Well Veeky Forums?

Well Veeky Forums?


Some Pulp master race.


They put fish in this

sugar water

>drinking no pulp

might as well drink Hawaiian Punch

No pulp
I don't like stuff in my beverages, I can barely even tolerate ice in my drinks.

I prefer only-pulp, get on my level

Option C: extra pulp.

I always get extra pulp and serve it on ice.

Dem textures.


People started coming down on orange juice all of a sudden, it's weird.

Most orange juice is the equivalent of soda

I.E. crazy amounts of added sugar to give it more flavor. That and the fact people think it'll make them less sick if they drink lots of it while they're sick.

As much pulp as possible.

The health blogs and op-ed documentaries and Atkins mouthpieces these pseuds get all their dietary advice from started to rail against orange juice, so, like a blind parrot, Veeky Forums must follow! Heavens forbid you actually put effort into procuring a brand of juice that has no sugar added, or - GASP - squeezing your own.

Really it's just credulous keto nonsense as usual from the fad diet crowd.

Yeah, even walmart carries orange juice with one ingredient - oranges.

>people spend $3 more to have their concentrate and water mixed for them


Pulp tastes like someone ripped up a piece of paper and stirred it into perfectly good juice. I nearly vomited the one time I tried it.


Supermarket own brand costs 1/3 price and tastes the exact same


This. There's no reason to spend a large amount of money on anything that has been shipped. Look up how orange juice is processed. Some fancy (read: expensive and pretentious) stores sell juice that they squeezed that day. If you're going to shell out anything more than what's needed for OKAY-VALU HI-FINE KINDAFRESH generic oj, you should get that.

Or juice your own.