Write what's on your mind

Write what's on your mind

Saved that pic tho

It's raining really hard right now. Gonna watch the Bayern v. Atletico game.

what's on your mind


i love it to read book

Do you live in central Florida

also I'm on page 200 of Infinite Jest and wondering if I've been trolled

Really struggling with being redpilled and in uni. The other kids have nicknamed me 'Goebbels' because it almost sounds like my last name and because I often express redpilled views in class

Lmaoooo ayy

Love is a bitch and I wish I could erase this feeling


I'm 100% sure by now that women only develop feeling of compassion and empathy after 30 years of age.

This. It pains me so much that I'll never get to sniff her butthole. I mean that utterly unironically.
What are the chances she'll give me a thong she's worn if I promise never to contact her again?

I'd say pretty low.

here's something I wrote about knocking up the wrong girl several times and finding myself at a loss for how I ended up at a point in my life where a miscarriage was the best news of the year and not really talking to friends and senpai about it cause it was embarrassing as hell.

Some sadnesses are more graceful than others. The ones that you can admit to cashiers that ring up your white roses. Some sadnesses are just prettier than others. With balloons and Hallmark cards tailored to your tragedy. They tend to fit in. You'll find them at dinner tables and church sermons. You'll see them in movies, read about them in novels, Some sadnesses have a nice ring to them. They're exposed to a crowd of a million that sing along and nod their heads. Their nuances are made to rhyme. They're alluded to in album artwork. Sometimes sadness will be painted and sold at galleries, presented in oil pastel in a frame. The graceful sadness is the acceptable sadness. What then do I do with a tragedy like this one? The ugly portrait, the out of tune song, the unsettling memory, the sadness full of shame? I'll hold it in and bottle it up, because disgusting your audience only makes things worse.

Just some good old fashioned self loathing for the journal

>Being this lewd
Mate, I fell in love with my best friend's wife
Life is hell since then


I hope I get to see him this week.

I want to get all this shit off my errand list and get crossfaded.
Also about that errand list, I recently dreamed vividly which has not happened in a long time though just my luck it had to be a nightmare where I got in a bus (more like the bus, a line that has been shut down, and also going in the wrong direction) and I suddenly noticed that my stop was just there so I pressed the button and the driver jerked and the bus crashed and I wonder if this has to do with all my errands and goals and how I approach them, and what I am approaching/is approaching me as a consequence.
Also I watched Mulholland Dr. the next day and now I kind of feel like reading Freud's Interpretation of Dreams.

>Write what's on your mind

What this world needs is a true Chas. Schulz font.

I'm bored.

I spend so much time reading and typing in English that I lost the mannerisms and nuances of my own language.

Trying to determine if I should bother trying the hard road with almost 0% chance at any reward, or the easy road with nearly a 100% chance with barely a reward.

Oh, and also trying to decide whether I go full immersive writing, using special snowflake terms in the connective writing, or halfway immersive where only the dialogue uses the special snowflake terms.