What's your go to stoner meal at home?

what's your go to stoner meal at home?

Salties. Also kys

A bullet

nice...ive never heard of these

Grilled cheese.

When I don't know what to do or don't have enough for something, grilled cheese.

Alternatively, something with potatoes. Lots of potatoes on a pan.

Spaghetti and meatballs.

none, i dont do weed

hell ill do anything else. i dont need a drug to turn me into a giggling baby. give me downers to sleep or uppers to get shit done. i relax enough with my booze

> I don't need a drug
> I got my booze


PB&J with a glass of milk. There's nicer things to do but it's easy and something I've had since I was little. Feels comfy.

>i don't need a drug
>i relax with my hard, extremely dangerous drug
you okay pal?

>extremely dangerous
Eh, alcohol is moderately dangerous at worst. Assuming you're not retarded or predisposed to addiction it's barely dangerous at all.

Fish finger sandwich, baked potatoes, and a cup of builder's.

I don't smoke weed and I only drink water. Why would you purposely make yourself less intelligent?

i put ginger, garlic and oil in a pot, add organic crunchy peanutbutter, water, and whatever i have thats spicy

and i eat it like some kind of hot spicy peanutbutter soup


i put ginger, garlic and oil in a pot, add organic crunchy peanutbutter, water, and whatever i have thats spicy and through it in the bin and nip to the chippy and get a lamb donor and 12 pint cans of Stella. If the missus is up for it i give her a bang if not her head gets banged off the wardrobe.

Growing up and getting a job and not smoking weed in my parents basement at 23.


jokes on you i'm 24 and live on my own
sorry you don't do what you want in your own home, that's a real shame

>i don't do drugs!
>freely admits to drinking

I like to bake while baking. A few days ago, I made a big nice batch of pita bread, cooked'em, stuffed'em with tomato sauce and cheese, threw'em in the oven. Makes for a nice hangover cure.

>he lives somewhere in which pot - the least harmful drug out there - is still illegal

Flyovers, every fucking time.

You can say that about any dangerous drug or activity. But some of these activities result in far more deaths, so go fuck yourself.

Fried bologna, cheese and egg sammich. But only if its the shitty kraft singles cheese

Lol u lived with ur parents all the way into ur 20s?? Fuckin manchild i smoke weed all day everyday and i thought i moved out late at 19.
How the fuck can you be a grown man and be unable to support urself.._