How often do you eat potatoes?

How often do you eat potatoes?

I eat roasted sweet potato every second day. I eat regular potatoes maybe twice a month.

A few times a week.

fairly often

Pretty much never. It's too heavy.

Delicious, but calorie bomb.
I would eat them almost every day in some form, but I really dont want to be a fatass.
Every couple weeks is good enough.

Has to be a troll. There's no other way

Nah, it's what they actually believe.

My mom and dad were killed by potatoes, so me and little sis never touch the stuff.

did they pay the fine or served their sentence?

Served their sentence out of spite for the globalist federal reserve banking system

My go to snack is 2-3 potatoes halved, microwaved, and covered with a pad of butter + hot sauce. I buy one 50lb bag at Costco every month.

Yes, I'm poor.

Not enough. I run on the pasta / rice too much.

Get a load of this rich fuck

At least 3-4 days a week.

3-5 times a week

few times a week, not daily, there's only so many ways you can cook potatoes and be entertained

Pretty much daily. Delicious and nutritious.

The microwave was a giveaway, buddy. Real cheapskates use campfires.
About 3-4 times a week. Eating a potato stew right now. They are great and can be very versatile

Potatoes and eggs with cheese, maybe some bacon a little bit of ham, salsa, baby you got yourself a breakfast burrito. I eat three a day to keep me strong

>potatoes are 110 cal per 4 ounces
>calorie bomb

Never. Diabetes is bullshit.

Rarely, I'm bad at cooking them.


This. Idahofag here. Potatoes are plentiful and dirt cheap here. Use them for hasbrowns, fries, baked taters, anything. Fuck I love potatoes.

How does one fuck up a potato?

Forgetting to salt the water if boiling them.
Trying to flip them too soon if making "home fries".
Not parboiling before roasting in the oven
Not double-frying if deep frying them
Using a waxy potato when you need a floury one, or vice-versa

You can work with literally all of those eventualities and produce something tasty

>You can work with literally all of those eventualities and produce something tasty

Sure. But that doesn't change the fact that a fuckup was made.

Point is potatoes have a high tolerance for fuckups

literally every day

Every 2 or 3 days. I just do what alton brown tells me to and its delicious every time. Baked in olive oil or bacon fat with green onion and maybe cheese, meat and brocolli goes well