Not Allowed

Think of all the good things we are missing out on due to moral panic and reactionary regulation by the FDA. How does this make you feel Veeky Forums?

i live in washington state
so, i feel pretty good about it

All I want to do is eat chemicals engineered specifically to taste good. I don't give a shit about what's healthy or filling, just give me more chemicals.

I feel glad not to be in the U.S.

Sucks that I can't get some of the best cheeses from France because they are made from raw milk (illegal)

Pic related probably pisses me off the most.
Some morons ate too many chips and got diarrhea and everyone freaked the fuck out and blamed olestra. The FDA freaked and made them stick a big warning label on everything and killed the product.
Turned out it wasn't the olestra people just can't control themselves around food.

How great would it be if I could buy 0 calorie oil to fry shit in. I would deep fry so much more often.

It wasn't just the tubbies eating an entire bag, it was eating a normal portion size and blowing out your ass as if you had eaten a pound of sugar free haribo gummy bears.

Don't worry, HFCS is still legal to pump into everything.
Bread, soft drinks, meat, cheese, milk, tap water, children...

they were great, but even eating appropriate service sizes gave me a greasy asshole

Diabetic foods sweetened with maltitol have a similar warning and it hasn't killed them - Frito-Lay is just incompetent.

Enjoy ur worms

I sure do lament missing out on cow pox.

That shit makes the best nestle quick i have ever tasted

fuck yeah

Gook catfish, and probably the tastiest and most mellow fish I have ever had. (I dislike strong fish.)
And people all over throw fits about it b/c of a few scare articles/adverts, which amount to "lol protectionism".

Sodium Cyclamate.
P. much the ONLY artificial sweetner ever created that doesn't taste like absolute shit.
And it's banned in the US (lol) because pannicky people read some reports that several animals SC was tested on developed cancer.
Fair enough, sounds like a sensible precaution right?
But none of the cancers were the same or even affecting the same thing, and no link could ever be attributed to cyclamate.
It was banned anyway because reasons.

Raw milk tastes fucking great man. I don't get why people think their going to fucking die drinking unpasteurised milk. Pasteurised milk was only created less than a century ago and everyone drank it "raw" before then and I Did them no harm.

I had no idea that milk browsed Veeky Forums, let alone could type.

What kind of tests? If they did one SC group and one placebo group, and the SC group had significantly more amounts of various cancers I think that's a pretty good reason to assume something about SC gives you cancer.
How shitty would the tests have to be to not see that kind of relationship or is that what it was and that wasn't good enough for you?

The CDC has this to say:

"Raw milk can cause serious infections. Raw milk and raw milk products (such as cheeses and yogurts made with raw milk) can be contaminated with bacteria that can cause serious illness, hospitalization, or death. These harmful bacteria include Brucella, Campylobacter, Listeria, Mycobacterium bovis, Salmonella, Shiga toxin-producing E. coli, Shigella, Streptococcus pyogenes, and Yersinia enterocolitica".

Yeah, raw milk - just what I need for my next suicide attempt!

"Can" is the key word. With healthy cows from a responsible dairy that has good safety and sanitary practices, and if your immune system isn't trash, there's no risk.

I pass a dairy on my way to campus. It's not even out in the boonies, it's like half an hour outside of downtown Houston. Been there a couple of times and got a tour through the facility on my first visit. It's a great place, small scale, and all of the animals were obviously healthy.

They also have to get inspected ridiculously often. Monthly, I think. I've never had any doubts about the safety of their products. If you're getting shitty raw milk from a shitty dairy, of course you're going to be at higher risk -- just like with anything else. Quality is important.

I used to eat the fuck out of olestra chips. My Mom and I could demolish a bag in one night, and neither of us peed out of our butts once. Was really fucking pissed when they banned it.

I see the issue now. Thing is, farms like this are rare as fuck in the USA. We have an industrialized farming system that produces a great deal of cheap food at the cost of sanitation, environmental devastation, and systematic animal cruelty.

>systematic animal cruelty.
Oh boy here were go

It isn't the CDC's job to give a shit about how much you enjoy your cheese

The CDC's job is to look at a product that 320,000,000 people consume every day, see that the product that accounts for less than 1% of total sales is responsible for 80% of all resulting illnesses, and then warn people that, hey, maybe you shouldn't be buying the product that is approximately 80,000% more likely to give you botulism

It's also not the fucking FDA that banned raw milk, which is fully legal to purchase in 2/3 of the country, it's those individual states that do so.

big government is bad, people should have freedom to make good or bad decisions for themselves

Don't get me wrong, I'm no vegetarian. I'm perfectly fine with eating meat and raising animals for it. But you have to admit the way we do it in the USA is just disgusting. They're animals yes, but they deserve at least a modicum of decency and comfort in their lives. They have some emotions after all.

we are blessed!
unpasteurised-milk-kun has joined this thread

Decisions like individual voters choosing to ban raw milk sales in their state because it makes people sick?

You filthy cave-dwellers will never appreciate the clean, fresh beauty of pure filtered skimmed milk.

I can drink milk just fine.

enjoy your brucellosis

oh wait you'll probably call it 'lyme disease' and rack up big bills trying to alt-med your way through it when oral abx don't do nuffink

pro-tip: intramuscular injections are painful as fuck and you'll need several courses

unless you can find someone prepared to dose you up with doxorubicin for a couple of days, but then you know you'll quite likely die

The turnip trachea is a nice detail

i drink raw milk almost everyday

Go ahead try it

Uh, having the infant mortality rate drop significantly after enforcing pasteurization doesn't seem like much of a moral panic.

Yeah, things like Kinder eggs and stuff is stupid, but the FDA really doesn't do the over reach thing much. They don't have the funding for it.

>best cheeses from France

you mean the shit that tastes like ammonia and smells like cat piss?

In Canada ground beef always has to be served well done.

When I went to the US I was so fucking confused when they asked me how I wanted my burger done.

feels good to live in commiefornia

Might as well not live at all if you're scared of bacteria that surrounds you every moment of your life.

Let us drink our raw shit and potentially die. Don't be the fool that thinks you are doing something good for the world by banning things that would never impact you anyways but ruin the fun for those that like it.

Pasteurization coincides with many medical practices at that time that decreased infant mortality. I'd also like to see solid causal evidence that pasteurization played a large role in that matter.

kek that pic

Gramen Farm?

Please show me one instance where the legalization of raw milk was left to the voters in a referendum and not a result of Big Dairy lobbying the legislature.

kek your post

>raw milk?
>shoot distributors on sight!
>untested antibiotics and preservatives?
>a little bit of poison is a-ok.

This shit serves corporate interests, solely.

>Please show me ANY instance where food safety was left to the illiterate Niggers & rekneck voters to decide

They are taking away vaping so I'm pretty mad about that.

As a farmer, I shake my head when sheeple purchase expensive organic-labeled foods; humans been messing with genetics for 1000's of years, aka the banana.

Aren't there other reasons Olestra is banned, or was pants shitting really the only reason it was banned in other countries prior?

I bought some dank ass cheese from whole foods a couple of months ago, and a week or so after buying it and eating it, I went to get more and it was recalled due to a listeria outbreak in that particular cheese.

I appreciate the concern, but just because one batch had it doesn't mean they all did. Most of this has to due with frivolity of lawsuits tho

>it did them no harm
Yeah I'm sure there's nothing wrong with dying in your 50's.

Damn son I really wanna drink milk with pasteurella in it!

I don't think I have ever encountered an actual paid shill before

Yes, they probably died en masse due to unpasteurised milk.

Maybe if drinking a glass of milk fucking kills you, you're supposed to die.

why do leftists/Neocons hate freedom so much?

Simple answer, both want the government to own and control you, but the neocons want the corporations to have free reign to exploit you as well.

When I was younger, I didn't give it much thought. Now that I've seen some shit, I am positive that some politician somewhere got a payday from Olestra getting banned.

Great. Milk is just about the only thing I think that the FDA should do.
It's hard for me to have a statist opinion, I only have three or four and this is one of them.

If you want meme milk, then buy a cow.

they'll sell this shit for a couple of years, then after a while a bunch of people will die and all us pasteurisers will say I told you so.