Why are US tacos made with an hard shell?

Why are US tacos made with an hard shell?
Soft shell is better

Subtle FDA chemical shill.

I agree, however, don't knock the corn because the wheat's poison.

how flyover can you be

cronchy only gud if dorite

I only like soft flour tortillas. I am American.

I see all those taco Bell add with hard shell

What you guys are eating aren't tacos anymore

Corn tortillas are infinitely better

>taco bell is the only tacos in america
are you retarded?

It's the main one it looks like

using this nice picture for your shitty discussion about tacos

Taco Bell actually has soft shell too, I usually get those if I'm getting their tacos.

>Why are US tacos made with an hard shell?

Texmex beats the shit out of Mexican food. Choke on some gristle, faggots.

Nah. Authentic goat rectum and crickets is way better

Hard shell = Taco Bell and those awful storebox kits.

I'm pretty sure with all the Mexicans we have that flour tortillas outnumber hard corn shells by a huge factor. I live in north Dallas and there's one Taco Bell in my town, but at least 30+ different Mexican places using soft flour tortillas made the day of.

They use both actually. When I was in Texas, my friend took me all over the place and we kept returning to this "fast" food restaurant. I think it was called Rosa's Cafe. For being a a somewhat fast paced restaurant, it was actually pretty fucking good.

>at least 30+ different Mexican places using soft flour tortillas made the day of.
I think you mean corn

>Ye olde crumbfag

San Antonio here, successful places do both

Generally I like soft better, but the crunch and flavor of a hard shell is just the thing I want sometimes.

texture of corn tortillas are bad. REALLY bad

America has both because freedom of choice because Capitalism

enjoy your one style of commie tacos you fucking Russian

Blini tacos?

Easier for them to get extra salt into the meal.

How retarded you have to be to say that

In southern California there are mostly soft corn tortillas at family owned Mexican food joints but some do serve the hard shell for some dishes. Usually only see flour tortillas for burritos and quesadillas at some of the more fast food type eateries like an Albertacos.

We've come full circle.

Well he's from Texas, where participation in Special Ed is required for proof of residency

This thread is miraculously bad. Jack threads are the gold standard in comparison.

Hard shell tacos are tastier, but it's more finicky putting together a bunch of tacos. They keep falling over and there isn't enough space for everything etc.
Soft flour tacos aren't as tasty, and you get full faster, but it's more comfortable.

Thanks for making this thread again. Fucking OBSESSION.

Fried corn tortillas are the best. The perfect mix of soft and crunchy.

I miss the really thin flour tortillas we could buy freshly made or uncooked and frozen from multiple places around here. It's almost all California, Baja, and TexMex now... not that any of that is bad, I just miss the Sonoran stuff.

Almost every taco shop here in San Diego serves American-style tacos in both soft and hard shell (which is just a soft corn taco quickly fried on both sides), stuffed with pico de gallo, lettuce, and shredded cheddar. The only time I don't see hard-shell as an option is when they're "street tacos", the little cilantro-topped tacos most Mexicans think of.

I like putting a hard shell inside of a soft shell so I still have that awesome crunch with no mess.