What's your favorite? Me? Pickles with carrot juice which I drink using my cool Magic Straw Glasses.
Shower Snack
shower snack... like something you eat while bathing..?
Fuck off unfunny faggot
What's wrong, man?
Nothing, just go dance in traffic
I personally just take regular showers. It's been scientifically proven that eating while wet prevents skin cancer. I used to only eat pickles but since I'm a pretty healthy guy and plan on staying healthy, I started drinking too. I ordered this bad boy a few months ago, pic related.
It was worth it, good quality too.
No one else?
>there are multiple and even meta mcchicken threads, and even a meta meta meta do americans really thread
>this is still the worst thread currently on Veeky Forums
Why? I just wanna know what you guys eat.
Why dont you just drink from the shower?
You should take a timestamped picture of that device, alone side of two coffee mugs stacked atop the other in your tub.
>you can't
Troll thread aside, I only drink in the shower. Wine, beer or coffee.
Nothing better than a shower beer
Shower spaghetti is pretty good.
Not a big fan of the shower beer. There's a chance of shower water getting in there, and it gets warm faster, which forces you to pay more attention to drinking it rather than showering. Which wastes water.
I've never eaten while showering but I keep a ton of trix in the bathroom. Sometimes I like to have a treat before I brush my teeth or sometimes I grab one if I've been sitting on the toilet for a while
The famous shower orange
>I only drink in the shower
It's the only water source I gave in my house now.
I live in Chicago but the kitchen and most bathroom fittings got robbed during the last chimp out.
Why not a 'go 'za too tho?
ice cream cones
low quality forced meme
once after having a seizure induced by a type of withdraw, i sat in the steaming shower and ate the blood of loss from its source between my legs. as far as shower snacks go this was my favorite.
I dislike this guys face. why?
Because he's smug while looking silly.