What was your favorite elementary school book series and why was it the Magic Tree House, Veeky Forums?

What was your favorite elementary school book series and why was it the Magic Tree House, Veeky Forums?

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It was Goosebumps and the Hardy boys, although Magic Tree House took a close third.

Mine was Eragon.

Calvin and Hobbes and Goosebumps

Judy Blume books were my sanctuary. God bless her.

I still want to fuck George.


Magic Tree House
A Series of Unfortunate Events

Bruce Coville novels

The Twenty-One Balloons

First love was pic related, then later Animorphs and CYOA books.

favorite was Series of Unfortunate Events but Tree House is close. I really loved Goosebumps too though. Actually what am I saying it was Harry Potter.

Captain Underpants

This and Harry Potter.

These and RIcky Roccota's Mighty Robot

My fave was American Thrillers. They weren't always good, but the good few that were, oh my god, pic related.

The. There was the Series of Unfortunate Events which I read every single book of and the Star Wars Extended Universe books, which always smelled old even though most of them weren't. I wish i still had the love to read I used to have as a child. Reading was my escape from reality as my life was shitty back then. I used to feel like I was in the story, just thinking about it gives me the most hardcore nostalgia. I remember finish the final book of the Series of Unfortunate events in a week and reading chunks of it over and over just because it seemed that good to me.

Also, forgot pic related.

that is very homosexual

I was in middle school, not elementary when this came out, but I wasted a lot of time re-re-reading this.

My niggggggahhhh

Pic related was my favorite book, for sure. Wayside School was great, also by Sachar. My favorite series though was probably Deltora Quest.

Fuck, I wish I liked reading now as much as I did in grade school.

A boy with a vagina is the best kind of girl.