Milk Chocolate

Milk Chocolate

Fleeting thoughts?

too much sugar, not enough cocoa

I'm having a really shitty Easter so far, and I can't afford any food this week
I could really go for some nostalgia chocolate

i need chocolate with 95% cocoa help me

>Fleeting thoughts?

They're gone

Dark chocolate or literally nothing

I dont think i've ever had chocolate that tastes nearly as good as Cadbury's

Like, ridiculously expensive super chocolate only ever tastes basically okay

Just guzzle down a fucking spoonful of cocoa powder then you daft cunt

>not enjoying all kinds of chocolate
>even non-chocolate white chocolate

I'm sure the internet thinks you're mature.

>cocoapowder without sugar, the better the quality the better the result
>tiny bit of coconutoil (heat if needed)
>sugar oder syrup to taste
>optional: add frozen berries and cover them thinly with the cocoamixture

buy 100% woman

milk chocolate is not even chocolate

Not bad, but I prefer dark. Too sweet and diluted to have straight up imo, but if that is your thing go for it.

Really good for candybars.

Anyone that disagrees is either a child or a pretentious faggot.

It's okay but I'm allergic

its no different than people getting a coffee and filling it up with creme and shit.


Lindt. their 98% is god-tier.

>enjoying sugar

I'm sure the internet think's your 5 years old.

Candy. Any questions?

The gummy flan looks pretty dope.

Any chocolate is perfectly fine.
With a single caveat: So long as it's not made by hershey.

Those niggers have fucking idea what they are doing, and every piece of hershey "chocolate" I've ever had has tasted like someone swept a fire grate into the mixing pan then tipped sour milk all over it.
Bitter sickly bullshit, and utterly revolting. (Biased eurofag.)

Cadbury is prob. the best all round milk choc for quality vs cost.
Lindt is superior but more expensive. Godly for dark.
Mosser Roth is also p. good if you can find it.
Trumpf is okay if you like sweet aryan things.
Choceur is bargain material, yet is somehow still okay.

I don't think you can legally sell that in several states

we have 99% dark chocolate in publix here in based Florida

visit a good shop

>read about Butyric acid
>can't un-taste the vomit now

Yeah. Where are the gummy octopi?

I like milk chocolate. Beyond 50% tastes horrible, shit chocolate and shit cocoa taste. When I want pure cocoa taste, I eat nibs. Dark is for tryhards.

>getting elitist over the types of candy that you ruin your teeth with

Yes. Gummy over Cuckolate any day of the week.

>I can't or won't brush my teeth, I'm definitely better for refusing one less enjoyment in my life!