Veeky Forumsutting boards

what does Veeky Forums cut on?
no meme shit.
im currently using flexsheets for practical reasons.



how does anybody use those cutting mats

Wood is antibacterial, but I've heard bamboo is as well.

Those flexsheets are the absolute worst. Very difficult to secure against slipping on the counter and no stability at all.

bamboo is pretty hard on the edges of you knives though. Wooden endgrain boards are the ultimate cutting surface for the home cook. And restaurants only use rubber or plastic for practical reasons.

i put a towel underneath....

I use flexsheets for cutting poultry and fish and have a small wooden board for veggies and everything else.

Cutting is boring. Its old hat by now. Parents dont care, peers dont care.

My mom buys shitty tiny dollar store cutting boards that warp and bend and don't lay flat. What can I buy so my family doesn't have to suffer with this shit

Wooden endgrain cuttin board. see above.

lol cut deeper faggot

I have about 20 $1 polyethylene cutting boards. Dishwasher safe and antibacterial. The second they get misshapen, it's into the trash and a new polyethylene cutting board takes its place.

I have a couple nice wooden ones that I burn art into with a soldering iron. Pretty much just use them for serving bread or cheese.

How dreadful. Do you realise how bad that is for the environment?

Its 'down the road' not 'accross the street' you attention seeking homosexual

they will flatten back out, just put them under a rigid board and some weight on top. i have to store them this way as i have a small kitchen, but its how i keep them straight.

polyethylene is the only food-grade plastic that is infinitely recallable. It's actually great for the environment.

they stay pretty flat in a stack of 20. they get washed and put back on the bottom of the pile.

>made from petroleum
>good for environment

It's better than the wood that either needs to be mixed back into a paste for recycling or harvested using petroleum burning machines

I use a walled chopping board so I dont need two different ones for meat/veg

Speaking about that, how do you clean a board after, let's say, handling raw chicken in it ?

I'm an hygiene freak and i want my shit 100 % secure.

I just wash mine with soap and water.

If you're paranoid then disinfect it with a 5% bleach solution.

Your chopping board for meat will never be 100% clean, shit gets stuck in the scratches and cant be scraped out. Chances of food poisoning are non existent at that point anyway.

>But as a rule of thumb, you should avoid cutting raw meet on a wooden cutting board. Bacteria can seep into the crevices of the wood and fester, contaminating the surface.

I have three white plastic cutting boards that I had made at my local restaurant supply store. They make cutting boards to order--any size you want. I measured what the largest possible size could be that would still fit in my dishwasher and ordered three of them.

I also have a fancy wood one that I use for serving.

Some wood block I took from my parent's house

>All wood cutting boards are naturally antibacterial and will actually neutralize 99.9% of bacteria left on the woodwithin 24 hours

you made that with a soldering iron? like you burned the design into the wood? if so, shit is cash, dude. nice job.