..
but black seabass, pan seared and butter basted with crispy skin is fucking perfect. most big fish need to be flash frozen to kill off parasites, which is why i prefer the 10-20 lb albacore and halibut that's no bigger than 20-30 lbs.
the 60-90 lb halibut are just so fucking riddled with worms.
>pic related, 70 lb washington halibut
>frozen to kill off parasites
dude, old fish are guaranteed to have parasites. it's just a fact of life.
it's why i prefer a fresh 20 lb halibut to a 90 lb halibut. the latter needs to be flash frozen or else you get a fish that you find live worms in while breaking it down
id rather be dead than this ugly
sorry mane, meant
>FROZEN to KILL parasites
As famous Russian chef Gordon Ramsanov said, I didn't go to culinary school, I went to food.
i don't get what you're tryna say, user..
pls rephrase it. and if it makes you feel any better, saltwater parasites dont do well in freshwater dwelling creatures like us. but it's still gross
what is gordon ramsay?
>he says all that while still living in his parents house
>living in your parents' house is bad
Bitch please, if I could live in my parents' house I would have enough to buy my own in cash right now. Being "allowed" to smoke weed and fill your bedroom with piss bottles gets old in about 2 weeks unless you're a complete degenerate
I'll take 2 lb of the Washington halibut, please! Nice cuttery.
Says the faceless coward
Anyone know what this fish is? I've tried so hard to make them taste good but they just suck.
(Hint- if you said albacore, your answer would be false)
a colossal faggot
>haha, you're keeping your living costs to a minimum leaving you with more spare money for whatever you wanna do with it!
you sure showed him with that
I know right? I'd LOVE to live in my parents house. My mom is dead and my dad would probably be annoyed by my two kids, yeah. Prob not happening. I'd love to not have a mortgage tho
>implying you need to go to school to follow some as trivial as a recipe
>especially when you finished Med school are are all too used to making pharmacological recipes
Oh OP, you uneducated twats always make me laugh.
looks like some kinda jack or yellowtail
>he thinks community college counts as culinary school
being able to follow a recipe doesn't mean shit; there are a million different techniques and skills to learn if you wanna cook professionally.
the goal is generally to be the kind of cook that doesn't use recipes (except when necessary). i'm not saying cooking is anywhere near as useful as being a doctor, but it's not an easy thing to master.
It is, though. Just experiment around.
>go to culinary school for free because i'm not in some third world country (so not US)
>also works in restaurants
>learn the better of both worlds
>then do hotel management school and still work on the side
>now i'm the boss and i tell to faggots cooks what they should do
Feels pretty good
as long as you know what you're about and aren't telling them to do stupid/ignorant shit then I'm sure they don't mind the instruction, unless of course you're a dick
I'm not a jerk IRL. I'm mostly there for hygiene/highly technical stuff, and obviously to verify that the chef/cooks aren't doing really dumb shit with our time and money.
dude, i'm not trying to sound arrogant but the amount of shit i know about cooking/food preparation in general compared to what you know would make your head spin.
it's skilled labor.. it's entertainment, and it's unimportant, but it's a craft that takes a lot of time and practice to get good at.
So? I eat broccoli and chicken. I don't need your useless knowledge to keep my busy, fit life as an Internal Medicine doctor.
What has knowing all that (which you got from a lot of free time, meaning not having a proper job) brought you, besides obesity?
You don't know what your talking about. But it's you business, whatever man
This is what it looks like when you lose an argument
Whatever, fatties. If your only claim in life is to make food, which is all too basic, then you live very sad lives indeed.
>thinks he is great at shitting.
>didn't go to shitting school
i wasn't the other two guys, but i cook for a living and make enough money to live in a major west coast city..
i'm probably more shredded than you as well.
Nice fantasy you have there
>Be amazing at the grill.
>Know every inns and outs of my grill.
>Removed a cherry tree by hand in my own yard for the wood to go next to my apple pile.
>Can tell by the second when a steak is ready.
>Family shows up, brother wants to use the grill.
>Fuck it.
>See him grab a jug of lighter fluid and soak the coals.
>Blaze in my yard.
>"Bro, you should get rid of all this dry wood, it's too close to the barbecue!"
>His three kids are destroying my house.
>mfw he stabs the mound of meat formerly known as steak 12 times and flips it constantly.
You don't have to go to culinary school to become a good cook, it just takes practice and time to become a good cook. Not some school where you can gloat on how you;re a culinary artist, its literally an ego trip.
>went to school
>thinks he's smart
Hinkley CA, obv
>never been to culinary school, but i totally know about it !
You fuckers are dumb as bricks. Culinary school isn't only about cooking. It's about learning the most efficient techniques, safety/hygiene rules, how to use food in the most fucking efficient way, how not shit yourself when shit is going off, timings and so on.
Or at least, it's how it is here. Don't know if it's the same for amerisharts.
Yes, user. Those are all basic aspects of cooking in a restaurant.
And you can certainly learn all of that outside of a cooking school.
cooking school is bullshit school for white folks to waste money at.
if you need to go to school to learn cooking then you jus prolly suck at cookin in the first place
>cooking school is bullshit school for white folks to waste money at.
Yes, Nigger. School is a waste of time. Make sure to never go to school.
And also remember to hate corporations, hate the govenment, and hate every other race.
Demokrat 4 live Niggas!
>goes to culinary school
>brags about what a good chef he is
>is "successful"
>makes $45K usd/year working 12 hour days
>Chef at Wendy's
>Make over $140k a year
>9 inch penis
How's culinary school working out for you OP?
I have never worked with a graduate who didn't either get fired or quit because he couldn't handle the pressure and knew fuck all about timing
>Yes, Nigger. School is a waste of time. Make sure to never go to school.
While I agree with your scarcasm in general, cooking school specifically is considered to be mostly a waste of money. There are several reasons for that which make it rather different than most "school".
1) When you get out of "cooking school" and look for a job you'll quickly find that none of your potential employers actually care about a cooking school diploma.
2) Cooking schools are often as expensive as a real 4-year college yet the material they teach is much simpler. The ratio of cost:knowledge to be gained is way off compared to most trade schools, college, etc.
3) The subject matter is fundamentally simple. Anything taught at a cooking school can be easily learned on your own, or on the job.
lol. Schools are evil!!!
Fuck the evil white MAN's racist schoolin.
Keep collecting that free welfare. Show whitey who's the real boss!
What's with the reddit spacing, nerds ?
Living the dream user, keep it up
Being a fat cook is embarassing. If you can't control your own eating you shouldn't be involved in others
you spelled $14,000.00 wrong.
>went to culinary school
>thinks he's hot shit
looks dope
Hey, mortgage is better than rent at least.
I went to culinary, and I kinda liked being in the dish pit during service.
Just get on with things and don't complain. It was kinda peaceful.
>getting a degree for a "job" that doesn't even break 5 figures